Russian PKP being tested with a belt-feeding backpack. Holy shit.
TAPCO the nation
Pretty sure those are Ukrainian aren't they?
If you're not first, you're last
looks shopped
I wanted this to be standard issue so bad
They've been in use there for years, though previous iterations didn't have that fancy feed.
My rifle company has like ten of them and we're just a random ass company
Noone uses them because they're annoying as fuck to fix
The US has been doing that since at least 'nam
Never used an MG, let alone in the military, so gotta ask:
Besides cool factor, are these things worth the bulk and complexity compared to the carrying regular belts of ammo? I'd imagine if there was some stoppage with the belt these would make it much harder to fix.
What’s that black thing falling? A link that held the rounds together? Do they just detach at certain intervals?
user, you do raise some good points. The machine gunner would also be carrying his own rucksack and personal items. The back pack seems like it would work for a raid or a "short" mission.
they are, look at the uniform
rounds are stripped from the links as part of the cycle of operations
As a machine gunner you always have a partner to split up the load.
In this case, your buddy would be carrying your standard shit since you're carrying the ammo (that he would normally carry)
>t. M2 gunner.
You can buy them
The weight + cost + awkwardness when using while prone makes them impractical. They're also a big snag hazard.
Look at these two pics:
Notice how the Russian version's belt can barely bend compared to the US examples. It is part of the reason why the units who tried them abandoned them
Jams @ the 45 sec mark.
i carried ammo for the SAW gunner in my unit in afghanistan. jams aren't in the belt. I dont see how that setup would complicate anything. i personally never saw the backpack belt, but that picture is from either afganistan or iraq, so i guess they were used. probably by special forces or something. obviously not for rucking or long dismounted patrols.
No such thing.
actually even before that; I saw some 1950's newspaper articles about the "future warrior" projects of the day, which included the new "aluminum alloy rifle" (M16), chambered in .222rem (yes, not a typo), feeding from a 200rnd belt, feeding from a crate on the soldier's back.
>550 rounds of ammunition without reloading
Fucking awesome. I wonder how much the full backpack weighs...
Anyone got some ideas?
Pecheneg is rightful Finnish clay!
Math is hard.
7.62x54R is 30grams a round, there is 550 rounds, ammo pack weight 4.1kg. Can't find specs of belt weight but is probably negligible considering the whole unit.
>no earpro
If only they had a device to feed new barrels from the backpack as well...
We TF2 n' shit
What they need to do is have a revealed section so you can reload the belt in the backpack.
30x550 is 16,500, so that ammo would weigh 16.5 kilos, not 4.1... Math really is hard for you isn't it?
>500 rounds of 762x54R
>russians having good gear
this photo is fake,they would all be carrying mosins and shitty AKM's,not advanced and suped up PKP's and AK-74's with muzzle brakes and flashlights.
Both the PKP and the AK are pimped to the limit with Zenitco parts. Zenit probably sponsors them.
All russian gear is ww2 surplus.
>i just like poking fun at how poorly equipped russains are
7.62x54r uses non-disintegrating links
Yet another thing we can’t have
he means the empty pack
Question. How do these top covers work? Do they have the same return to zero problems the US manufactured tailed top covers have?
There is some tests showing they hold zero pretty well, but i can't find the video right now. Larry Vickers also said it works just fine.
I found this comment in American forum:
>The only railed top cover that I will ever use is Zenit's. I had a TWS covers few builds and they did not hold zero. The Zenit top cover is freaking robust as hell and has no movement. The main anchor of the Zenit top cover is the lower handguard. It you install your Zenit lower handguard correctly, you will have no issues. The TWS, on the other hand, anchors from the rear sight bast and, from that point, there is a ton of play. TWS is a no-go for me. It's cheaply made and blows compared to the Zenit cover.
What are those belt cover things called? They look fucking cool.
its an upside down mg34 belt
I hadn't seen the pic before and I wouldn't know 100% but that's not ukranian camo per se, ukrainians use MM-14 and that's multicam (probably a local bootleg in any case) which is used by both countries' special forces.
Moreover, that's a PKP, which is not in official use by UA, and while it could be captured, the russians are pretty protective about their PKP's, preferring to deplete their stocks of pkm's as they ramp up production on the PKP (I've even seen russian troopers in syria with the original model PK).
What's more, that PKP is all decked out in Zenitka attachments, so all in all, I would bet on russian.
Not like it matters anyway, I love russkie gear and guns, but all of those silly future souldier crap is a bunch of nothingness.
Ukraine can`t use russian PKP Pecheneg and its russian belt feed backpack "Skorpion"
Already in Syria. Look at the left machinegunner
Its russian Irkutsk "rosgvard" SOBR (SWAT) police.
This technology has existed for DECADES.
What is that muzzle device? A suppressor? It almost looks like a cup grenade launcher.
Amerimutt is seething holy shit
I'm more interested with this.
A belt fed gun loaded almost as easily as a mag fed one, thats pretty cool.
>showing that it's not a completely unique idea is seething now
Go back to /gif/
>advanced and suped up PKP's and AK-74's with muzzle brakes and flashlights
>muzzle brakes and flashlights
It's advanced for Russia
It's a mk48.
>yes YES ye- I said I need a 5 foot long magazine sweater