wtf i love the PSL now
Wtf i love the PSL now
it was never very good. i'm honestly surprised Ian made a video on it
people only shit-talk the PSL because they're fucking expensive for what they are.
this things still go for $800-900?
>people only shit-talk the PSL because they're fucking expensive for what they are.
Bought mine with the entire magazine kit and scope for something like $400. Felt like I got fucked over. It's complete shit desu. Sold it for $950 years ago and felt like a jew.
>inb4 some dumb niggers claim it's an MOA gun like they did last thread
It's a 2MOA gun before it heats up with Lapua brass handloads btw.
After 10 shots it's a solid 5+ MOA performer.
He doesn't do videos because things are good, he does it because they're interesting, or because people keep being wrong about it and it annoys him. I think this is the latter -- somebody called a PSL a Dragunov once too often, so next time he spotted one for auction he videoed it to set everyone straight.
Fuck had an opportunity to buy one off a guy at a gun show for 1000 bucks in 2012. I royally fucked up and bought an sks instead. I even had the cash on me and I regret it everyday
Did you buy a factory build or someones school project?
>It's a 2MOA gun before it heats up with Lapua brass handloads btw.
>After 10 shots it's a solid 5+ MOA performer.
So basically a Mini 14 or Mini 30
>After 10 shots it's a solid 5+ MOA performer.
Why do you think that happens?
Are barrels paper thin or what?
Are they going to import these ever again ?
all the ones that made it to america were someones school project levels of quality
Anyone who doesn't remember posting on Jow Forums while J&G still had these for the same price as a WASR needs to leave.
>you will never see $499 autonuggets again
Contrary to faggot belief; the AK action isn't inherently inaccurate. It was copied from the m1 garand which then became the m14 which was pulled out of armories and fitted with sage ebr stocks to shoot the taliman in the early oughts as a DMR. The AK action can be made accurate especially when you use a ballistically superior caliber to 7.62x39.
TLDR: Fuck you nigger
i will let myself out now
So it's an overgrown AK, that shoots as accurately as an AK, for the price of an AK?
I don't understand why you feel ripped off.
If Mini 14s were in glorious imperial russian cartridge 7.62x54r nugget food, sure.
they're just RPK barrels, not meant to take x54r. At the end of the day its a DMR so its not like they're meat to be popping off dozens of rounds a minute so im sure in combat they work decent enough.
Just a PSA to all of you PSL or Dragunov owners out there. When shooting it, if possible do not hold it by the handguard but rather by the receiver or magazine because the handguard is not freefloated and will absolutely affect your POI.
So it's a scaled up AK like the Zavasta? How does that make it an inherently bad DMR?
the barrel is thin and it heats up quickly which kills your accuracy.