Alright Jow Forums, how do you carry your truck guns and what do you carry?
I carry my Arminius Titan Tiger 38 special between my seats like so. Loaded with cheap 158 grain JHP.
Alright Jow Forums, how do you carry your truck guns and what do you carry?
I carry my Arminius Titan Tiger 38 special between my seats like so. Loaded with cheap 158 grain JHP.
no truck gun country. Ask nother question.
How is hunting when ever the fuck you feel like it? That’s the dream, homes.
I carry a Makarov with 3 clips in my truck.
Post Swaandri
>being an obnoxious douchebag that doesn't go offroad or work in a construction site but owns a truck just so he can tailgate and be a road bully in general
this is the only proper way
Its alright, still have to drive places so its like a monthly at best. No different from fishing really.
okey doke.
You sound like a fucking pussy.
>t. manlet that wears a monster energy drink cap and a perfectly trimmed beard that road rages at old ladies
>road rages at old ladies
Why do people do this, they can just go around them
Everyone that drives a brodozer is a douchebag that road rages over the most minor things, no exceptions.
People who do this are small manners with micro peni. Pic related muh pickup what a real truck looks like.
Also truck guns are a meme these days, great way to have your guns stolen by nogs/meth heads. I keep a g19 or LC9s on me depending on the weather.
In cali,tokarev locked in glove box. With 4 mags on me at all times. and an mp5 in the trunk with a crow bar, armor, first aid and some beans and rice just in case
It's when you can't that it's a problem. No, I just realize that trucks have a lot of utility, and like to have one if I need one. I don't dd a giant truck like a retard.
Semi auto 12gauge or something with a stg trigger group and a sort of cover over it with a tube stock from ? \_____ looks familiar. You can see some crude welds
Glawck brand glawck in the center console
I didn't realize the Makarov used clips.
I too carry a macaroni in my jeep, though I carry two spare magazines.
Does a gun in my prius count as a trunk gun? Because I lock it in the trunk so police don't shoot me for having it
truck gun
didn't mean trunk twice
Maybe, depends on what you carry in there
>not having filename as makarovi and cheese
Not even fucking macaroni noodles.
You had ONE job.
How many misfires have you had from just driving over a simple speed bump?
25acp pocket gun. Don't want them finding it tucked in by my taint. It's just going to be awkward for all of us taking it out if they don't want me to have it on me while I'm detained.
Glawk 17 MOS with a Deltapoint and 2 spare mags loaded with HST 124gr +P's in the center console. I want to have some kind of rig so it is a bit quicker to grab but doing that exponentially raises the risk of someone taking it from you via a broken window.
Any of my pistols maybe considered a "truck" gun since my CEO doesn't allow weapons on company property but can leave them in our vehicles.
H&K USP Compact in 40 S&W cause if I get a pistol stolen it's going to be the plastic pistol in an odd caliber round.
Leaving guns in your car when you don't have to is utterly retarded.
Misfires are kind of what you'd want in that situation.
Your plastic grips are broke.
This is why truck guns are a bad idea. They don't get maintenance, they get baked and frozen and moisture. They break when you need it to shoot a stop sign.
you gotta admit its kinda lame to have a giant truck and only use it for going for comunting to your lame job from the suburbs
but user i pull a boat about once a month and sit at my desk job, why bully me for choice of vehicle
I keep my G43 on my person breddy much all the time. If I were to keep a gun in the car I’d lean towards massive firepower so I’d just keep my AR pistol under the front seat with a 30rd mag loaded with Hornady TAP and ready to rock. Convince me not to do this.
Only bad thing is if some crackhead sees the muzzle pointing out from under the seat he may smash my windows for it.
That is a fine truck user.
Hey you can never have to many shells
As long as you’re using shotshells this is ok by me.
Tube on top, with an mg42 firing group?
I never knew I needed this
Toss a couple of fast food wrappers around your back seat. Everyone will think you're some fat fuck who has nothing of value and barely cares about his car. Clearly you have nothing of value if you have trash from Taco Bell and Burger King king all over the place.
Get btfo noodle boys, shells master race.
get your Hyundai out of the left lane, faggot
Why does your pistol have a cracked handle?
Cause that's how I got it from the police auction. Got a replacement grip coming in for 10 bucks though
W-what about being a farmer, user?
How does yours shoot? I'm thinking of picking one up
Who are you referring to?
Not him, but I wouldn't go this far. Keep your car looking nice.
The one thing I can't wrap my head around is faggots who slap a million pro-gun stickers (NRA, 2A, gun club, gun brand, etc.) on their vehicles. It's just begging for someone to target your vehicle and take your "truck gun." The whole idea that criminals will somehow be too afraid of all your gun bullshit to break in is ridiculous. It's very easy for someone to break in when you're not around (movies, concerts, sporting events, overnight, etc.). So if you've plastered gun stickers all over the place, please grow up and remove that cringey nonsense.
The Titan tiger
Thx user, I’ve replaced nearly everything except drive train because it sat for like five years after my dad passed (176k miles!). It’s like a brand new 20+ year old truck.
Nice GMT400. You should do the fleet front clip conversion so you can put some good headlights on that.
yeah fuck following harvestable surplus and possible species extinction.
fucking retard
My tiger shoots pretty good. The trigger break for SA is amazing for the beat up shit it is, DA isn't too heavy for it to be a problem. It also has enough weight for the recoil to be fairly light for a 38
>there is one use for pickups
Take your Prius and shove it
Trips confirm that faggot drives a prius
Who's to say he doesn't hunt things classified as vermin?
> Not having a Prius for commuting to "work"
> and a Pickup for doing actual work
Why are you such a faget, user?
>being intimidated like a little beta bitch boy because Chad has a truck
What's wrong with a prius?
>inb4 "It's a pussy car, i need everyone to recognize me for the man i really am!"
Hybrids have shit for power so they're only good if you're an innacity cuck.
Who can possibly live without the ability to pass slower vehicles?
>will it fit
Neither does some jackasses lifted Toyo Taco on 35's that i pass. Also, no governor.
>Passing vehicles
See above
>Now for the Pro's
$15 bucks to fill up for a 400 mile range
Paid off cuz nobody wants a used one
Best grayman vehicle, massive hiding spot under trunk carpet
Looks gay, sure.
People road rage easier expecting a manlet cuck
sounds like a truckbro fucked your girl and you still havent gotten over it
He’s my neighbor?
Anytime I'm out I've got my AK in a gutted golf bag laying across the back seats in addition to my CCW. When I get back to the house though, all the guns come out of the vehicle and are secured inside