well Jow Forums is it realistic
Well Jow Forums is it realistic
No there's no minorities or women.
>no lgbt friendly squads
What kind of cis racist WH*TOID homophobe made this garbage?
whats the point of playing an unpopular, realistic WW1 game when no one cares about BF1 anymore?
the only reason to play verdun was to feel superior to BF1 players. now that BF vee has been announced everyone is moving to post scriptum
I loved it, but the servers were always so empty
who cares if it's realistic, it's fucking dead. ain't no fun to be had playing dead multiplayer games
It's the Red Orchestra of WW1. Damn shame more people don't play it. Tannenberg is pretty based too, but I'm not a fan of the bots.
*jump shoots you around the corner*
What do you think?
Yes, but when you play it for a long time you realize a lot of its flaws
>Entente has better MGs for attacking trenches (cant hipfire any German MGs, can hipfire all Entente ones except for the Hotchkiss) this isnt really a flaw, just annoying to deal with as a Fritz
>net code seems weird sometimes, jump into cover but still get shot even though Im directly behind cover on my screen
>squad defence game mode is incredibly unrefined, its impossible to hold the trench due to the fact that the trench gets capped when the team is too outnumbered, not when the team is dead, like how the multiplayer matches work
>no one plays as squad leader and that leads to you running accross no-mans-land way too often
>inconsistant grenades that either dont kill anything at point blank range but will sometimes kill everything in a twenty foot radius
Other than that, I'd say its definitely worth the money, the flaws are worth it considering its the only realistic WW1 vidya on the market. Landser squad a best btw
I actually play it a lot during the day when i'm off, I'm friends with near everyone on the MP unless my retarded cousin joins and starts spamming NIGGER FUCKI FUCKI. Rhyosode is my user for anyone interdasted in playing tonight.
Am I the only who actually enjoys playing as SL ?
nah, I do too, I wait completely still and call mortars on enemy MG's and snipers to clear the way for friendly squads.
Move forwards asshole, you're the squads spawn point.
*tips piss cover*
I do, I get within about 15 yards of the enemy trench in cover so they don't get mowed down instantly or spawned on trench walls and shit.
I remember my great grandfather telling me about the time he dodged 8 German bullets by strafe dancing and then jumpshot the guy who was firing at him.
Your pep pep was leet
Played Post Scriptum today, its fucking 12/10
What's with the first person gas mask
Are you retarded?
Verdun was around and had a dedicated Jow Forums fanbase long before BF1 was ever a thing.
Do you have a link to the movie, retard?
the amount of newfags in here is astounding.
Gay shill /v/ thread. Fuck off and die, loser.
>the only reason to play verdun was to feel superior to BF1 players.
You are quite sad if that is how you pick which vidya to play.
Wish I could play it, too bad it has such shit optimization I can't play it without turning video quality to PS2 with a GTX 780. And it has the same problem every dead MP game has of only being played by max level autists so you can't have any fun.
Haha you're poor.
I use to play it. It's my most played multiplayer game, but when BF1 was released, the community died, so I left. It was a good time though, I miss it.
Its great when you can get a decent squad working together.
I also love that you can use the aperture sights on the Enfield & Bren.