Whats your favorite pistol Jow Forums? Mine is pic related.
Also favorite carry weapon? mine is glock 19
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That's not a pistol. It's a "firearm".
It’s not a pistol. It’s a firearm.
That’s a firearm. Not a pistol
Which reminds me, I asked a local policeman today about the minimum length of a pistol. He said he didn't know and that I would have to look it up with the ATF.
That is, maximum length of course, for my AR pistol to still be a pistol so that I can treat it as a pistol for purposes of my conceal carry pistol license while transporting it loaded in my car.
Thats not a pistol. Its a firearm.
If it has a rifled bore, then there's no minimum barrel length. The definition of a Title II AOW excludes rifled handgun barrels specifically. law.cornell.edu
not a pistol, that's a firearm newfag
don't dazzle me with your fancy word salad
Pistol that is not.
Firearm, it be.
They don't think it be a firearm instead of a pistol, but it do.
>posts firearm
>calls it a pistol
I can't believe you've done this
PPQ glock 19 made on revolver tooling from Beretta and chambered in 454 casual.
Oh man, I love pistols!
Me too.
is that a supersized mac 10 chambered in 12g with an mp5 grip and trigger block?
Heck of a shotgun
8" barrel 300aac AR with KAK brace.
OAL is currently 23 7/8".
I'm pretty sure I read that the OAL beyond a certain measure redifines it from a pistol to an AOW.
fuck y'all beat me to it.
Why would you ask a policeman? They might know the law a little better than the average citizen, but they're generally clueless about parts of the law they don't ever have to deal with. And since basically nobody carries around "pistols" or "firearms" derived from long gun platforms, the maximum length (if any) for a pistol in your state is one of those parts they don't know.
Just read the laws yourself, or if you're too lazy to do that, post your state here and someone who has read 'em might be kind enough to give you the gist.
First, that's bullshit; while you're a fool if you don't leave some margin in case their tape measure is stretchier than yours, the actual threshold is 26". Be careful with the details; they matter.
Second, see , he's clearly concerned with his state law, not federal law. State definitions don't always match federal, e.g IN's law defines "handgun" as
>any firearm
>(1) designed or adapted so as to be aimed and fired from one (1) hand, regardless of barrel length; or
>(2) any firearm with:
> (A) a barrel less than sixteen (16) inches in length; or
> (B) an overall length of less than twenty-six (26) inches.
Thus any SBR, and SBSes or Shockwave-type Firearms with barrels less than 16" all are considered handguns and require a carry permit. But a Cruiser-style Firearm could be carried with no permit, even if the barrel is cut down to 16.x".
You read wrong.
As long as you keep it designed to be fired from one hand (i.e. no buttstock and no vertical front grip), it's a pistol no matter the barrel or overall length.
If you make it designed to be fired with two hands (add a VFG), it stops being a pistol, and becomes a Title 1 Firearm if OAL is over 26", or an AOW if OAL is under 26".
If you make it designed to be shouldered (add buttstock), it stops being a pistol, and becomes either an ordinary rifle (if OAL is over 26" AND barrel is over 16") or an SBR (if OAL is under 26" OR barrel is under 16").
>If you make it designed to be fired with two hands (add a VFG), it stops being a pistol, and becomes a Title 1 Firearm if OAL is over 26", or an AOW if OAL is under 26".
Okay, I guess this is where I was getting confused. So, if there's not VFG, length doesn't matter.
It should be noted that an AFG doesn't qualify. Only a VFG makes it not a pistol.
How do you do fellow assault rifles
So as long as it's over 26 inches, it can have a VFG and no stamp?
Correct, although there's currently some confusion as to whether OAL is measured with a collapsible/folding brace extended or retracted. It was well-established that OAL is measured extended, but suddenly ATF busted some FFL and all their customers apparently on the basis of measuring with braces collapsed. This came out within the past week, so it's not completely clear if this is a change in atf's official interpretation of the law, or just some agent getting confused.
Favorite supressed 22lr pistol
I went the 300blk route. Digging the Shockwave brace either way.
My 300bl
Muh scout cause walnut is better than plastic.