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think they swing with Ian?
I like their cnR arsenal vids. I like hickcock45s and forgottenweapons and iraqveteran88 and britishmuzzleloaders and capandball.
What I see here is gun grabbers trying to turn gun lovers against people who make gun content. This makes me fucking angry so I'll donate to a few of the above and thank them or entertaining me.
For whatever reason you live OP. End it. I'm not even joking.
huh? is there a retard translator in the house, or do i need to ask Jow Forums?
Both know about guns and love them as opposed to these anons
Who are no gunz faggots of no interest or value here
>gun grabbers trying to turn gun lovers against people who make gun content
That sounds a lot like wishful thinking on your part. I doubt gun grabbers care at all if you like a channel about bolt action rifles from the 1890's. This is people so obsessed with looking for political boogeymen that they would cut off their nose to spite their face.
>I'll donate to a few of the above
But by all means, please do that.
>huh? is there a retard translator in the house, or do i need to ask Jow Forums?
Translation 'me no gunz durr hurr"
You leave Fan'n'Fuzzy and MaeBae alone!
>That sounds a lot like wishful thinking on your part. I doubt gun grabbers care at all if you like a channel about bolt action rifles from the 1890's. This is people so obsessed with looking for political boogeymen that they would cut off their nose to spite their face.
No one could be that retarded surely. I always thought the attacks on hickock, ian and now C&Rsenal were from gub banning obsessives trying to co-opt simpletons into attacking gun content makers. Its simply impossible that people couldd be so retarded to attack gun content entertainment because of their screwy little notions that everyone must think the same as they.
OP. Fuck off this is top class stuff
Glad to know you're watching. C'mon by Discord whenever.
We've been playing a LOT of RS2 lately.
Fair digs on the memes but they help the base audience get a rhythm going instead of just wading in way too much data without any structure.
I get a lot of shit for the show being neutral but I think if EVERY route to gun knowledge is gate-kept by politics of one side or another, people won't branch out as easily.
I still voice my opinions, just not through a history channel.
Not othais nigger fag
>I get a lot of shit for the show being neutral
That's pretty fucked, honestly. Channels like C&Rsenal and Forgotten Weapons are for historical and mechanical engineering interests way more than they are about shooting in a modern context, and it would be pretty awful if they had politics shoehorned into them.
Othias, what should I buy next a SMLE or a 1891 Carcano?
Price wise Carcano has more room to grow right now.
Nothing wrong with them. They make video guns on the old guns they love for people who also love old guns (like me).
What's your favorite team, class and gun?
It shall be done my master.
On the off chance you are they. Any chance of a snider special with British muzzleloaders?
Also love to see the swiss 1878/81
VC, Rifleman, Mosin (squad leader usually)
Gross, stop that
I'm actually hoping to involve Rob in our Martini episode.
When we get out of WWI we can go nuts.
>I get a lot of shit for the show being neutral but I think if EVERY route to gun knowledge is gate-kept by politics of one side or another, people won't branch out as easily.I still voice my opinions, just not through a history channel.
As a published historian I try and nail history down to facts cited my multiple unconnected references, that is fact, establishment of truth, like metallurgy, ballistics etc facts don't have a political angle they just are. Mostly a 19th/18/17th century collector but enjoy your stuff
still confused, what is the relationship between othais and mae?
>I'm actually hoping to involve Rob in our Martini episode. When we get out of WWI we can go nuts
Top stuff.
Polyamorous kissing cousins.
The face of onions.
>k-Karl please don't interrupt me NO PLEASE DADDY DON'T HIT ME IM SORRY
No I want an 1891 Carcano first.
>When we get out of WWI
I think it's been mentioned that the show would go on to cover World War II era stuff but I would much rather see it go back further, to "Guns of the Old West" or something along those lines. I have little interest in hearing about the Thompson or the MG42, as those have been covered to death, but I would love a C&Rsenal episode on the Merwin-Hulbert revolver.
I guess that's probably the opposite of true for broad appeal, though.
kinda hot desu
he does have guns tho? (see OP background)
>he does have guns tho? (see OP background)
That's a picture of the people Op is speging at in this case C&Rsenal. Just donated and also britishmuzzleloaders
C&Rsenal is the only channel my gal will bother watching 'cos Mae is on it. They explained Italian Vetterlis to her, something I would have previously thought impossible.
>I'll donate to a few of the above and thank them or entertaining me.
I would definitely rather people donate to channels like C&Rsenal, I think Hickok45 probably gets enough money on his own.
While I agree with you that most of the WWII-era stuff has been done to death, there are a lot of interesting inter-war guns.
I've been meaning to for a while so C&Rsenal, capandball britishmuzzleloaders but will also back hickhock and iraqiveteran8888 and forgottenweapons because they give me good entertainment and I like the gunz I like, I share their enthusiasm for old gunz its fair to throw them a few bucks.
I don't think you're wrong, but I don't think there's anything C&Rsenal could cover that hasn't already been done well enough by Forgotten Weapons, since Ian gets better access to collections and does not have the requirement of actually having to shoot the thing, which seems like a bigger pain to make happen than the actual research.
19th century....gun paradise, from the ANIX to the lebel, from the brown bess to the martini...all the trials rifles, from the needle gun to the 98 from the Springfield charleville clone to the Springfield. Its the historical continuation backwards from ww1
>which seems like a bigger pain to make happen than the actual research.
I do this, I shoot original 2/3 band sniders, swiss, Enfield 56s/53s/58s, mauser 71s etc
It connects me with history. Not everyone's thing but I love it
After I get mine I'll link you one for you.
I agree with you completely, I was speaking specifically on interwar and World War II guns on that post. An 1861 Springfield would be outside the scope of Forgotten Weapons or many other projects but well within the scope of C&Rsenal, so I would personally rather see that than "hey look at this MG34."
BTW did you know sniders WERE used in WW1?
I like iraqvererans old gun shoots (e.g snider vetterli)but would love to see a full range of groups and at what distance when people shoot them, britishmuzzleloaders is so meticulous with the enfield sniders etc as is capandball with the austro-Hungarian legacy
>BTW did you know sniders WERE used in WW1?
And not for shooting at sniper plates....no they were used in the 1916-18 period by Irish irregulars, as were martinis (and even though to 1921! As were vetterlis both Italian and swiss, gras and mauser 71s
Thank You! You'd be amazed how much pressure there is from people who should know better to just say things out loud. Like the "full auto 1907" meme. I haven't found a single example of one.
Actually we have never publicly signed up for WWII. It has been assumed of us to the point that other channels have announced we will.
We have not made that agreement. It would be a dangerous one to commit to without preparation.
That's really nice to hear actually. I'm glad you're spending time together on our account.
Stop shitposting Othias
The Jow Forumsnigger genocide literally cannot come soon enough.
> TFW i am the first
> everybody else in this thread was just othias replying to himself
As a dude who actually owns and restores historical firearms, I enjoy their content and thorough historical explanations.
Here's an idea, OP. If you don't like it, don't watch it.
I don't trust Othais because he is so connected to r/guns. The mods on r/guns voted for Hillary and hate the NRA more than they hate gun control laws.
Can you confirm or deny that Mae is, in fact, bae?
I must ask, how do you know?
How many WWI episode do ya'll have left.
fuck you, faggot. any man who wouldn't snuggle Mae is a bitch faggot and should immediately cut his balls off with scissors.
pic related is better than mae, faggot.
I lurk r/guns. They spend more time worshipping Othais and bashing the NRA than they do working to fight for gun rights.
No shit. Those faggots would gladly give up their guns if asked politely. There is a strong cognitive dissonance there.
pls be true...
no he isn't.
It's okay to be gay user but stop being in denial
Hey Othias, should I go for a Gewehr 98 or an SMLE. Sort of wanting to collect a WW1 roster.
Post a vid to prove your othais faggot, if you don't you're a gay ass niggerfaggot.
It is true they confirmed it on the last question of their Q&A.
the holocaust wasn't real but I sure wish it was