Waconiggers are embarrassing and I don't know why anyone has sympathy for them.
>Koresh married and had sex with teenage girls
>it was a literal cult
>hurr because the ATF botched the whole thing, the Branch Davidians dindu nuffin!
No one was in the right here, you colossal retards. The Branch Davidians were brainwashed cultists, and the ATF missed a good opportunity to arrest Koresh without any problems. It astonishes me that brainlets here unironically defend Koresh. And no one needs 20 fucking guns of the caliber they had.
Waconigger hate thread
I don't anyone thought they weren't retarded. The real issue is that the government trying to "save lives" incinerated a bunch of people.
i see you drank all the koolaid
Both sides were at fault
>trying to "save lives" incinerated a bunch of people.
straight from the Russian anti-terror squad play book
there is literally nothing wrong with bangin some prime teen pussy, especially if you're the messiah reborn
I've actually seen people on this board acting like the Branch Davidians were totally innocent
They probably jerk off to loli porn as well
>And no one needs 20 fucking guns of the caliber they had.
most of this board wasn't even alive when the shit went down at waco
branch davidians are a bunch of shitbirds but that doesn't mean it's acceptable to for the government to roll up and incinerate them
>implying the US alphabet agencies haven't cornered the market on cp and probably sponsore most of it to begin with
To be fair I'm 27 and only gave a shit as to what happened when the show came out. I would be surprised if someone here is actually old enough to remember the news broadcast if this taking place
We already had this thread
Shit happens. They didn't exactly drop a MK-77 on the place.
>guy has sex with teenagers so lets kill all the people around him that he is exploiting then they will be safe
lick more boot
>And no one needs 20 fucking guns of the caliber they had.
This right here is why. You won't be reasonable, so we're learning to be unreasonable too. Machineguns should be given to every child in America. Only by arguing for the ludicrous will we achieve anything. If we set the goalposts at the sun, they'll give us the moon to shut us up.
OP the bootlicker thinks the Davidians were in the wrong for wanting a bunch of guns and land. Sounds like a paradise to me.
Right, they just shot fleeing women and children, in order to save them.
War on Drugs is the same logic and strategy
we dont want you to hurt yourself with ba'ad drugs m'kay? so we're gonna destroy your life forever
>"Both sides were at fault"
>A group weirdos doing weirdo shit
>Federal agents shooting everything that moves before asking any questions eventually causing fire and death of innocent people
Yeah it really does seem like nobody is to blame for the mindless escalation of violence amirite guys?
>for wanting 25 fucking machine guns and having sex with children
>25 machine guns
>there is nothing wrong with that fucking many machine guns
Theories my dude. Unless you can come up with literal evidence as to what happened at Waco, all of this is just foil hat talk. All I've heard were he said she said.
>And no one needs 20 fucking guns of the caliber they had.
You also don't need a fucking 2018 ford mustang with a 450 hp V8 yet nobody is fucking raiding the houses of people that own them.
Dub/trips confirm. Fuckin CIAniggers
There is nothing wrong with owning 25 Machineguns.
Go back.
No hard evidence of pedophilia either
Right, and who are we going to trust, a bunch of child molesting murderous psychopaths with automatic weapons, or the Davidians?
Like I said uptop. Both sides were at fault. Why didn't they just arrest koresh at the post office or at the bar? Because they wanted them gone entirely. But just by me saying that is merely speculation. Point is, until I can have cold hard proof/evidence backing either story I can't honestly say which side was right or wrong so I fall back to "both were wrong "
Do I agree with their actions? Absolutely not! But will I side with the davidians? Fuck no. So my only question is, if all we can do is speculate as to the events that unfolded and led to the deaths of many people and in 30 years changed or done anything why still concern myself with it?
OP craves the taste of ATF cock.
I think it's a bit pathetic that anyone has such lack of morals that you think gassing children, letting them vomit for hours, and then setting them on fire is ok in anyway. Oh and then drive a tank over their bodies.... Wait. I forgot taking trophy pictures over the rubble.
>"no one needs"
Opinion discarded, get fucked
So change it. Make it known to the public. Scream it feom the rooftops. T.v. did a pretty good job so what can you do that's better that will inform the masses? Protest on 4chin?
The general public is happy being sheep.
No shit. I was being sarcastic. My point was, is what can you do if you are truly so disgusted with what took place, to change what happened and inform the public? All I was saying is why bother when it's all bullshit from every side. The truth will never come out, I'm sorry! A tragic accident? Yes! But keep it from happening again! Fuck dude that's all I'm saying!
>suspect goes into town during the week can be grabbed when he’s by himself
>decide the best course of action is to lay siege to his fortress full of Machineguns and children
While I acknowledge those beatomous trips I'm ok with it. They get to catch sick fucks and that's cool with me but "MUHH Entrapment" Just you jerking off to that shit is entrapment
>reacting to trigger words
>But keep it from happening again!
The Oklahoma City bombing kept it from happening again.
>trigger words
People that don’t understand that nobody needs a reason to have a gun need to get off this board and go back to whatever shithole they’re from.
>>it was a literal cult
Cult is such a pointless, useless word
Christianity was a cult when Jesus was alive
> - t. koolaid drinking bootlicker
>you vote can change things
lol ur dumb
>people who don't have the same opinion as me need to LEAVE!
this is the 2016 cancer
>people that are anti gun are welcom on Jow Forums
>married and had sex with teenage girls
No law against that, why didn't they charge him with pedophilia or statutory rape? Was it because it wasn't breaking the law, the girls he married?
How much does the ATF pay you guys to sit around and make these threads?
Dude was a psychotic follower of the whole process from ruby ridge right? So it's ok to go inside a building and kill however killing a 168 people? Is this the America that was founded? Resorting to terrorism to get things from happening again?
Yes they literally did need 20 fucking guns of the caliber that they had. If you don't need 25 machineguns while fighting off two federal agencies, when will you ever need them?
>Koresh married and had sex with teenage girls
notice how that only became a point *after* the botched ATF raid. the government needed to generate propaganda to turn the davidians into hate objects.
>Is this the America that was founded? Resorting to terrorism
Yes, the original colonial rebels were "terrorists" who murdered as many redcoats as possible.
Please read up on history. The Federal building was a valid military target.
>And no one needs 20 fucking guns of the caliber they had.
what, .223 and 7.62x39?
on top of that most of their guns were loaded into a pickup truck and halfway to austin when the raid went down because their main gun guy was going to trade them at the gun show.
he even called the cops after he heard telling about the raid telling them to call that shit off because he has most of the guns and the ATF told him to fuck off
>ATF acquires a perfectly constitutional search warrant
>arrive to serve said warrant and conduct said search
>Branch retardians open fire, killing a federal agent
>”wow why’d teh F(ascist)BI so aggressive??!!!!”
Americans should be allowed to own any weapon they damn well please. No exceptions. However, the ATF followed the book to the letter and did nothing wrong. The Fag Davidians dug their own grave.
Fuck off, as an Oklahoman those people didn't deserve to die.
>the ATF followed the book to the letter
Now that; fake news.
They wouldn't have if they didn't work for the same murderous government that burned the Waco compound to the ground and killed half of Randy Weaver's house because he refused to be blackmailed.
As an American, the Waco "cult" members didn't deserve to die and the Weavers didn't deserve to die either. Why is it only wrong for members of your own state to be murdered, but not people working for the CIA and FBI who commit murder and get a free pass to keep working?
The US government brought it upon themselves when they absolved themselves of all responsibility for those murders.
He blew up a building of the same government that killed thousands of civilians in strategic bombing in WWII for the greater good.
>it’s not the same!!!
It is
The war on drugs is fucking retarded too
>ATF acquires a perfectly constitutional search warrant
fuckoff you know that warrant was unconstitutional
>we think they have modified lowers because they trade a lot at gun shows
>make up some shit about a confidential informant to a judge to justify the raid
totally constitutional
there's a reason the FBI razed the compound afterwards. gotta hide the scene of the crime.
In the man's own words.
>had sex with teenage girls
Oy Vey!
What kind of monster would dare have sexual with an individual under the arbitrary age of 18!?
Is your religion ATF approved?
Tragic and unjust as it all was, the Feds now more than ever feel threatened by the overwhelmingly armed public of today, who refuse to disarm despite the perpetual false flags and misinformation/propaganda campaigns lead by all manner of neo-Leftist ranging from lowly twitter roastie to Hollywood elite
>the Feds now more than ever feel threatened by the overwhelmingly armed public of today
They know the next time they try a Waco or a Ruby Ridge and say their agents had no wrongdoing in the murder of innocents, that people will take justice into their own hands when a murderous government entity absolves itself of the guilt of murder, while handing out death sentences to others for the same crime.
Watcha doin' Jow Forums?
ALso, only one sect of Jews, called Hasidic Jews, do that and all the other Jews are disgusted by it
I was alive and it was disgusting what Janet Reno did. I cheered when she died, the old lesbian cunt. It wasn't the only shit thing she did. The government gassed women and children when they could have just grabbed the guy when he went jogging. Hurr durr he maybe had sex with a 15 yo so lets kill 25 kids with a flamethrower tank and helo gunships because our feels got hurt. Goolgle who were the first two to die at Waco and put it together. Hint: Mena.
>Not all Jews, goyim
Fuck off ATF. I await the day another OKC happens and when it does I will celebrate. I can't wait for every ATF agent and their families being hanged.
>evidence is presented that you're wrong
>l-lies! you must be a filthy Jew!
I'm Episcopalian you retard.
>The Episcopal Church ordains women and LGBT people to the priesthood, the diaconate, and the episcopate,
And what about all the wealthy Jews who are getting accused of rape?
Right back at you deep state. When your business is murdering children, you shouldn't bring yours to work.
>all the other Jews are disgusted by it
Except the part where a religious leader takes a blade to an infants' genitals because it's totes a e s t h e t i c and facilitates safer unprotected sex
>And no one needs 20 fucking guns of the caliber they had.
Back to faggot
Bootlickers and Feds like (You) will be hanged
>Trolling outside of /b/
Whatcha doin rabbi
Read the sticky nigger
But there's literally nothing wrong with that you foaming at the mouth retard.
Circumcision is not the same thing as sucking on the dick to clean the circumcision wound afterwards. I did not defend circumcision, but accusing all Jews of doing...that afterwards is a bold-faced lie.
Rape is not the equivalent of child sexual abuse you retard.
>anti gun faggots are welcome on Jow Forums
Well I'll be going back to work in a few minutes unlike (((you))) who hasn't worked a day in your life
>e-everyone I don't like is a leftist!!!
Nice try, but I don't fit your strawman
The government should fear the citizens. This is the purpose of 2a.
>But there's literally nothing wrong with that you foaming at the mouth retard.
My point is that circumcision (with or without the infant dick sucking) exists because of Judaism, period
Have a (You)
>leftist argument
>>Yes stay here goyim
>slightly right wing argument
>implying that anyone who capitalizes "jew" isn't a leftist or neocon
Christianity is a religion imported from the middle east, why does it matter if it gets "cuck'd" like the other two