I have this itch in my brain that my 10/22 is pointless. I can hunt effectively these are non-negotiable
Survival and/or fun: >pistol bag with 22 and 44 >ar15 takedown 1-8x optic for a battle I will never be in. >also a couple of shotguns that annoy me because they are bird/home defense purposed and very heavy and I feel like i have to lug them around just in case.
Should I sell the 10/22 because hunting small game at 50-100m is rare, and I could just buy some underloaded fmj 223 for 50-100. Plinking is more fun with the 22 pistol anyways. (though I wish it was an MKIV)
Honestly you sound like my wife. A useless washed up whore who hit the wall a year after I married her, she thinks the world owes her something and she can never make up her mind. She projects all her insecurities onto me and constantly tries to make my life hell simply for existing, even though I pay every fucking bill and I’m the bread winner. Nothing is ever enough for her. Like most half way attractive white women, third wave feminism has turned her into a complete insufferable narcissistic cunt
Jason Perry
The way the scope is mounted I feel like chick lean is the only way you can shoot that.
Tyler Rogers
You have really bad decision making skills.
Angel Carter
Not my fault she morphed into a twat.
Jayden Morales
Nobody made you marry her.
Leo Thomas
I wanted a wife for the sole purpose of having a son. Now I don’t even want a kid because I dread the thought of having to give her everything I own and worked for if we divorce
James Nguyen
You're dumbass is staying there. You know where this ends up right? You patience is not going to last forever and eventually you are going to self immolate somewhere public.
>Now I don’t even want a kid because I dread the thought of having to give her everything I own and worked for if we divorce You married her, she is already getting half whether you have a kid or not. She is entitled to maintain the quality of life she enjoys now even if you aren't married to her anymore.
Chase Murphy
Gotta marry the right woman, not just a woman. I feel for you, but I don't even have to say you fucked up. You know it.
Robert Clark
Damn man you're really dealing with that shit right now? That actually sucks. How old are you? I'm going to run to the store and get some beer so I won't respond right away because drunk and walking.
Jordan Gomez
>not detecting the red flags >not keeping your bitch in line
Ryan Morris
>I wanted a wife for the sole purpose of having a son Well, that strikes me as pretty fucking dumb, so that's on you.
Carter Peterson
Just turned 31. Women are tricky cunts. They scheme and devise wicked plans to literally Fuck you if they feel like it. Because they fucking know that they can rob you and some other white knight faggot will be right in line to pick her up when we are no longer together. Marriage is a fucking financial contract for the woman. And that’s all it is now. They only care about themselves. There is no such thing as love. There is no such thing as loyalty. There is no long term thinking. There is no respect. They will only Do whatever pleases them.
Benjamin Davis
I mean, your woman is like that, presumably because you didn't actually think things through when you got with her. I wouldn't take your poor decision-making skills out on half of all humans.
Carter Wright
Bro it’s true. This liberal feminism movement has shown the true nature of women. Most of them are self-indulged wishy washy whores. Just look at any female millennial social media page.
Jaxon Edwards
Your wife sounds like my 10/22. >thank you user, very insight
Jayden Ward
How 3rd wave feminism is like the 10/22 >a Jow Forums story