Polymer is fucking dumb. Ive never heard any good reasoning as to why people want this utterly retarded shit. Buy a real gun like a man and not some airshit hybrid.
Common arguments include:
>Polymer is as good as, if not better than metal! Lol fuck no. Plastic is brittle by nature, and it will degrade 6 times faster than metal will ever rust. Not to mention the countless people who have had fingers and shit blown off after beleiving this stupid crap.
>It was a shitty handload! Maybe, but atleast if your gun was made of metal, you might still have all your fingers.
>metal guns explode too! But not nearly as many, nor as violently.
>X person/people bought it, so it's the best! People are still buying useless shit they see on tv infomercials on impulse, as well as sig compacts despite their growing reports of exploding.
>Its innovation! Its meme tier shit that someone made just because they could, and it holds no real advantage above its metallic counterpart.
>its more lightweight! If youre too much of a weak pussy to carry around a pistol, you shouldnt even own a gun.
>HUR HUR YUR A FUDD WHO CANT ACCEPT CHANGE I Cant accept retarded logic soley based off of opinion and "muh space gun" brainlet argument.
I fuckin hate polymer, and the idiots who think its the best thing ever created.
You are really going to be pissed when they release the hard light frame guns.
Joshua Hall
If a handgun explodes it's not going to make a damn bit of difference if the frame is polymer or metal.
Easton Martinez
>t. fuddlet
Gabriel Rivera
one pic has nothing to do with the other.
I also hate polymer and don't own any of it myself but this really is just propaganda and you fell for it because you're a brainlet.
Eli Morgan
Whats that?
Cameron Thompson
Why do you care what other people buy?
Henry Russell
Theres countless other images out there of exploded polymer guns you faggot, pick your poison
Mason Carter
Because im sick of people coming up to me in the shop going >YOY SHOULD BUY A GLOCK BRO. >ITS THE BEST THING EVER BRO >bro. Bro. Look. Bro. Its a plastic gun.
Bro. Go fuck yourself with your gay little plastic gun, and your stupid opinion. Fuckoff
(Not because of what other people buy, but what retards try to sell, or push on to me).
Did you ever consider that?
Cameron Cruz
There's also countless photos of metal guns that have failed and exploded. It's not a phenomenon unique to glocks or even polymer framed handguns in general.
Jackson Sanchez
What would cause a Glock to explode like that? What model glocks are blowing up?
Asher Robinson
Doesn't change the fact a polymer frame kb does not cause those kinds of hand injuries, summer retard.
Nathan Ramirez
This whole thread is shit bait/fudd rage. Sage and don't respond, let it die.
Angel Lee
>sick of people coming up to me in the shop ohh you just caught the spectrum and resent interaction. Glockfags are the chaddiest operators so they're doing to most to reach out, i get it, i get it
Jonathan Edwards
Essentially a solid hologram.
Connor Ortiz
Prove it. Prove any of it
Brayden Gutierrez
>hard light frame guns English please. They fooled everyone by calling plastic a polymer like its some new space age material.
Christian Price
High pressure rounds in old gen .40S&W glocks with unsupported chambers caused some explosions, a problem which hasn't existed in basically over a decade. Truthfully any pistol can have this happen if there's a defect in the materials and the round is over pressured. Has absolutely nothing to do with the frame of the handgun being metal or polymer.
Daniel Gutierrez
Didnyou even read my OP post? Of course you didnt, youre a fucking idiot with the attention span of a squirrel. Go back up and read >#3 >#4
Jaxson Miller
No, theyre annoying fags that think their meme tier shit is cool.
I also hate hearing it from shop keeps too about their "keltec" shit.
>ps- youre not a chad, youre an idiot.
Jeremiah Jones
Who in the right mind would even buy a gun made from plastic parts?
Nathan Reed
I have no fucking idea. Its pretty stupid isnt it?
Robert Myers
Good job on failing to understand the point. Metal guns fail less.
Nicholas Green
>no sources You have no points, you're either a retard fudd or a troll. The frame of the handgun has no bearing on its the pressure ratings of its chamber.
Jonathan Clark
Lol assmad faggot detected.
>300 replies later
Evan Peterson
Then explain why people are blowing their fingers off, stupid fuck.
Youre obviously noguns because you dont have a clue.
How about YOU go and find some sources? Since im so wrong. Faggot
Dylan Clark
Because the parts that facilitate firing are all metal, the only "plastic" parts of the gun are the frame, which have absolutely nothing to do with whether or not your barrel goes kaboom.
Isaac Richardson
You're making the claim, the burden of proof is on you. Your thread sucks and you're an imbecile.
Brody Baker
They aren't though.
Justin Taylor
personally I just think 95% of polymer guns look fucking gay, like plastic airsoft guns. they just look like toys, they look cheap and mass produced, they all look the same. get yourself a good quality steel or alloy frame pistol with wood grips like a fucking man, instead of a plastic toy gun for children.
except glocks, I do like glocks because despite being plastic, they are very high quality, look great, and shoot well.
Ethan Russell
>barrel attaches to slide >slide attaches to polymer lower >barrel explodes, explosion travels down and through the weakest point of resistance The weakest part. The fucking plastic you fucking idiot.
William Wright
Which still happens in a metal frame gun my guy.
Jacob Davis
>he can't handle polymer-framed recoil >calls them toys >tells himself heavy, recoil-taming frames are manly kek
Connor Jackson
I made the claims. Its your job to debunk them idiot. Thats how debate works.
>You dont HAVE any sources for your half of the argument because all of your dumb opinions and reasonings are wrong and have no evidence behind them.
IE there is no evidence proving polymer is better in any aspect, or safer.
Jason Ward
Prove it.
Wheres the metal frame in OPs picture? Thats right. There isnt one.
>Thinks his toy guns are manly while he looks like a little kid playing airsoft
Whatever you say loser lol
Grayson Edwards
>I made the claims. Its your job to debunk them idiot. Thats how debate works. Yeahh that's not how it works. Summer sure is warm this year.
Logan Edwards
You're a faggot.
Refute me.
See how that works? You have to provide evidence for your claims. You can't just pull shit out of your ass and have everyone think it's as good as gold. That's not how debate works.
Yeah, fuck this shit, just because they give it a different name doesn't mean it's any better than good old Bakelite! "Glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic polyamide Nylon 66 Zytel" my ass, ALL PLASTICS ARE JUST BRITTLE!
>danger is greater with plastic framed guns >doesnt always mean that a kaboom means finger loss >polymer will fail much easier and faster than metal
Ok but whats your point? Youre still down a gun. One that had a much lower lifespan and pressure tolerance.
This is not an advantage over metal guns in any way shape or form.
Jaxon Sullivan
>didnt lose a finger >hes still using wheelguns in 2018 >probably had a longer lifespan than polymer gun >fails to READ THE FUCKING OP POST WHERE OP SAID METAL GUNS BLOW UP TOO.
You fucking idiot.
Parker Rogers
Stay assmad you rusty steelcuck. Tell me about having to coat my polymer frame or else it starts to rust.
If your gun KBs, it doesn't fucking matter what material your frame is made of, it's out of action, because your barrel/chamber will be split and your slide cracked. Your frame isn't the pressure-holding vessel.
And polymer frames have much longer lifespans. They don't experience the material fatigue that steel and aluminum do.
Matthew Jackson
Polymer has a stronger strength to weight ratio you idiots
Nicholas Robinson
>fagpul sticker
Charles Kelly
Youre not cool.
Youre fucking joking right.
A- its not the gun thats the issue. Its your hand wrapping around a piece of plastic. IE a material that is FAR WEAKER THAN METAL. The explosion has a much greater chance to explode out of the fucking hand grip, and blow things off.
B- polymer having a longer service life than solid steel or aluminum? Fuck no. Now youre just making things up.
Cooper Lopez
>it weighs next to nothing, and it supports maybe twice its weight in pressure!
Ryder Campbell
This is the moment where I impart a bit of knowledge. Polymer guns have failure points engineered in them to protect the user in the event of a failure. Not unlike the crumple zones in a modern car. >inb4 full of shit. You'll note if you look up polymer guns kabooming the majority of their frames are all cracked in the same places, glocks tend to blow the side out at the pins, USP's will spilt the frame down the center vertically, separating the front from the rear. That's actually by design, not some freak coincidence. The frame itself is a sacrificial energy dump in which it bleeds all of the force off and away. Every wear point on a polymer frame is replaceable with interchangeable steel parts. How many metal framed handguns do you know of that can exchange their rails out when worn?
Show me one sourced case of someone suffering permanent disfigurement/injury from a polymer frame KB. I've never seen one in 15 years. Most I've seen is bruises, scratches, and cuts. Polymer does good job of absorbing the energy without it turning into a bomb.
And, yes, they last much longer. Look into higher mileage shooting, and you'll find many more Glocks deep into 100k+ territory than 1911s, 226s, CZ-75s, etc. So much so that it's expected they will last that long, whereas it's amazing when a 1911 does it.
Angel Flores
And metal doesnt violently explode and splinter into the users hand.
>what is proper maintance and oil
Cameron Morris
This argument is like saying 'modern cars have crumple zones because manufactures know that the light materials are much more likely to be destroyed in a collision.' No shit. You're making a trade of in tensile strength and weight, and ultimately cost. The upside of this trade off is that the material can literally be made into and have any kind of safety features you want. This is the way everything is going to be moving in the future, happy about it or not.
Aluminum/alloy frames exist retard. A gun doesn't need to be "heavy" to not be a toy, it just has to not be made of plastic. Like a toy. The recoil has nothing to do with it.
Noah Morales
Polymer doesn't either. You've been given plenty of examples. Stop buying into memes like a retarded fudd and start learning shit about how guns work, and maybe people might respect your opinions a little more.
Furthermore, OP's post is from a Brazillian cop whom had an unnamed firearms failure. No mention of what kind of gun was ever mentioned in the original posting of his hand. People just started attaching images of glocks to it for shits and giggles. I can provide the original instagram post if asked.
I would like to see instagrams. People call it propaganda, but ive never seen the evidence to prove it.
I know how guns work. But now heres a question for you. Whats going to be a stronger material in 60 years when youre dead and your guns have been passed down? The age old steel, or the slowly brittle becoming polymer?
Polymer by physics and nature becomes more stiff and brittle as time goes on
Samuel Cook
I don't care what about my gun is present in 60 years. I won't be alive to care, I also have steel framed guns that will exist for any of my children/grand children. It makes no difference to me as I don't 'invest' in firearms. I buy guns to shoot.
Where I was going with that is do you think the poly guns are going to explode in your grand childrens hands?
Anthony Howard
>OP doesn't own any guns >yet everyone here is caught into his bait
Colton Sanchez
If there ever becomes proof in the last years of my life that aging of polymer causes a dangerous gun then they won't get them. Simple as that, until that point though I have no reason to assume they would.
I will admit that I can't because it's not something rigorously tested, but anecdotal. The late ToddG's torture tests of various pistols, Ernest Langdon's high mileage PX4, mileage reports from competitive shooters, like on brianenos.com, versus sparser examples of the steel-framed variety. Of particular note in that regard, though, is Rob Donaldson's 128k+ Springfield Operator.
Lincoln Perry
None of these exploded in a manner that would injure the users hand. Blast just got vented out the ejection port, or the slide blew upwards. Unlike the polyguns that split to peaces into your hand. OP injury pic is probably not firearm related and just used for the bantz as it seems too drastic, but i'd rather not suffer any injury what so ever. Polyguns may be better for a tiny carry gun, but they absolutely take away shooting and ownership pleasure if used as a full sized range/competition gun.
You're correct, in those examples the barrel was the weak point. But that doesn't imply that steel frames are immune to the splitting or cracking from stress either.
Refer to this post. This user is correct in that they're -meant- to do that. It does look grisly, but it's literally a byproduct of a safety feature.
Ethan Nguyen
This never happens. In fact there's more of you anti-polymer dipshits than there are even glock fan boys. >people try and sell me things I don't like and "push" their opinions on me!!! REEEEEE! Then ignore them and/or stop asking for peoples opinions. Form your own through experience and deal with the fact when something works, people will like it. tl:dr: Grow a dick.
Evan Moore
What if everyone works together to make carbon nanotube gun frames so that nobody can fucking complain anymore, nevermind that they would cost billions in development and millions to make one, it'll finally end the debate