>Can only carry 4x 550km range standoff missiles in internals >F-35 can carry 6 >J-20 can carry more
Fielding shit like this should be illegal. Why can't they buy Chinese? Hasn't China already tested Air to Ground super standoff missiles that has more than 1,000km ranged and can be carried internally?
Not him, but probably wanted to say "anti stealth missiles" which are the S-400.
but those missiles are not anti-stealthm, the nebu M radar system is. It uses one radar for early warning, that uses radio wavelenghts which apperently is one side of the spectrum that in which the stealth technology doesn't work with up to 400 km, detection. But since that radar cannot give you the exact location nor can be used to guide missiles, it adds two additional radars of the S and L bands, that will activate and search the zone marked by the radio-wavelenght radar until they locate the target(and they are separated because the S and L radars will be look at the sides of the stealth plane where suposedly stealth is less effective) and launch missiles because the S and L radars can actually paint and track a target.
The F-35 uses jamming, but apparently the Nebu M is so redundant that it's quite resistant to jamming, and even if HARM missiles are used for SEAD the Nebu M system is prepared to leave the zone in under 5 minutes(and Russians are now trying to develop radar that is actually active on the move) and redeploy in less than 5 minutes too.
James Reed
If you do not believe that F-35 can carry at least 6 CMs internally then you are a russian bot.
Nice expaination. While it gives good perspectives on how stealth can be "defeated" or at least worked around, it also shows a good argument FOR low-observable fighters: The fact that it complicates the task of defending air defence a lot. You need to integrate several different radars along with your launchers and even then there's still a chance of just catching a HARM to the face if your in bad luck.
Robert Brooks
It's deeper, the J-20 is basically a stealthy F-105, filling the super-sonic interdiction/nuclear strike role.
Lincoln Rodriguez
>in which the stealth technology doesn't work
RCS at wavelengths close to the size of the object decreases by a factor proportional to the wavelength squared. The radar formula compensates for this as we all know. But now you only have the actual stealth features that influence stealth, which doesn't have as much of an impact as some people tend to think. Modern stealth as seen on the F-35 is also highly effective against L-band radar, and you really have to look into UHF radar for a real decrease in stealth ability. On the other hand, such wavelengths also need fuckhuge arrays for any decent accuracy, and are also more susceptible to jamming.
There's a reason stealth appeared after longwave radar and not the oter way around.
Chase Ross
>F-35 can carry 6 (with 500+ km range). Can it really?
>internal bays are rectangular >make missiles rectangular too OPAA!
Jacob Martin
To have the same accuracy as a 1m wide x-band radar (all other parameters the same)it would need to be over 100m wide. It clearly isn't.
Jamming resistance isn't something you can just have or not, it depends on many factors, mainly range/power. A Nebo-M radar is going to be easy go jam at long ranges, but difficult at really short ranges.
Also ausairpower is the equivalent of crystal healers using scientific terminology. It's absolutely bogus crap. For your own good, stay away from that website.
Angel Lee
But then, what else can I use?
Do I have to take your word for it?
Ian Jackson
Colton Cox
>A Nebo-M radar is going to be easy go jam >ausairpower lies, I say! Lol, fuck off user.
Try finding academic courses or books on radar. Even wikipedia is much more reliable than ausairpower.
Ausairpower doesn't just lie, it's utterly full of shit.
>having such bad reading comprehension Yes, at high ranges the Nebo-M is going to be easy to jam, because of square root of power and things like that. But don't let physics get in the way of your vatnik beliefs my friend.
Elijah Hernandez
>Try finding academic courses or books on radar.
Uuuh, any recomendations?
Asher Martinez
>No spoilers like the PAK-FA Weird, I thought the J-20 was rated for supersonic launch of supersonic munitions?
Xavier White
JASSM-ER has range over 900km. Google faggot.
Leo Robinson
>buy 2 F-22s >buy 2 J-20s >buy 2 Su-57s >test them against eachother >buy more of the winner
Mason Bennett
So what? The JASSM can not be carried in the F-35s weapon bay.
Henry White
>carlop kopp
Evan Myers
>implying you can buy F-22s.
Bentley Moore
Landon Wilson
Both F-22 and J-20 internal bays are optimized for medium range AA missile - AMRAAM and PL-12. These missiles are 3.7 and 3.8 meters long.
Su-57 internal bays are optimized for long range AA missiles, RVV-SD - and now we know it can carry cruise missiles. They both are 4.2 meter long.
And F-35 can carry only JSOW bomb and JSM missile (3.9m) inside. JASSM only externally.
Josiah Peterson
RVV-BD (R-37), not RVV-SD (R-77) - my mistake.
Noah Reed
You can not buy F-22
But you can buy a similar aircraft with F-22 airframe and install superior electronic.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
>hur resistant to jamming by f35 >nuuur we showed you murica >country gets glassed by HAARP ionosphere energy beam from a bunch of chair force nerds in a bunker Oh gee, your tech is so good senpai. Pls dont beat up on us poor weak Amerimutts.
Implessive With this most lecent achievement, fate has in a singre stloke, malkud the decrine of the west and spelled a new erra of wondlous plospelity and peaceful grobar dominance fol the Chinese dlagon, which promises to firmly stand in shapu contlast to the histolicarry broody ascent of western powers and the cluer subjugation it blought to the humbrel nations of the wolrd. The bressings of Chinese prasma stearth technorogy, quantum direct-current erectricity, gamma titanium mono crystar turbines, quantum airclaft calliels, near-space ballistic ail-to-ail missiles, and quantum enhanced lairguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewaldship of 21st centuly world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist arternative to the depredations of Western readership and the opportunity for a more equitabre and dignified multilaterarism.
>>country gets glassed by HAARP ionosphere energy beam from a bunch of chair force nerds in a bunker
HAARP is a target of conspiracy theorists, who claim that it is capable of "weaponizing" weather. Commentators and scientists say that advocates of this theory are uninformed, as claims made fall well outside the abilities of the facility, if not the scope of natural science.
Austin Long
The aircraft that carries them isn't even fucking stealth.
Jackson Harris
Storage efficiency.
Levi Hernandez
[citation needed]
Parker Gonzalez
Are you saying JASSM-ER is not stealth because B-1B is not stealth?
And Su-57 is stealth.
Elijah Allen
Defining things in stealth/not stealth is kinda dumb. Low observable or low radar signature is better and it's not one or the other, rather to what degree.
And yes the Su-57 has a low radar signature. Just not as low as an F-35 or F-22 from what we know.
Cameron Russell
I'm thinking of ordering books myself, and not too sure where to start, but there are two main ways of getting at least the basics:
Online courses or websites like radartutorial.eu/index.en.html If you're good with google you can find loads of pdf files from actual university courses lying around on the internet.
The other option is google scholar (or similar) to find actual studies on aircraft, plausible values for RAM and so on.
With the combination of both you should at least have the ability to see why ausairpower is full of shit, or filter the obvious shitposter comments.
Carson Young
Oh well, was expecting something akind to the OPpenheimer recommended reading list, but still is something.
Angel Gutierrez
A little comment, if I may....
Over the years I've noticed there's plenty of disinfo being posted about radars (and similar subjects like EW) online. Plenty of disinfo is being posted about other military subjects as well, but it's particularly common with radars since radar waves are invisible. Thus people can bullshit even more than with other, more visible, subjects.
Chase Clark
I had a bunch of PDF files saved up but they got lost with a couple of forced reinstalls of windows.
One was really good because it was an academic course that covered all the basics yet remained understandable and easy to read.
Mason Edwards
NEBO, which means SKY.
John Martin
yfw the chinks realized before the burgers that stealth fighters are a meme and the only thing you need is stealth for SEAD missions then non stealth planes to do the heavy lifting.
Uh, no. Certain 4.5 gen jets are just conventional 4th-gen designs with some stealth features.
Su-57 is a stealth design with stealth features and fits the requirements to be classified as 5th-gen. The Su-57 will always have advantages over any 4.5 gen aircraft simply because it's an stealth optimized design and will naturally take longer to be detected, allowing it to engage 4.5 gen aircraft first.
Andrew Russell
It has the frontal RCS of a B1-B. No.
Oliver Davis
[citation needed]
Blake James
What methodology and instruments do you use to measure the radar cross section of Su-57? And where did you get the Su-57 in first place?
Eli Garcia
Not just stealth feature, Su-57 electronic and sensor is also 5 th gen.
Jose Baker
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Andrew King
Alright your gutter oil gook fucks, playtime is over.
this needs to be changed to a red board for this shit.
Carson Lopez
The harm doesnt have a range of 400km. Also Harm launch leaves a large heat signature which shows the general position of a F35 even more. Finally, no stealth aircraft in the US can carry a harm internally so the nebo is completely safe from US sead.
Chase Young
>square >not hex I mean, come the fuck on.
Levi Cruz
The same reason why the storm shadow and jsow are angular.
Ryder Rivera
>worrying about showing your turbine blade when you can carry 4 550km stand off weapon
Su-57 also have 3 and 9 o'clock RADAR panel, so it can hiding the intake by circling around the target.
I know that NATO doesnt rely a lot on an IAD but still, the virtual loss of the IAD due to this plane/stealth missile combo should be alarming nontheless because if air superiourity through fighter planes fails, then NATO wont have something to fall back upon.