Has this guy mastered the art of the SAW?
Has this guy mastered the art of the SAW?
>ywn shoulder-fire an MG42 wildly at your enemies
>ywn provide overwhelming suppressing fire while casually strolling across the road
>ywn be this peak-Chad
why even live at this point?
Was thoroughly disappointed in not seeing him become swiss cheese.
Also, no.
He's clearly an 80s action movie hero, so he can't die.
he's exactly as tall as his gun and he doesn't know how to use a buttstock, he's not an action movie hero
Then how do you explain him not becoming swiss cheese? You can't!
The people shooting back are just as incompetent as he is.
just like he mastered the art of the SAW, his enemy and probably everyone else in that country except ISAF forces has mastered the art of the infantry rifle
wasn't normal combat distance in afghanistan like 1km+? taliban never clean their rifles i've read, and they can't shoot for shit. not the best premisses for long range combat
The combat distance there is not 1km, you can hear the guns in the not-too-distance.
90s comedy hero
>Jin Roh: The Goat Brigade
Abu Hajaar is alive and well p
And none of his idiot goat fucker buddies notice that he's shooting 99.95% of his rounds into the dirt 400m behind the enemy?
No wonder they're most effective as suicide bombers. It's the only kind of ordinance they can get on target.
that's why it's called "the art of the SAW", it's purpose is surpressive fire
I mean, he probably didn't hit anything, but that was badass as fuck.
It's not fair bros, how come the hajis get to play with all this rare surplus shit?
No one is getting suppressed by that. He might as well be firing in the wrong direction or straight up into the air or shooting blanks for all the good it's doing. He's a dumbass in the road with a badass MG he's using to make pretty noises and flashes but none of that is translating to the pop pop ping pop of rounds near you that translates into "oh fuck, time to get my head down."
Threatening machine gun noises = suppression
The Germans figured this out since day one, even if someones as incompetent as Bazooka Joe here nobody in there right mind is gonna risk putting there head up, one of those bullets might get lucky.
Someone never served....
If you're going to duck and cover every time someone is popping off rounds somewhere in your AO, without any indication that you're actually under effective fire, you're not going to spend much time shooting back.
this is Yemen
yeah, thats what happens, unless its room clearing or some shit most combat is hiding behind shit and shooting once every 30 minutes. Talk to someone who saw combat and they'll most likely tell you it was either full on or lasted 3 days.
it's most probably just a semi-modern MG3 they got from Pakistan
in that case it's probably a semi-modern MG3 they got from Saudi-Arabia, the Germs love sending weapons to our moderate head chopping, stoning and whipping friends over there
i've been to combat and you're accurate, except for the 30 minutes part. you're constantly shooting except you're low on ammo, sometimes not even aiming but just doing the haji stance over your head.
>why the conflict in Afghanistan will never end.
This fucking doctrine 70 years ago and you'd all still be on the beach at Normandy, blindly shooting around tank traps waiting on the next boatload of MREs.
>he doesn't know how to use a buttstock
Sounds like an 80s action hero to me
dude that's not a question of doctrine, that's just how combat actually is.
explain how you think it has anything to do with a certain doctrine
I recall someone saying that they don't care about aiming because they believe Allah will guide their bullets.
I called bullshit at first, but I'm not so sure anymore.
You tell me. If your primary operational objective is to stay out of harms way and wait for a JDAM, not to effectively engage the enemy you're not going to get much done, are you?
No, that's an LMG.
>People actually care about their jobs
Could it be that it still serves the roll of an Squad Automatic Weapon as an LMG? Idiot
>Sells billions of dollars in weapons to the Saudis and supports "moderate" rebels with weapons as well.
You did not know think this through, did you?
>counteract recoil by walking forward
SAW master or not, he's a fucking genius
You can’t always tell where the bullets are landing you retard. You just know someone is shooting in your direction
What a cool looking waste of ammunition
>Threatening machine gun noises = suppression
Who needs soldiers when you've got ROCK & ROLLERS?!