What are the best foods, drinks, and drugs for increasing morale?
What are the best foods, drinks, and drugs for increasing morale?
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didn't germany have a drug during ww2 that was a combo of light opiate (painkiller), Nsaid (painkiller) and Amphetamine (energy/no sleeping aid)
Pervitin. It wasn't as widespread as normies like to make it sound, that the Germans were just all taking crank and that's how they advanced so quickly all the time. It was around, but more commonly used by air crews.
Yeah, cocaine and meth.
Project D-IX. The most impressive combat drug that we know of. Darpa and the Chinese have some new stuff that blows it out of the water but for its time it was quite the concoction.
Can never go wrong with some good semi-sweet chocolate or
To add on, a good meal in general, even if it's in a can, is also a BIG morale booster.
>The most impressive combat drug that we know of
it's the same shit I take with caffeine on bad mornings, putting it in one pill doesn't make it special
I think gween tea would be better, faggot.
Teas, coffees, chocolates, etc are all nice little morale boosters. Simmer down, friend.
The Japanese would suffer casualties that would break any other army without any hesitation, and with Rape the command ensured the loyalty of their men.
Dip, liquor, and cigarettes
Mein Gott... Vhy Vasn't I tould?
the Japs gave out amphetamines, and they were largely legal into the late 70s. You would get more prison time for pot than if you were high on amphetamines.
Having this shit represented by little girls makes it beyond laughable.
Methamphetamine was first synthesized in Japan at the end of 19th century and they were handing it out to people like candy ever since.
To this day about 1% of the population are addicts.
>dipping the long cut jew
you're literally letting some psychosis-inducing cabbage discovered by rag-wearing tree niggers marinate in your mouth for hours on end. also only foreigners and faggots smoke.
this is pretty damn cute.
It sure is
>best foods, drinks, and drugs for increasing morale
Omelette MRE, Ever Clear, and tobacco.
i know its a meme but i had to drink it, tastes like garbage, original or no-sugar ones are much better
>not vodka and preworkout plus a few lines of blow
Come to Brazil and learn
jalapeno cheese spread
Cigarettes and coffee, baby! Mix up caffeine and sugar and you get one hell of a drug.
What is the sauce?
That stuff is really good. If i didn't take like three months to arrive from germany I'd order some for my upcoming AT
Learn to saucenao, dumbo.
These employees are the most patient people I have ever seen
Cheese pizza and cola.
Pizza, beer, and weed.
When I was active I ran a candy dish operation in my office with all the good stuff. Anything with peanut butter was the favorite. Needless to say, I was very popular. I would hide shooter bottles at the bottom of the dish as surprises. My 1SG would hide mousetraps in there. And in the cubby where the leave forms were kept. I loved that guy.
i really regret opening that
animefaggot GTFO
Curry over rice or chilled watermelon slices, depending on the weather. Nice hot tea or ice cold water, again depending on the weather. Drugs are bad, but when you've got a headache and you find a little gas station travel packet of aspirins in your bag that you didn't know you had with you, it feels really good to take them.
No, the germans being drugged out all the time is a meme. Pilots were sometimes given Pervitin, which is just meth, for night raids.
Everyone else had scho-ka-kola. Which is some good shit.
so comfy.
david lunch lol
always been an anime site, nigger.
amphetamines. Tons of them. Your soldiers hear, smell, and see everything around them, and if they're dosed proper, they won't sleep for the next 48 hours.
Violet or Red are better.
Imagine complaining about anime on a literal anime website
I don't have to be a weeaboo retard to use this site, fuck off.
Morale is gonna be pretty shit when the amphetamine subsides though
Moot created Jow Forums to be a mirror of the Japanese anime forum 2ch. Jow Forums is a site for anime lovers and their other interests.
yes you do
If you're on Jow Forums you're a weeaboo. Sorry, but there is no other reason to be on here. Jow Forums is a weapons board on an anime website. everyone that browses Jow Forums loves anime AND weapons.
IIRC Scho-ka-kola is cocoa mixed with sugar and caffeine. Origin is early 30s or possibly 20s, and was meant as a sports food for climbers. Each box contains two plates breakable into eight pieces each. Literally the energy bar of the day.
Take more, crisis averted.
Eukodal(oxycodone) cocaine, and amphetamine base. But like the other user said, "D-IX"
Was tested on labor camp populations
someone tell me what this is, I refuse to open it
It's just some shit in a glass pie pan that kind of looks like a beehive? Other than that... No idea.
The milk chocolate one is great too
They have these and normal monsters at my work. They're always gone in like a week or 2
I love this stuff. Helps with sugar cravings and boots morale significantly
The milk is too good. I can eat a whole can of milk. The dark is too rich.
is it supposed to be pronounced with a hard J or an H?
H. There should be a tilde ~ over the N too, which adds a Y sound, but it's tough to type that on an English keyboard. It should sound like Hala-pain-yo
Go eat a cock
where can I buy this in bulk
Can you really not pronounce jalapeno?
No it aiñt
I have a broad that can get this stuff for me. Is it worth the premium that I will probably have to pay for it?
Check to see how expensive it is online first, varstruleka has 10 tins for 26 dollars (shipping will probably double the cost though)
It's not called moralibo for nothing
Yeah 45 usd for 10 tins shipped to the US. Just bought 3 tins for 18 with shipping from some random german on ebay that I can use on my monthly field trips.
>Check to see how expensive it is online first
OK. Will do. I didn't realize that it was readily available online as an export item.
That's where I got mine from. There's a lady in Chicago that sells it on eBay for about 20$/3 tins
Whats that root they suck on in Yemen. I want some of that!!
US pilots are still given amphetamines for long-endurance flights. They are given "go pills" before the flight, then when they come back they take a "no-go pill" so they can fall asleep.
pic relates - Bullens pilsnerkorv.
Hard to beat in arctic climate.
I thought this site was for commentary on the Albanian scrap metal industry, its shortcomings, and successes? at least that's what I've been lead to believe.
It's a pony forum
Så jävla gött
My libtard coworker likes to say Nazi soldiers used to smoke meth then skeet shoot Jewish babies for fun
Its hala-peen-yo not hala-pain-yo
>smoke meth then skeet shoot Jewish babies for fun
You silly, this is a mongolian spearfishing forum.
Man you posted it. I love that shit. I buy it 10 tins at a time and eat it, 1-2 pieces in a single day at most, to keep my energy up on hikes, outside, or in my office.
It only ever takes 2 weeks to get to me from Germany. I buy it on Amazon.
That's where I buy it too. I think Ima order a 6pk and hope it arrives in time.
>Can you provide me with some evidence?
>what you think the Germans would've recorded themselves doing that?
Literally no winning with these people
What if I am a foreigner :^)
What if I am frens with some Injuns :^)