Pros: >best self defense round >knockdown power >not designed to wound like 5.56 >easily supressed/subsonic >hunts large game and nogs >easily converts from 5.56 >better in short barrel Cons: >none, unless you're in a desert shooting at towelheads 5 miles away which no one ever does nor would they hit anyway under any measurable level of stress or hurry
Why haven't you built a 300 blackout AR? I truly believe this is the round of the future.
You can't just say "it's a meme" and that have it be a meme. It doesn't work like that. Why exactly do you think that? As if it would be a waste of money? Not even trolling. I'll be here replying to every comment.
Why can't we have cheap Wolf/Tula .300BLK already?? It's basically 7.62x39 that doesn't suck.
Grayson Young
Ammo is expensive.
Benjamin Stewart
>dude buy 300 aac Nah, I'll keep my AK
Jace Cook
And yet, literally no one has given a reason not to use this round for pretty much anything any everything besides hunting small game or putting it in a handgun. Hopefully some day soon. Still it's not nearly as expensive as it used to be. Stop being poor, Hitler. All ammo is expensive. >AK is better than AR Go back to your weeb AK porn thread.
Cardboard doesn't care what you hit it with. I have no reason to shoot anything that isn't 20cpr steel M193.
Owen Adams
Let me just bring a vise and hot swap barrels in the field. Dumbass.
Logan Ortiz
It's great for SBR and AR pistols, anything less than 10.5" barrels, 300AAC is a more affective choice.
Jackson Sanders
It has a long way to go still. Might stand a chance. Okay, good luck when the cardboard kicks down your door and wants food, valuables or money Then just bring a different upper. It will still be less weight and space taken than a different gun. You I like.
If I get into meme rounds imma go with 6.5 creed OP.
Josiah Cruz
Tyler Bailey
Cool, it can eat +P JHP out of the one gun out of my entire collection that actually exists to be fired at people.
Levi Gonzalez
>mfw i realized i converted 150 cases of 223 into 300 chimpout in an hour, deburred, deprimed, and resized. Shot 100 rds of cast/ powdercoated 230 grains yesterday with 0 malfunctions. $0.10 a shot niggers!
>Okay, good luck when the cardboard kicks down your door and wants food, valuables or money Try to fathom the thousands of rice eating gooks that died from M193 poisoning. And how many amerimutts have been gunned down by cheap M193 to this very day.
You may not think it's ideal, but it has a very long and proven track record of defeating the human anatomy.
You can't pull the wool over my eyes, Jew. I do agree with you on that, 5.56 will do the job. But to be fair so would pretty much any other bullet shot at naked rice niggers without proper medical care.
As a person that owns and shoots multiple 300blk firearms, it is not the perfect round. It is a mediocre jack-of-all-trades round that is fun but not the future. Cool round, has it's uses, but it is not a perfect swiss army round.
Gavin Murphy
My foreskin is intact thanks Only reason I'd even want .300blk is if I felt particularly inclined to run a can. 6.5 Creedmoor is more appealing to me in almost every aspect
Anthony Wilson
I assume the save a ton of tooling and money by using 5.56 cases, but it's a damn shame.
>Why haven't you built a 300 blackout AR I have though.
Luke Price
But as far as jack-of-all-trades goes, it's the best one, no? Valid opinion. >that picture They can't make everything work, can they? Welcome to the dream team.
Rounds of the "Future" will be focused on armor penetration. This is something the 300BO is very, very poor at. The 300BO won't advance much beyond its niche of short rifles running subsonics.
Isaiah Adams
.300 blackout: when you absolutely, positively need handgun performance from your rifle. It's only interesting as a way to run subsonic ammo out of a suppressed AR-15. That's it. If you're doing that, then you can swap out some other kinds of rounds to make up for the general shittiness of ammo designed primarily to be quiet.
Real pros: >subsonic >don't have to only load subsonic >better in a short barrel than 5.56
Real cons: >Will not penetrate armor like 5.56 will. >Will overpenetrate walls and kill the kids and neighbors in a home-defense scenario. >Is not flat-shooting and accurate at long ranges. >Need to carry multiple flavors of ammo, reducing your effective ammo supply and the relevance of your optics, if you want to take advantage of the only reason to use it, and also want it to not be completely shit at other things. >Is still shitty and underpowered for hunting. >Ammo is heavier, so you can't carry as much of it. >Costs more, is more scarce, and will never become anywhere near as popular as 5.56. >Not as good in short barrels as actual pistol ammunition. >Can't share ammunition and magazines with your pistols. >Doesn't benefit from long barrels like actual rifle ammunition.
Bottom line: fills a very small niche for people who are too attached to their AR-15 lower receiver to switch to a pistol-caliber carbine when they want to shoot handgun-tier ammunition.
Chase Jones
Nolan Barnes
This. I fell for the 300 blackout meme and regret it
Julian Brooks
You make valid points, although most of your criticism comes from the use of subsonic. I'm not OP, but my argument for the use of .300blk is based around the SBR/AR pistol concept. You can push supers out of a 7.5"/9.0" barrel at sufficient velocities to cause intermediate rifle levels of damage with a weapon the size of an MP5. Adding a can to a barrel that length makes a package that is still the size of a 5.56 carbine without a can, and there are many benefits to that. So rant all you want about subsonic being less lethal, but the reality is that anything subsonic outside of 300gr-500gr bullet weights is handgun tier out of any caliber, and is not a criticism of 300blk specifically because most of the ammo available is supersonic. Supersonic is not underpowered for hunting. Supersonic has sufficient accuracy and drop off. There is a video of Haley shooting a target at 750m with a red dot on the tubes. The over-penetration argument has validity, but then so does handgun ammunition. In summary, 300blk in a supersonic load allows you to cut your barrel length almost in half while retaining similar levels of energy compared to 5.56 and allows you to have a handier suppressed platform as well.
Landon Wood
>>knockdown power What the fuck does that even mean?
Lucas Bennett
how can it be the round of the future if it's already here
>Year 2k15+3 >Not reloading It's less than half that price if you roll your own. Plus you get the option to brew up crazy shit 100gr at ~2600 fps.
Jose Cooper
>most of your criticism comes from the use of subsonic Less than half of my points relate to subsonic.
>Supersonic is not underpowered for hunting. Sure it is. You're like one of those guys who goes around saying, "Yeah, .223 is great for hunting." It's light. It's shitty. Not enough speed at a good mass, or not enough mass at a good speed. Less than 30-30, less than .243 Win, and those are low-end deer rifles. Does not reach the threshold of producing reliable stops without excellent shot placement. So either you shoot at bow range or you end up wounding deer, like hunting with handgun ammo.
>300blk in a supersonic load allows you to cut your barrel length almost in half while retaining similar levels of energy compared to 5.56 Wowow... almost as good as picking some spicy handgun ammo, like .45 Super, which you can carry a backup pistol for that takes the same ammo and magazines.
>almost as good as picking some spicy handgun ammo, like .45 Super Really? Supersonic 300 BLK is "almost as good as picking some spicy handgun ammo, like .45 Super"?
>170gr 45 Super (Underwood) 1250 fps and 690 ft.lbs. >230gr 45 Super (Underwood) 1100 fps and 618 ft.lbs >125gr 300 BLK (Underwood) 2250 fps and 1405 ft.lbs >147gr 300 BLK (Sellier & Bellot) 2075 fps and 1406 ft.lbs
So by "almost as good" you mean produces somewhere around half the energy of supersonic 300 BLK. You are either a fucking moron, a troll, or a noguns summer fag.
Nolan Smith
This thread is bad and you should feel bad.
Jacob Nelson
Just drop 5.56 entirely. The reverse can't happen as 5.56 will not chamber in a 300 blackout gun.
Jason Taylor
lol, okay enjoy juggling your different barrels and bolts and cartridges while I shoot you in the back of the head with my handgun that does the same thing as your 'rifle'
Connor Ross
There is literally no reason ever to run 5.56 in an AR with a barrel under 10.5". 300 BLK is the superior choice for SBRs.
What's hilarious is how you think 9mm is somehow better than 300BLK when ran in say, an 8" barrel. at that short of barrel length the only way to really measure performance is how much energy is being delivered to the target, and 9mm gets shit on completely in that regard.
Cooper Perry
There are several states that doesn't allow .223 to be used as a hunting round. It would work just fine but some stupid old laws that needs to be looked over again to make it legal.
Connor Bell
When the rebuttal is so brutal the only thing they have left is half hearted attempts at trolling.
I wish 1000 rounds of cheap ass Magtech .300 wasn't 2x the price of 5.56. Still better than the hot dumpster fire that was 6.8 though, amirite?
> I shoot you in the back of the head You forgot the 'Nothing personal, kid.'
Hudson Collins
Geez LRRP, did you finally realize 6.5Grendel is a dead meme but step backwards onto another, deader meme?
Alexander Cooper
Hahahahahahahahahaha >400gr .50 beowulf- 1,800 fps, 2,878 ft/lbs >ballistics of .45-70 And it uses standard mags.... .300 blackout is fucking joke. Anybody who bought one did so because their LGS or some YouTuber said it was cool, not because of any actual research.
OP here, back to fuck you all in the ass. Firstly on your cons: >99.99% of the time this is irrelevant >99.99% of the time this is irrelevant >This catridge is more accurate and flat shooting than 99.99% of every projectile weapon ever invented. Stop acting like it's a damn slingshot in comparison. >What even? >Implying this bullet won't kill an animal >99.99% of the time this is irrelevant, and not even that big of a factor >Stop being poor, buy bulk, popularity doesn't matter >Citation needd >Irrelevant >Moot point
Jose Anderson
It knocks niggers down. Do you need help understanding words? The future is now. Reload or stop being poor. Legality. This. No, you. Backpedaling
Alexander Bailey
Woke as shit. Yep. Goes for my state (GA) Yep.
Blake Davis
>$1.17/rd vs. 40cpr >Very few projectile choices for reloading vs. huge selection >Doesn't suppress well >Suggesting a proprietary round with little support >Not using the better supported 458 SOCOM for brick ballistics
Wanna know how I know you're a noguns faggot?
Luis Edwards
>cares about cost per round Sucks to be poor like you >few projectile choices 200gr inceptor ARX, 335gr FMG, 335gr JHP, 350gr FMJ, 350gr JHP 385gr FMJ, 385gr JHP, 400gr FMJ >doesn't suppress well I guess LARPing is important to you >little support See above list >better .458 SOCOM ballistics .458 is a great round, but does not surpass Beowulf in all criteria.
You were given bogus information. State of Georgia is .22 center fire or larger for deer.
Samuel Lee
*must be expanding bullets .222, .223, 5.56, .224 are all 100% legal
Oliver Campbell
>knockdown power 10/10 faggot
Logan Garcia
I remember when 6.8 SPC was going to be the ROUND OF THE FUTURE.
John Nguyen
Did you ever see the gif of the gun store shooting in Georgia where the nog literally gets knocked over by a .45? Fuck off. Knockdown power is actually a thing, believe it or not. That energy doesn't just vanish.
Thomas Parker
>There is literally no reason ever to run 5.56 in an AR with a barrel under 10.5". 300 BLK is the superior choice for SBRs. There is literally no reason ever to run a cartridge that's not compatible with your backup pistol in an SBR with a barrel under 10.5".
>What's hilarious is how you think 9mm is somehow better Did I say 9mm anywhere? No, not once. I said "pistol ammunition". Sure, 9mm is one of those options, but there are a lot of options for paired pistol-caliber carbines and pistols.
>how much energy is being delivered to the target, and 9mm gets shit on completely in that regard. No, 9mm out of a carbine barrel delivers pretty much the same energy as .300 subsonic (i.e. the only sensible reason to ever consider .300 BLK). Matching it subsonically with 9mm is a bit tricky, but if you want a bullet of the same mass and speed for a compact suppressed carbine, you can use .45 ACP or .40 S&W. If you want to match its supersonic muzzle energy, .45 Super comes pretty close.
If you insist on having an SBR that's not a PCC, and you don't care about having subsonic ammo, and .300 BLK is good enough, then odds are 5.56 is good enough too. Yes, 5.56 loses a lot of performance in a short barrel, but it's still going to pop right through soft body armor and hit harder than .357 Magnum. People don't pick 5.56 as the most optimized performance round, it's what people default to when it's good enough. The ammunition is cheap and common, and you probably have it for other reasons. .300 BLK is only going to be marginally better. Why go with some weirdo round for that?
There's a whole world of other options than an AR-15 with .300 BLK. For instance, if you want something like your AR-15 but shorter and handier, you could get a 5.56 bullpup. If you're not happy with 5.56 terminal effect, the tiny step up .300 BLK represents is unlikely to satisfy you, when there are options like .50 Beowulf or a proper 308 battle rifle or a 12-gauge shotgun.
Evan Davis
>Projectiles choices Go check out the Hornady website, I count 61 different .308 cal projectile choices just from them; you listed 8. Here, I'll even start you out by give you the link because I'm nice like that: >Suppressor Some of us enjoy our hearing user, particularly when we are stuck at indoor lanes. Or there's the fact that you are comparing a round that is know to be great out of a suppressor (300 BLK) to one that is notably not. >Little support Still a proprietary round owned by Alexander Arms that requires licensing agreements to load or build guns chambered in it. You're making an objectively shitty choice by choosing it over 458 SOCOM for big bore application just due to this alone, but it gets better. >better .458 SOCOM ballistics Did I say it did? I said if you wanted brick ballistics it was the better choice than 50 Beowulf for above reasons and has better bullet selection to boot due to using the chad .458 cal projectiles instead of virgin .500 cal.
>That's a 1917 parker SxS BTW If true it's even worse, you own guns and still have no idea what you are talking about. In all likelihood you should probably put away your stepdads guns, he might ground you for part of summer vacation if he catches you messing with them.
gr 45 Super (Underwood) >1100 fps and 618 ft.lbs gr 300 BLK (Underwood) >2250 fps and 1405 ft.lbs Wow, that's some impressive research there. You went to Wikipedia and grabbed the examples without even noticing that you're comparing .45 Super out of a 5-inch barrel to .300 BLK out of a 16-inch barrel.
At around 10-12" inches, you can find .45 Super ammo to approximately match the highest .300 BLK muzzle energies.
Brayden Peterson
So basically if somebody shoots me with .300blk and I happen to notice, it might sting a little bit? Leave a little red mark?
Jaxson Morris
the round of the future is already out and its .30-06
Let me get back to my chewbacci and busch beer.
Jackson Bailey
>61 choices Ya, I'll bet you have dozens for each firearm you own. Oh wait, you only use 3-4... >indoor range Enjoy punching paper urbanite. >proprietary Only the name is. Anybody can make a compatible "12.7x42". You seem to have very little knowledge. >better brick ballistics. 300-700 ft/lbs less, with smaller cross section. Just like the rest of your post, you are clueless. >durrhurr dad's guns. Such an old and tired comeback. $20 says you're one of those MEPS rejects LARPing in flecktarn while I was deployed to Kabul.
Thomas Martinez
Goddamn buncha ass blasted faggots getting all worked up over a fucking bullet. Who fu king cares if i like making weird bullets that may not perform as good that fit in muh salt gun. Jesus
>You went to Wikipedia and grabbed the examples Actually I went to Underwood and used their listed specs.
>.300 BLK out of a 16-inch barrel Who in their right mind would run .300 BLK out of a 16" barrel? Most people run it in 8-10" barrels because you pretty much have gotten everything our of 300blk by 8", the 10" barrels are pretty much to help with cycling suppressors to give the gases more dwell time. If you want to compare apples to apples you'd use 8" test barrels for both rounds.
>At around 10-12" inches, you can find .45 Super ammo to approximately match the highest .300 BLK muzzle energies. *Citation needed
That's a rather interesting claim, being that 45 Super is going to be loaded with pistol powder, which is designed to burn completely in ~5" of barrel to maximize it's power out of a pistol. I'm sure you'll get some extra oomph out of it by adding barrel length, but I'm pretty skeptical of finding an extra ~700 ft.lbs without resorting to some pretty exotic loading if we are talking about standard 8" or so 300 BLK barrel length; and if we are going that direction, you could do the same sort of nonsense with 300 BLK and push it even higher. Then there's also the fact that .45 cal pistol rounds have shit ballistics compared to .308 cal rounds, so 300 BLK would be a superior choice because of terminal ballistics. That's the beauty of 300 BLK, it gives you reasonably powered subsonics while giving you x39 tier supers all in one platform, it's not the best at anything, but gives you lots of options in a small package.
Best result was an 18" barrel, Underwood 185gr @ 1600fps
Austin James
She's cute.
Evan Fisher
>61 choices Haven't you heard user? Choice is the spice of life! I still stand by the fact that there are vastly more choices in .308cal than .500cal >Enjoy punching paper urbanite. Yep will do, some of us like to make a good living and don't want to deal with tons of meth or opiate abuse around us, I left and went to college to get away from that shit. That's not to say I don't enjoy visiting and shooting shit when I have the chance. >proprietary Actually, their copyright/patent would cover that. It'd be like if I invented Ibuprofen and took out a patent; you couldn't make the same thing and call it Abuprofen and not risk getting sued into the ground. >better brick ballistics. Your reading comprehension can't seriously be this bad. Nowhere have I stated 458 SOCOM was more powerful or has better ballistics, simply that it was a better choice due to A) being non-proprietary/better supported and B) having better bullet selection if you're inclined to reload. >MEPS rejects LARPing in flecktarn Never wanted to enlist in the military actually, I grew up around plenty of people that went into the military and burned out. I went to college and got my masters in petroleum geology instead senpai, much better hours, pay, and benefits (LOVE me that sweet sweat equity on wells).
Carson Gutierrez
>copyright/patent Only covers the name. Manufacturers sell Beowulf compatible 12.7x42 rifles. Again, you have zero comprehension or knowledge on the subject. >Nowhere have I stated 458 SOCOM was more powerful or has better ballistics, Actually, you did. A couple times. >"458 SOCOM for brick ballistics" > "I said if you wanted brick ballistics it was the better choice than 50 Beowulf"
You're a fucking idiot and anything you post has zero value.
Wyatt Hill
SMGs and PCCs are being phased out in favor of .300aac SBRs in most divisions of anything that use the former. Aka not a dead round. Here's something to think about. The best ammo for 5.7 is damm near exclusively sold to the SS yet 5.7 is still relevant to the public (I personally am not a fan but who cares?) And that's an incredibly niche market. 300 blackout has far more diversity in terms of application, types, and a much broader range of firearms that actually use the round. Moral of the story.. .300 blackout is old news when newer rounds come out, but the same happens to any other round a few years later. But also there's a reason why specifically for the sake of the 300 you can buy ammo for $0.35 vs. 3 years ago where it was $0.50+
Xavier Evans
>Actually, you did. A couple times. Are you seriously this dense? I was referring to it being the superior choice BECAUSE it is non-proprietary and has more projectile choices. If your going to quote at least be honest about it and don't quote-mine. I'll break it down for you because you seem to be a intellectually dishonest blithering idiot.
>Not using the better supported 458 SOCOM for brick ballistics key here being the phrase "better supported", it's chiefly marked by a lack of discussion on power or ballistics.
>Still a proprietary round owned by Alexander Arms that requires licensing agreements to load or build guns chambered in it. You're making an objectively shitty choice by choosing it over 458 SOCOM for big bore application just due to this alone, but it gets better. and >I said if you wanted brick ballistics it (458 SOCOM) was the better choice than 50 Beowulf for above reasons and has better bullet selection to boot Yet once again, claiming 458 SOCOM is superior due to being non-proprietary and having better projectile selection. Nothing here about power or ballistics, no siree bob.
Notice how nowhere in that discussion did I say "more powerful" or "has better ballistics"? I was saying they both have .45-70ish brick ballistics, but one is a superior choice due to not being hamstrung by Alexander Arms and having a better projectile selection.
Holy shit, do you even into reading comprehension user?
Cameron Garcia
There is literally no reason to ever run an AR that has a shorter than 14.5 inch barrel
Thomas Stewart
>Who in their right mind would run .300 BLK out of a 16" barrel? Ammunition manufacturers. Who in their right mind would run supersonic .300 BLK?
>I'm pretty skeptical of finding an extra ~700 ft.lbs You don't get 1400 ft-lbs out of .300 BLK unless you go to a full-length rifle barrel. More realistic performance maxes out around 1100 or 1200 ft-lbs out of a 10.5" barrel. The hottest off-the-shelf .45 Super gets up near 1000 ft-lbs around a 10" barrel:
>That's the beauty of 300 BLK, it gives you reasonably powered subsonics while giving you x39 tier supers all in one platform Hah! No, it is glorified pistol ammunition, an experiment in converting the M4 into a silenced submachinegun while changing as little as possible about how it works and feels and imposing the minimum logistic burden. It uses pistol powder so you can shorten the barrel to gain length for a suppressor so it's as handy as a regular M4.
Don't kid yourself that it can match 7.62x39. It maxes out at about 2/3 of the muzzle energy. As soon as you stop caring about silence, it's a significant downgrade even from 5.56. It has pretty much exactly the case capacity of .45 ACP (which is why it takes little tweaking to make it do the same things out of the same length of barrel).
It is literally a way of downgrading to pistol ammunition. .45 ACP was their performance target. Special Ops wanted to be able to switch their doorkickers over to silenced submachineguns and back with no retraining or other equipment changes (like vests with different magazine pockets).
All of this shit with trying to shoehorn it into other applications is pure silliness.
Jason Green
You didn't do very well in your logic & reason courses in school did you?
Luis Thompson
How does the buffer work? Does it go into he grip? Nogunz here
Jaxson Morgan
>Who in their right mind would run supersonic .300 BLK? Plenty of people, Its actually the cheaper option for both buying ammo and reloading, the heavy .30 cal projectiles are expensive.
>More realistic performance maxes out around 1100 or 1200 ft-lbs out of a 10.5" barrel >The hottest off-the-shelf .45 Super gets up near 1000 ft-lbs around a 10" barrel So what you're saying is 300 BLK has 10-20% more energy at muzzle in same platform out of the same barrel length while having better terminal ballistics at any distance due to better projectile design. Seems pretty significant to me
>Don't kid yourself that it can match 7.62x39 You might want to go check out wikipedia and the white papers it links, that is actually one of the stated claims. 125gr 300blk and 123gr x39 have very similar performance, with x39 having ~12% more energy at muzzle (Underwoods numbers), but 300 BLK retaining more energy at longer ranges.
>It is literally a way of downgrading to pistol ammunition. .45 ACP was their performance target. Yes, for subs designed for use with suppressors, not supers
>Special Ops wanted to be able to switch their doorkickers over to silenced submachineguns and back with no retraining or other equipment changes Yes, It's a jack of all trades round that does several things reasonably well, but only one thing great (running suppressed in SBRs).
Juan Jenkins
>future >30 caliber I hope you die
Juan Martin
I just want to load sabots in my 300blk
Joshua Anderson
>>Don't kid yourself that it can match 7.62x39 >You might want to go check out wikipedia ...