Looks like these guys ship "inoperable" auto glock parts, along with instructions on how to install them.
Post totally legal shit
Just because you post a meme we can appreciate doesn't mean that we will help you, mister gov.
>What is an IP address?
Ah ah ah Mr law man, it's a solvent trap not a silencer
What's the issue, I just want a silencer for my airsoft rifle ^:)
Is this the new meme now.
Who is the samefag I wonder
hey faggot. fucky ou im not playing into your bullshit you fucking cunt
Kill yourself niggerfaggot
whoa! dude, that's too far! you better not post goatse next!
I want one for my .25 hatsan air rifle, but apparently they are regulated now.
>This product is totally legal bros!
>Lel we ship it as motorcycle parts!
What did they mean by this?
Hey, they sell lightening links too.
>In operation the takedown pin post acts as a fulerum point. When the bolt carrier strikes the top ofthe links
upright the lower end is rocked to the rear. moving llte body ol'the link backward abnul lr'l6 inch, releasing
the ltammer from under the disconnector hook. As long as the lriggcr is held back the rearward movement ol'lhe bolt carrier will cock the hammer under the disconncelor book.
>© Copyright 2017-2018 SILENSER-SALE
The absolute fucking state of this gookinese chinglish translations.
what is anatomy
I honestly think all these sites are fake. Also gay.
Considering that the US government tracked solvent trap sales to Australia and ratted the people who bought them out to their government, you can bet they're tracking any suppressor parts sold online and some in person in the US.
Probably just waiting on a new shipment of dog popping ammo before they act.
sorry I'm allergic to honey
OP I don't hate you man, I know you're just doing your job to snare gun owners to help the left's narrative that wears terrorists. However it must make you ashamed to do this everyday online, you effectively work for Bloomberg. I pity you desu but, no hate
You need people like me