> What would you wear and why? > What weapon(s) would you bring and why? > What materials such as books would you bring and why? > What gear would you bring and why? > What would you do now that you have traveled back in time with your stuff?
>wear pic related > 1 mp5 with 2 magazines, 2 lemat revolvers >bring douay rheims Bible, peppers manuals for black powder and caps etc. Gun down the infant Henry VIII and Martin Luther in the name of our Lord with mp5. Give information and lemats to the Habsburg monarchy in the HRE and the fledgling habsburgs in Spain. Fix europe. End my days in the papal States.
I would wear and do nothing, because I would die right way due to an out of sync immune system for the time.
Nathan Powell
> What would you wear and why? bomb suit, if any primitive tried to hurt me barely anything would happen, and a cdc approved hasmat suit. > What weapon(s) would you bring and why? .950 JdJ rifle and a sizable collection of the nastiest bioweapons > What materials such as books would you bring and why? as many different types of maps that could fit in 4 duffel bags, due to the time period the maps that i could provide would be extremely valuable > What gear would you bring and why? 7 duffel bags, 4 full of maps, 1 half full of the jdj rifle rounds and half full of first aid materials, 2 duffel bags full of instant cold ice packs, and the last duffel bag full of non perishable foods and bottles of water. I would also bring one of those carts that they have at home depo but with all terrain modifications added on. > What would you do now that you have traveled back in time with your stuff? first i would go to the pope and claim to be the horseman of conquest, but that the end times were still far away. if anyone questioned me i would release the bioweapons while donning the hazmat suit. i would then proceed to either a. barter some of the maps for a mule, then proceed to go to Portugal and give the king and queen the rest of the maps in order to expose some colonists to the leftover bio-weapons to expand their conquest. b. go to England and usurp the king and queen so that i would be the figurehead of the most powerful empire on the planet
Robert Taylor
>a full leather covered plague doctor outfit with Israeli military gasmask and a fuckton of nato filters >mosin nagant, 45 long colt revolver and a fuckton of ammo >books on science, math, history, chemistry, engineering and medicine >survival gear such as water filter and flint knife to start fires with and a container full of diseases that have a kill switch >I would go over to a small town village somewhere in Europe and aquire a horse and use that as my transportation and make way to china and aquire a bunch of mercenaries and make way over to Japan and use the containers full of diseases and unleash it on Japan and wait for the killswitch to activate before making my move in and remove as much opposition as I can and declare myself as a ruler and a god. Then reconstruct and reform their culture, language and everything and have one of the mercenaries to deliver the message to whoever rules china that japan is open for a new ruler and exchange my position of control over to ever arrives from the chinese ruling family side in exchange for gold and safe passage to europe. Once there i arrive to Constantinople and trade knowledge and wisdom thanks to the books I have with me and build up enough money and influence to gain enough people's interests and make myself a celebrity with all the shit I brought. Then make way to Italy and enjoy my vacation before heading over to the U.K. and introduce science and literature with the books and enjoy the luxury visit before making way to Prussia and introduce every knowledge i brought with me to albert along with the mosin nagant and show them the book on chemistry and science and help him and the prussian military build the mosin nagant and the means to manufacture the ammo to be used with it and show him the books of tactics so the military can be better used in any battles. After that i go and aquire land and enjoy my time knowing that i have destroyed Japan, fixed prussia and made the future a better place.
Noah Smith
How to destroy europe and rest of world the post
Blake Williams
Arrive in pic related >first I fuck you >then I fuck your wife, too
Any time these threads pop up, there's a simple answer. You manufacture very basic firearms and conquer the world. End of fantasy.
Brayden Miller
I hope she fucks.
Caleb Gutierrez
I hope she dies
Aaron Ramirez
Goddamn your a faggot. You must weigh in at a svelt 350, you fucking neck beards are a disgrace
Joshua Brooks
Daniel Nelson
This pic would make more sense with a sbr, smg or maybe even just a pistol.
Sebastian Sanchez
>> What weapon(s) would you bring and why? a half ton of powder brass and primers and two MP5s and a Tikka T3 with glass rangefinder, loading dies a solar panel, lead acid batteries and a 40 inch screen, a HD with a massive amount of german porn and a player, a laser binder, flir and a copy of starwars a new hope. some seed potatosm some opium seeds, some cannabis seeds, some tobacco seeds I already have everything needed to fabricate BP and basic firearms in my brain.
I'd establish a misogynistic sex and drug empire based on 1 years compulsory brothel duty for all attractive women and 2 years conscription for men. My civilisation would reach the stars one day.
Justin Campbell
Yeah, good luck spreading disease in a country that was on a whole far less susceptible to disease than any other region. Also get in line with the other people trying to take over Japan who also have guns and armies far larger than yours.