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What are they trying to accomplish? A few more gunboats won't do anything against China's fleet.
Duterte is a chink puppet. Hes only doing this because his military is largely pro-west and he doesnt want to get coup-ed.
Any country that doesn't have aircraft carriers should just scrap their whole navy
They should just buy Chinese desu, it's not worth spending all that money on research and building with great Chinese warships around.
>China's fleet.
Duterte is basically just a giant edgelord, sort of like Hugo Chavez was.
Any country that isnt the US Navy ought to just scrap theirs. I mean really, why do other nations even bother keeping navies when the USN could easily destroy all of their assets in any given time? It just seems so pointless to operate one when it could be destroyed at a whim at any given moment.
I can't wait to see the 16 inch guns on an Iowa class shelling the presidential palace when the coup happens anyway.
This is like the road speedbump acquiring some potholes after it. They ain't stopping shit.
First thing the flips need to do is take out their Chinese puppet of a president if they want to modernize their navy.
Do they still have the LT 57 Sierra Madre?
If so; then even adding a 9 mm gun to the ship would count as an upgrade.
Yeah, its still there. Some patchwork and upgrades were made a couple years ago to make living conditions better for the soldiers stationed there.
Are they at least going to buy ships from this century?
With what money are they trying to do this, with Chinese loans? Lmfao
Choose one user.
I wouldn’t be surprised if China found a way to Zerg rush people on water to. Imagine 1000’s of Commie gooks floating towards you on bamboo rafts
>Implying they're getting just gunboats
>Implying they aren't stocking up on stealth freighters to ram China's cheaply-made vessels to pieces
Looks like a living ship wreck.
The Flips don't stand a fucking chance. They have like 10 Korean T-50 trainers, wich are used as multi-role fighters, plus a couple of Vietnam War era Broncos OV-10. That's all. The navy consists of 3 frigates, a couple of corvettes and a smattering of patrol boats, all armed with guns only. To make things worse the Flips are still engaged in guerrilla wars on two fronts (Muslim rebellion, communist rebellion).
Compared to that China has in its Southern Fleet alone: 1 aircraft carrier (+1 additional ready by 2020), 11 destroyers, 17 frigates, 12 corvettes, 8 attack submarines, and 17 landing ships. The crappy Liaoning carrier, already carries more planes than the whole Flip air-force has in its inventory. In addition to that, the Chinese air-force also has 612 gen. 4 and up fighters and multirole fighters (J-11, J-10, Su-35, and Su-30) and I didn't even take into account the vaporwave J-20.
I like to see them try. They are better off going against Japan since Japan is the one that actually attacked them, not China...
What is your obsession with the Japanese? Why do you keep derailing threads that have nothing to do with the Japanese to talk about the Japanese?
Send help pl0x
probably a chink
How many people are going to have to die before people wake up and realize permanent fortifications are not an obsolete technology?
Just because the preconceived notion of what a permanent fortifications looks like and how it functions is obsolete doesn't mean the core idea is obsolete.
In terms of quality, the only ones who can match the Filipinos apart from USN are Japan and Australia
He is Just sucking china's Dick in order to be spared cause sucking on the US doesnt work anymore so yeh
They can't even fight their ASEAN neighbord yet planning to take on china.
Permanent fortifications are obsolete.
Mobility will always be more useful than physical fortification in the era of PGMs and satellite imaging.
It isn't so much as taking on China head on, but have them think twice about doing anything near our territory. But since the first thing duts did was open up his asshole for the chinkdick and slashed the budget for the modernization projects there won't be that much modernization going on that didn't already start from the last admin and some donations from other countries.
They couldn't even deal with the Taiwanese, who have WW2-era Guppy class diesel submarines, during the standoff over the fishermen. They were forced in a humiliating back down while Filipinos trumpeted their "victory" because the US got Ma Ying Jo to back down after Ninoy caved and apologized
What a nice friend/ally.
How will they deal with all the chink subs?
>Mobility will always be more useful than physical fortification in the era of PGMs and satellite imaging.
So decoys, camouflage, and disposable weapons doesn't exist? What about depth & dispersion?
Explain to me why all the technology we use to protect our ships can't be used in a static fortification.
Are Filipinos orks?
Shouldn't they be concentrating on anti-ship missiles or something as a deterrent?
China would just grind them into the dust with the heel of it's huge navy boot. A conventional fight would be almost pointless.
Practically any idea to that effect would be terrible
OMG that's hilarious! The thumbnail literally looks like 3 stubby canons :D
Maybe if they believe it hard enough it will shoot Dakka?
Imo best thing they could do is invest heavily in subs, considering china doesn't have any experience in dealing with them. But subs are expensive and maintenance intensive
Just buy Changbogo-class desu.
I remember a year ago Duterte welcomed China over the U.S. The problem is that the U.S. never forgets betrayal of the regime.
They tried that shit in the Opium Wars, didn't work.
the problem is the both fort and mobility fags forget what it is meant to do.
forts are for holding and delaying the enemy. Or to entice the enemy to go somewhere else.
They do this very well.
Mobility fags bitch and moan because they don't inflict tons of casualties or win the war. But they aren't there to do that.
fort fags think that just because you slap some tons of concrete onto something it becomes more useful and thus potentially war winning. This is also not what it is meant to do.
It is there to be a pain in the dick for any enemy that wants to be where the fort is.
They did use stacks of cardboard the their collective willpower to protect their APCs from RPG fire back in Marawi.
>forcing us to read right to left like a chink
It works. Cardboard needs to be blessed by a priest though.
they tried it in korea and suffered losses of 4-1 and had they gotten nuked would probably have been far worse. If it weren't for equipment failures in southern manchuria during the winter, The US would likely not have had to retreat so far and so quickly.
It is. It's grounded on a shoal as a permanent base.
Then I guess fortfags don't exist because if they actually did some research they would realize its far more then just concrete, At least mobilityfags understand why/how mobility works.
gib link
I could sell my house, maybe car and get a better equipped and quality ship than this.
>If it weren't for equipment failures
I hate chinks too but come the fuck on.
You're literally the victim of fake news.
>U.S. Army historian Roy Edgar Appleman observed that the term "human wave" was later used by journalists and military officials to convey the image that the American soldiers were assaulted by overwhelming numbers of Chinese on a broad front, which is inaccurate when compared with the normal Chinese practice of sending successive series of five men teams against a narrow portion of the line.[1] S.L.A. Marshall also commented that the word "mass" was indiscriminately used by the media to describe Chinese infantry tactics, and it is rare for the Chinese to actually use densely concentrated infantry formations to absorb enemy firepower.
Victim of bullshitting marines, as well, then.