MK18 Edition Matey
MK18 Edition Matey
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Shit edition, really
This is better
2/3rds of the CO crew are missing, only trips can ensure they stay that way
I want them to leave and never come back again.
Where is A2?
Also do I put m1 carbine towards a can or night vision?
The only Mk18s worth a fuck are 10.5 FSB with RAS. Free float is gay, unless you're cota
Bulgemeow powers keep /arg/ safe
Did A2 will you or emy his collection?
>Aor2 plate carrier
I needs it.
cog bros check in
USN is about to change to AOR2s
I hope so, doubtful.
>ARD secured by a fucking rubber band
you've all preordered your URGI to make Bill happy, right? He needs his pizza party
>no acog
Is this something that I should actually worry about?
Nice ash one.
jewdot is best dot
No MK14 just as good.
MK14 is so trash Geissele had to redo the barrel nut.
fuck trips
I'll ask again, since the last thread seems to have been deleted.
Anybody have any experience with the Cav Arms C1 buttstock? Are they solid?
I think I will paint my AR like this
Jewdot 4 lyfe
Does the side say L3 or aimpoint?
they didn't change a fucking thing except for the logo
Mk18 a shit btw
I dont know that brand, cant you just get a real A2 stock?
An effort was made
Can you say the same for aimpoint?
Great I just ordered one
D: I was going to do a mod 0.
>Great I just ordered one
Typical tony
Years late
Half assed
Man, ACOGs are so great. Who needs eye relief anyways?
wow a Mitsubishi gun
Post SBR
How much longer for your scar tax stamp
t. Mirin
Real soldiers use CVLife, not ACOG
>Post SBR
Which one :^)?
quit being jelly
Matey has a nicer AR than you :^
The not outdated one
>Giving a shit what OC has to say
? :^)
Fake claim
Fake OC
Yeah they are good.
im miring your slav beam
also kekmod pistol ar
>ebrybody is oc
Oh except get a proper backplate from an A2 stock, not the Cav arms one.
Yall have a good evening!
What's a comfortable magnification range for a LMT MWS? 4-16?
Thanks, you too
No the non outdated one
eww no
Do it. That stock gucci.
Suchka's BTFO'd
I meant the digits you stupid pothead
I bet that la rue rifle costa lot.
:( what to but with m1 carbine monies?
Too much clamp
I have one, and want the shorter LOP because I want a better sight picture without extending my neck out like a giraffe.
Already done, I'm just gonna re use my A2 plate, their moulded one looks cheesy as hell
They always comeback
Rail, retard.
yeah, it aint even that expensive. i would try it.
how about saving it? youre poor because you spend all your money on stupid shit.
No. PVS14 or CAN.
Will memorial day parts arrive before the weekend anticipation edition
What can are you going to get, Ash?
Rail money is almost to the rail price. I have money for different things.
Idk. YHM Turbo.
>YHM Turbo.
Oh yeah this is so Ash
I was literally gifted my first ar, a DD V11, and have no idea what to do with it.
I've always been a shotgun collector and have no fucking clue what optics or ammo I should be using.
Do I use. 223 or 5.56? Is the acog id meme a meme or not?
Whats wrong with it? MAC liked it.
All you need to know is ACOG's a meme and Ash is fat
it is one of the cheaper cans but to be fair, the turbo gets great reviews. dollar for dollar a very good 5.56 can from what i hear.
in any case theres a 99% chance ash is all talk anyway so the point is moot
Shoot it on irons, you need some ammo, 223/556 doesn't matter.
Modern ARs can shoot both, acog is not a meme
Think of the potential though, he can lie that he has a can in jail for a whole year.
It's a good meme
I'll give you a deal on one :^
>Is the acog id meme
Go eat a keylime pie and chill out.
How much?
Don't buy anything from OC
You can shoot both. Grab a nice set of iron sights and shoot those first. Im partial to a fixed front and a flip up rear sight myself.
Not selling to you
Go fuck yourself gayboi
ADM mount is in mail for acogger
don't mock my favorite pie
Fuck you
>The creativity of a Floridagook
How much
Send 300 and I'll send you a TAxx
>not disputing it