Seriously, how did shit like "bore axis" even take off when that's not even how physics work? Why is this shit not called out constantly? Muzzle flip is dictated by the height of the center of gravity of the slide over your hand, not where the barrel is. It doesn't matter if the barrel is completely in line with your arm if the center of gravity of the slide is the same height above your wrist as it is with a normal pistol. On the other hand, if a pistol puts the center of gravity of the slide inline with your arm, muzzle flip will be negligible even if the barrel is located a foot or more above your wrist.
Why are gun owners so susceptible to shitty marketing?
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It really depends on what the gun owner is looking for, how knowledgeable they are, and how knowledgeable they think they are as well.
For instance, someone who is not new into guns but is a very "manly man" will get suckered into buying shit like "zombie" guns while someone who is new but a female will buy guns that are small and then painted pink.
There are as many firearms as there are marketing techniques for them. The kind of person you described will buy a firearm because they think they know a lot about the technical aspect of ballistics but actually don't.
Another Sigfag cope thread?
Because a good deal of gun owners are dumb, poor, and uneducated. And thus preyed upon by shitty sales man everywhere. People need to learn how to do a fucking budget by 9th grade for fucks sake. And learn if it sounds too good to be true it ain't true.
>Muzzle flip is dictated by the height of the center of gravity of the slide over your hand, not where the barrel is.
That would be true if it were one of those blowback airsoft guns, I guess, but firearms have a little explosion that comes out one end of the barrel and this happens to have a bit of an effect. Hence why every handgun that doesn't have a slide at all still has muzzle flip.
I know fuckers who swear by Sig. I can barely contain my giggles.
>Muzzle flip is dictated by the height of the center of gravity of the slide over your hand
i guess revolvers dont have any recoil... you're a fucking idiot.
Maybe you should stop giggling like an insufferable faggot
>someone who is new but a female will buy guns that are small and then painted pink.
Not as likely as you think, girls are more likely to go for shiny stainless and nickel guns, than pink guns, many resent the idea of a pink gun as childish.
Dont drop your guns lol
>many resent the idea of a pink gun as childish
And the ones who do buy them generally are childish.
Is your shitter shattered OP?
You're fucking wrong. An object will rotate about a point of instantaneous zero velocity, regardless of where the center of gravity is. That point is your grip, so the gun will rotate around your grip. If the forces on the object are in the same axis as the fixed point, there will be no moment (or "muzzle flip"), just straight linear translation back and forth.
I'm gonna believe that OP was trying to make a point by spouting off ridiculous bullshit and seeing who would believe it.
Are you completely ignorant of how a browning tilting barrel action operates? If the bore axis is lower the slide tends to be closer to the top of your hand. Grip a sig p229/226/320 etc and compare it to a glock or cz.
The fuck does Sig have anything to do with this?
>Hence why every handgun that doesn't have a slide at all still has muzzle flip.
>i guess revolvers dont have any recoil
You're missing the vast majority of the equal and opposite reaction from the bullet leaving the barrel is transferred to the slide on most pistols. It's pretty visible if you've ever seen a video of a handgun fired in slow motion where the vast majority of the recoil is seen when the slide reaches the end of its travel.
>You're fucking wrong
How so?
>An object will rotate about a point of instantaneous zero velocity, regardless of where the center of gravity is. That point is your grip, so the gun will rotate around your grip.
>If the forces on the object are in the same axis as the fixed point, there will be no moment (or "muzzle flip"), just straight linear translation back and forth.
Yes, and those forces come mostly from the slide impacting the frame as it reaches the end of its travel with a relatively small amount occurring before the slide unlocks on most pistols.
>Yes, and those forces come mostly from the slide impacting
do you think the pistol just floats in midair before the slide hits the frame?
it's in your hand the entire time torquing over backwards
I'm pretty sure you just saw some slomo footage of a pistol on Forgotten Weapons or something and are convinced you had some sort of epiphany.
>Yes, and those forces come mostly from the slide impacting the frame as it reaches the end of its travel with a relatively small amount occurring before the slide unlocks on most pistols.
Ok so what's your point? You seem to be agreeing with me. A pistol with a bore axis further away from your grip will have more muzzle flip
Sigs have some of the highest bore axis of any handgat and a noticable increase in felt recoil.
>Why is this shit not called out constantly?
Most people don't know how to shoot worth a shit but I've heard a couple of clued in shooters scoff at this. Bruce Gray from Sig is a good example, along with the late Todd Green.
proper grip, trigger control and follow through>>>>>>>>>>>>>worrying about bore axis and pontificating about dumb gay physics nerd shit
You tend to notice people that actually give a shit about this are generally the ones with piss poor technique who couldn't manage a Glock which has a relatively low bore axis.
>Sigs have some of the highest bore axis of any handgat and a noticable increase in felt recoil.
Funny considering I can shoot a P226 and P320 very well. Did you know that the 1911 has a high bore axis but is one of the most popular competition guns? If you truly find the P320 to be difficult to shoot, let Yong Lee know.
Why are Americans so susceptible to shitty marketing in general?
>Funny considering I can shoot a P226 and P320 very well
I don't think it was implied that those guns are somehow impossible to shoot because of their bore axis, just that it has a noticeable effect on muzzle flip. A 9mm with a higher bore axis is still gonna be easier to shoot than a 10mm with a lower one.
> why are some owners of X susceptible to efforts to persuade them to buy things related to X
Really makes you think
Expulsion of gas is very basic thrust. Thrust is force, force applied further away from the fulcrum (web of your hand) has more leverage.
>Muzzle flip is dictated by the height of the center of gravity of the slide over your hand
stay in school, kiddo
You're wrong. A high bore axis creates torque on the hand. A low bore axis directs the force straight back.
>hurr durr what is torque?