Tfw local gun range literally has a no singles policy

>tfw local gun range literally has a no singles policy

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>a fucking leaf

Thats because you leaf niggers go and rent a gun then blow your head off.

>we encourage the buddy system
>we recommend shooting in a group
>no single shooters
something isnt adding up here
>all customers including minors mush have a valid gov. id
so people less than 16 just get fucked out of shooting?

>decide to go to the local range, since the one further away was overrun during a brass dwarves insurrection
>whatever, at least they're not brass goblins
>enter in to the range
>no singles policy
> the range jester is dispatched to my location
>sirens go off, all the stacy's start laughing
>I try to flee but a couple bulls trip me
>the jester accosts my pants, ripping them down and revealing my ass
>He smacks me endlessly with a rifle butt
>he keeps spanking me
>all the couples are laughing at me and feeling each other up
>the jester has now smacked my ass red
>negligently discharge on the ground, crying
>the jester throws a bag of hot brass on my butt as he scampers away
>the normies start fucking
>i'm left to crawl past the manlet pits and the lanklet cages back to my car
fucking normies


>unless you are a member of the gun club or have the most common gun license in canada

Did you all not read that little bit?

Mine allows singles if you have a ccw or bring your own

>A fucking leaf
There's your answer, non-RPAL holders who are feeling a bit suicidal sometimes go to places they can rent a gun and cap themselves.

You can get an ID at 8 bro, ID =/= drivers license.

my local range is charging additional per 100 rounds you bring in. on top of crazy prices.

I don't care about your problems. Talk about weapons, moron.

Lol what the fuck is the point of that?
Glad I'm not a city cuck and can literally shoot at my work with the owners permission

>Lol what the fuck is the point of that?
They don't want someone to rent a gun at the range and commit suicide.

>tfw it's less than 1800 miles from CHADS to STACY.

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Because people go to rental ranges to shoot themselves. It happened at The Shooting Edge, I think.

Also there's so many fucking gunnies in Vancouver, I'm pretty sure you can find someone to take you shooting. At a better range than DVC. Eugh.

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Don't you need a PAL to own guns in leafland? Policy makes sense if you've had to clean brains outta your lane before.

what gun is that and what special license do you need for that?

>less than 1800 miles
That's like, Alabama to California my dude.

looks like a ump. if its semi auto probably not

dunno though

kek, a shitty indoor range near me has this, with the base membership you can't rent guns unless you also bring one of your own
>i wonder why

It's a UMP45 and you only need your RPAL for it. Good luck finding one, though. There's only a handful in civilian hands and they command a significant premium. There's also G36s, and MP7s somewhere in leafland.

The CHADS are in California, in a tragic turn of fate STACY is in Virginia. I don't know how your state-to-state analogy is any more relevant than the image and distance.

I'm in the states, how come they have full autos in leafland? It doesn't look like its semi-auto or is it?

It has a semi-auto trigger pack, and that was sufficient for the period of time when they made it into the civilian market, I guess. (Think G-series FAL.) Firearms classification is a clusterfuck in Canada. It's basically whatever the head of the RCMP firearms lab at the time feels like.

There are full-autos in leafland, though. People who owned them prior to '77 are grandfathered in.

>how come they have full autos in leafland?
they dont

canacucks have worse than usa

they cant even have big mags

I'm afraid to go shooting innawoods by myself incase a squib load blows up my barrel or something and there's no one within 20 miles to notice my eyes are bleeding. am I being paranoid?

Yes. Very. Just wear glasses you fucking dip.

it would be natural selection thus everything would be okay and as intended

This. It's not an uncommon thing for ranges over concerns assholes will an hero.

These are common ways you ranges let you get around it.

Small indoor range? People get into that thinking they'll make a ton of money. They soon realize they were wrong.

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>my local pistol club requires 2 written references not from colleagues or family and a written test

>bring a friend
>kill yourself anyways
Great policy.

>amerifats complaining about having to pass simple safety requirements before going to handle deadly weapons in public

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They are assuming anyone who has friends in the first place is mentally stable enough not to kys.

You're trying way too hard, my dude.

>this kills the autist

It's so lonely neets like you don't blow your brains out.

Damn. Worth a shot anyway

>go to range I used to shot at a lot
>fill out and sign 23 pages of waivers and rules
>pay $52 + 17 for each additional gun
>have to watch full length feature film on gun safety
>mandatory equipment and ammo inspection
>followed by mandatory penis inspection
>get old RO for penis inspection
>can't get even half erection and fail minimum length test
>get told to go home for the day
>no refund
>find out later that the brass vultures got into my bag and my ammo is ruined
>at home get email from range
>they're fining me $75 for steel case ammo

Prepare for trouble!

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For good reason. A range next to my last job closed down 2 months after a dude shot himself. Not sure if that was because of the suicide, or the lack of business from being a strip mall gun range.

and make it double.

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No range falcon or range showers?

wtf, how was the noiseproofing there?

Why would you even go to a range without crablegs?

Jesus lmao

Sorry, the way I said that was misleading. It was in the strip mall next to my work. I worked in a separate building.