How is this not a thread already?
>Washington Post
Yeah, yeah i know
Still, i for one think thisll be an intresting data mining tool to see what sort of tactics people come up with
How is this not a thread already?
>Washington Post
Yeah, yeah i know
Still, i for one think thisll be an intresting data mining tool to see what sort of tactics people come up with
Other urls found in this thread:
Sause is 'Active Shooter' by Acid
I really wanted to try this game out. looked fun playing a cop.
>datamining tool
Hell of a honeypot if its true
>speedrunner wallhacks the game and eliminates all 348 people in the building in 4.0086 seconds
>SWAT now has to account for people who move at the speed of sound while phasing through walls while carrying 400+ rounds of ammunition and a stick
Where can I get a copy of this?
>fed up with the school shooter's choice in weapons, modders expand his repertoire
>cops now have to be concerned about car-towed gatling guns used in school shootings
It's not going to be released on steam anymore.
Some Russian dev team made it.
I didn't ask where I could NOT get it, retard.
Wonder if theres multiplayer
Either timed rounds where one player/team is swat, and another is the shooter, they have to compete for highest score while interfering with eachother
sounds like a fun game desu
Okay, Beef Sperginoff.
That's my answer
Hop off my nuts
Thanks for riding
And guess what, you can't. So cry more
Okay, so you have nothing to contribute, noted
Shitty. And pretty bad for our lifestyle, hobby, and political viewpoint. Depressing.
Right, because it hasn't been released fucktard. It was going to be on Steam but it got pulled.
For the SECOND time, I don't care where I *can't* get it.
Either provide a useful answer or stop talking
This is what the current generation of males is actually like, everyone. What the fuck happened?
You're trying too hard.
You can't get it at WalMart either, bro.
Different user, but it looks like it was supposed to be released jun 6th
Maybe a copy will turn up on the developers site or something by then
Because there were dozens of threads about it when it was first mentioned months ago?
because it's Jow Forums and /news/ shit, go away
I know you can't get it at digikey
What happened to that USG-sponsored one that was supposed to be for first responders and shit?
Could be a fun asymmetrical game where the shooter tries for a high score early, then the game shifts to cat and mouse kind of stuff when the cops show. Maybe SWAT players start as innocents, and after dying or escaping they spawn as SWAT. Depending on how they did, SWAT either enters the map earlier or they get some kind of bonus. I'd play that.
It was two simultaneous threads for 4 days
You're just a worthless shitposter
there could be some levels with coop shooters, and maybe at the start of a round, you plan shit, shooters could plant explosives on the map but in exchange they dont get as many guns/ammo.
maybe people need to survive for like 2 minutes, and if after that time they die, they respawn as cop, and if they survive the whole round as a student they get a really high score. could also have some items on the map people can use against the shooter like a fire extinguisher.
I'd buy it
I like that. Maybe the number of explosives and traps they can plant depends on how successful they were at the start.
Not a surprise that Russians are behind this game. They are just stoking the flames in this country.
So edgreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Literally no one would have known about this game existing if the media didn't flip their shit over this. Now they drummed up sales for an asset flip game that we're now going to see way more of because this one sold.
Have you ever tried SCP: Secret Lab? It's precisely what you're describing with reality-bending monsters. It's also free.
you could spend points after the end of the match on cosmetics like trench coats and masks. kids could unlock iphones to browse memes on while they wait to die. could add in some other types of missions like bombing a place and then the shooter tries to hide in traffic, when the cops identify the car it triggers the next part of the mission where he tries to escape in a car chase with like 3 cops after him, and the shooter gets bonus points for running people over but they lose some speed
so many possibilities
you could have different scenarios in game. Like teachers and staff would be armed in one game, or play as the students and either try to escape, hide, or take on the shooter while the school resource officer stays outside refusing to help like the little bitch he is
Check out this gem.
I really wonder if such a game could stop would be shooters from doing it live.
I mean I'm no headshrinker but you'd think that shooting up your school a thousand times in a game would quench the thirst for the real deal.. or am I totally wrong?
You could also have a couple players as kids who are worth extra points, the players would have to decide between trying to blend in with the AI kids or aggressively seeking safety but thereby giving themselves away as players.
but then they don't get fame or recognition by the media who will then insist that its the guns fault
Well, make it an online game with stats and high scores
>to see what sort of tactics people come up with
Studies show that school shooters have rapidly learned how to jump while running, increasing their land speed to over 40mph- faster than a moving car. Moreover, some have even learned how to phase through solid walls, exiting the known boundaries of space, letting them shoot from any inconceivable angle.
Some people theorize that lolicon porn provides a decent outlet/filter for guys who might otherwise molest 3D girls, so the same probably holds true with violent games. You get the virtual satisfaction of extreme murder and the benefit of not shooting yourself or worse, going to jail.
So when are Russians gonna recreate Dylan and Kyle's doom maps of their school?
Was this actually sold on steam before it was pulled, or just the new version of greenlight?
No, because the typical mass shooter wants to get vengeance on a specific subset of people. Killing virtual randos does not make those people dead; they're still walking around annoying the potential shooter.
Fapping to 2D lolis satisfies their sexual desires and is thus will be an effective remedy to at least some degree.
Do you use Origin?
You can't get it there either. Sorry.
It'd be one thing if it was a "real" game, but it's just some unity store asset flip someone competent could probably make in a night during their spare time.
It's a complete joke of a game except that it takes place in a school-like building in a desperate attempt to get undeserved attention.
This "game" deserves zero attention, but the people who hate it so much are the only reason it could ever be successful by giving it so much attention. Prepare for copycat games that try to do the same thing.
>Check out this gem.
At least hatred was a competently made game that deserved a chance, whether you liked the idea, hated it, or didn't care.