What's the Jow Forums's movie of choice?
Jow Forums movie
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Porco Rosso.
Grave of the Fireflies
Young Guns for me
Rescuers down under
Anything with Kurt Russell
We Were Soldiers
I fast foward through the bullshit with the wives though
that movie with the Serbs who find the devil bricked into a wall then kill each other
Saving Private Ryan
Band of Brothers
The Pacific
Heat. Hands down.
Generation Kill
Platoon and Apocalypse Now are peak aesthetic
Should add The Guns of Navarone. Based score. The movie was so popular in the carribean that The Skatalites did a dancehall/reggae/ska cover of the score
Soldier with Kurt Russel
One of those movies I like to watch through whenever it shows up.
Gettysburg, hands down
Asian Office Sluts
Weapons of Ass Destruction
Buckets of Cum
Big Butt Backdoor Babes 3
Ass Traffic Volume 2
Evil Anal 8
Gang Bang My Face
Sloppy Hoes
Squirt In My Gape
Swallow My Pride 2
The Art of Female Ejaculation
The Bondage Nookie Court
A Trip Down Mammary Lane
Deep Inside Dirty Debutantes
Dr. Fellatio 16
Das Boot
I do the same thing dude
This is my fucking choice right here. I always find myself watching these multiple times a year
Jacob's Ladder
Can’t believe 12 faggots posted their bullshit before this was.
My Little Pony The Movie.
A small band of soldiers storm the stronghold, as it has been overrun by the enemy forces. Being a small group, they easily infiltrate the enemy territory and sabatoge everything to leading to the individual responsible for the occupation. They proceed to brutally murder him.
Moral of they story: A small squad can fuck shit more than an army.
U 571. It's corny at first but it gets really eerie as it goes on.
Come and See
>tfw you have the advantage of going down the hill
My nigger
Sauce on this pls
9th Company
Outpost. Mercenaries versus nazi zombies.
Dog Soldiers. British soldiers versus werewolves.
The Wild Geese. Mercenaries on a mission in Africa.
Ice Cold In Alex. WW2, british soldiers in an ambulance trying to make it through the desert.
The Bunker. WW2, german soldiers deal with an unseen and possibly supernatural enemy deep down.
R-point: Korean soldiers on a mission into Vietnam finds unexpected enemies.
These are all military-themed, and I have seen them many times.
Now there is a movie that sucks donkey dick and then swallows.
Watch Das Boot instead. Or K19, or The Enemy Below.
Jeremiah Johnson embodies a Jow Forums philosophy
The acting and dialogue is pretty corny.
3:10 to Yuma
Apocalypse Now
Jow Forums everyone
Public Enemies
Breaker Morant
i fucking loved that movie
>3:10 to Yuma
shit taste
We're blowing the shit out of high prices!
This. Hot damn.
One of the most Jow Forums moments ever, from one of the most Jow Forums movies ever.
Nostalgia overload right hear
Play Dirty (about British Commandos in North Africa with Michael Caine)
Apocalypse Now (Charlie Don't Surf)
Hell Is For Heroes
Pork Chop Hill
I find your lack of The Bridge on the River Kwai to be disturbing.
Madness! Madness!
Top choice user.
I made the Mrs watch this, she thinks something is wrong with me now.
Worth it.
Those old 1990s DBZ specials.
Ninja Scroll
Evil Dead 1/2/Army of Darkness
Cabin Fever (unsung great horror movie)
Night of the Living Dead/Dawn of the Dead
Blue Velvet
Forgot Akira.
Evil Dead 2 is the GOAT though.
Dead mans letters
> no backdoor sluts 9
Thank God someone mentioned the greatest piece of cinema in existence.
Lawrence of Arabia is GOAT military movie.
Casablanca for wartime espionage and ex-pat shit.
Thought Hurt Locker was filmed amazingly but story and script not top tier.
Bridge of the River Kwai
Dr. Strangelove a strong GOAT contender.
Night of the Living Dead for Jow Forums bubba fun mode, or Evil Dead for hardmode if you Wana shoot flying magic zombies. Or without Zombies fucking Road Warrior and all the Mad Max.
The Road for a more realistic apocalypse.
These three films basically sum up my childhood viewing.
>All these great films.
>But no one has mentioned Zulu yet.
I'm strangely disappointed Jow Forums.
This is peak warfare.
>tfw you enlisted because of this movie and dreamed of being sent into such a shitstorm
No one? Really, Jow Forums?
That image makes no fucking sense in this context you dumb twat. Train your shitty chatbots better before releasing them upon the general public, CIAnigger.
Fun fact: this and Black Hawk Down are the only major Hollywood movies made in 21st Century that have no women in speaking roles.
Maximum comfy.
Not true about BHD.
I'm pretty sure it is. A woman can appear and say something on screen but if she is not a SAG actor with a credit then technically she wasn't in the movie. This is why the native women that approach the HMS Surprise hawking their wares in M&C don't count.
>technically, someone who appears on screen and says things isn't in a movie
Those are the Hollywood rules, but from a practical standpoint, fair enough.
It does matter though because there is a threshold for how much a token woman/minority, etc. has to say on screen for them to count as being in the movie for the purpose of various film industry diversity targets.
>tfw got to see it in the theater 2 weeks ago
>only person in the theater
That movie gave me anxiety like a mother fucker.
this. GK is my favorite thing to ever be filmed. So many great elements to it.
My favorite touch is in the second episode when they drive past a blown out Humvee and there's a half eat pack of Charms on the dash
I haven't seen this in a minute. Gotta go rewatch it.
Dogs of War and Zulu.
Generation Kill is pretty good for lack of vaginas talking.
>that pic
crack... not even once.
Because CGI can never really live up to hiring 17,000 Soviet infantrymen as extras.
not really a Jow Forums tier movie but i thoroughly enjoy Three Kings every time I watch it.
>Dogs of War
Trailer looks like 2/10 trash, are you serious?
Absolutely patrician
>Got to watch this in a highschool military history class at the end of the year
Shit was so cash
Come and See
never saw that one, do you recommend synch or subs?
1st for Sicario
The Accountant was ok.
Anyone watch the Shooter TV series? Is it any good?
I had the chance to visit the [new] bridge last summer. Really cool experience after seeing the movie. None of the other people on the trip appreciated it.
naw man it's totally underrated. I completely forget about it, then it randomly comes up and I watch it . . . . fuckin good movie every time.
Yeah, I started watching it and was meaning to finish. It's good, but it's got less of a focus on guns than you'd think.
The shooting was great.
The Outlaw Josey Wales