What are some of the problems with this rifle other than the older models having thin barrels?

What are some of the problems with this rifle other than the older models having thin barrels?

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Literally fucking nothing. No, the mags aren’t as cheap as ARs or AKs, but cheaper than most bolt action or other proprietary rifle magazines.

It's not an AR so it's going to get endlessly shit on.

They are a bit pricey compared to low end AR builds you can do for around $500. What does the mini offer over the lower end AR’s to justify the price?

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Their performance will be similar.
You buy a mini 14 because you like the action and the ergos. We really don't need to have this thread for the millionth time.

Unfortunately, the impressionable autists on here will still do it, and later argue about it being "board culture!" when people call them out on it.

I’m wondering about the quality of parts that ruger uses in these rifles (barrel steel, firing pin etc.) I read somewhere that the garand receiver is expensive to make but that’s it

Why not? You have millions of AR and AK generals? Why the bias towards the mini? Maybe we should have mini generals

I second this. Even though it won't make a difference to the mini 14 spammer


>They are a bit pricey compared to low end AR builds you can do for around $500

this is a good point and the price difference will probably only grow as the ar-15 market saturates from panic buying and preppers. then again, i don't really want a $500 ar-15, but even i did, i'd probably wait a few months to buy one.

Some would argue to shove it into the /arg/ as more of a .223/5.56 general, but we all know how they behave in their circle jerks on generals. If someone makes an attempt as a mini general or even just a .223/5.56 general, I'd lurk on occasion. Hell, I want to get a mini, despite owning plenty of ar's that would do everything it can. Just like the aesthetics of a wood stock ranch model.

Because every thread about the mini 14 devolves into the same stupid pissing match about how you should never buy anything but an AR15.


and in the unlikely event SHTF hits the fan so badly that civilians actually have to defend their own homes, then i'd still rather have a mini-14 than a $500 ar.

They have had some issues with burrs and shit here and there. Part of why the mini30 cant shoot hard primers og steel cased ammo.

The biggest design flaw of the gun imo, is that it dumps all excess gasses right into the handguard under the barrel, the gun gets very hot very fast.

Not using stanag isnt really a problem, but the forward mag retention lug should be spring loaded so you dont have to rock it in. Like the bm59

The real question is, whay dors everyone think of the mini-30? I'd like to get a x39 rifle, and that would give it a purpose over just a mini-14

Mini 30 had issues with steel cased ammo because of the firing pin wasn't punching the primers hard enough. Apparently it can be fixed with an aftermarket pin, but I've also heard that Ruger has since remedied it in house - for what hearsay is worth.

Is the mini 14 a 16” barrel only? Do they have 20” models?

The pin got stuck because of burrs around the firing pin Hole, and burrs om the rear og the fp, preventing it to protrude enough.

Its an easy fix for both ruger and the owner really

Mine has an 18 inch barrel.

You can put a folding stock on it.
>But muh law tactical folding adapter!
Okay, you can fire it with the stock folded.
Might sound like a small thing, but it gives you a cheaper folding stock alternative to Sigs and SCARs, while retaining nice features like a last round hold open.

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The mini really needs a stripper clip guide

A decade or so ago Ruger was not as respected or popular on Jow Forums as it is today. There were some pretty spicy memes.

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Besides the easily-remedied issues with burrs precluding the use of steelcase, the use of non-stanag mags, there's a large hole into the receiver which allows for the ingress of foreign matter. This isn't really an issue of one's intents and purposes don't include inrange-style mud tests
Choate makes a highly ventilated handguard which resolves that

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>moon dust

Not in my neck of the woods. If its good enough for Randy Weaver, it's good enough for me

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Problems? It's outclassed by an AR in every respect besides being somehow invulnerable to bans. People who claim that it's a good purchase because it's still good featurewise are retarded. If you like how it looks or live in the ban state I'm not going to day anything to that.

Ive found it to be unreliable wwith .223.

Stick to 5.56

>not buying a $350 used sub2000 and turning it in for cheap training.

Just the price. If I could justify the cost over other rifles I want, I’d love one.


It's inherently less accurate than an AR due to "irregular contact between the gas block and the face of the slideblock, welded to the slide handle (aka operating rod).".

They also have issues with barrel damage during production "The condition of the muzzle crown is important as well as the straightness of the barrel. Sometimes the barrels are bent when pressing the front sight on."


It's an AR-15 that's worse in every way!