I just saw old "Captain Power" series and I urgently need "future soldier" photos. You know this aesthetic - big, bulk, flashy, futuristic gizmos.
Future soldier
Bump for teh great justice!
Bumpity bump
>Halo CE called this
All we need is to get Humvees back and US forces armed with fully automatic, ironsighted 7.62mm nato
Not too far from the truth t-b-h.
Is that a Mk1 Combat Nun?
But no gizmosight and fancy-pants HUD.
If the halo assault rifle shoots 308/762NEATO making it a battle rifle by technicality...
Then what does that make the battle rifle?
>big, bulk, flashy, futuristic gizmos
Say no more.
BTW there will be new movie called "In-rang: The Wolf Brigade"
>Then what does that make the battle rifle?
A battler rifle.
Why rifle if you can lob a smart grenade?
Halo stole the eyepiece thing from Aliens
anyone got anything for me? I want minimalistic armor like we've been developing, dual tube night vision goggles, all the cool shit we see today at the bleeding ow the edge of military equipment... but here's the thing, futuristic compared to now and with NO.. FUCKING... HEXAGONS.
Too late
The hexagons are already here
I know that tracked Rapier SAM had helmet mounted sight since 80s, but Im not sure if it preceded the Aliens
Say hello to russian stormtrooper.
Entra el señor
with all these hexagons all he needs some neon tubes and he would be unstoppable force of death and destruction.
How can america even try to top this.
Was it reference to Quadgard?
it's like a fatsuit you wear in combat.
holy heat stroke
There was this gizmo for this problem...
InRangeTV - The Wolf Brigade (by the way guys we arent nazis)
Ze germans
Choose your fighter!
I surrender!
Nah, the 7.62 is 300 Blackout, and the Battle Rifle shoots 9x39.
The French version puts the doodad controls on the rifle's foregrip, which I think makes the most sense.
Frog here, it sucked.
The only great thing that came with it wass the Famas upgrade, the better helmet and the soldier communication device that was god tier.
(SF still uses those)
Other then that the huge investment we paid for was not worth it. Better combat vests and boots would have been x times better and 10 times cheaper
My gun is so cool it needs a jacket!
OVER 9000!
fuck no, the new light transports are literally warthogs
>gizmosight and fancy-pants HUD.
It's already in service it just hasn't been widely fielded yet
Too big and too much rollcage. Warthog riders need to live on the edge.
I got a 10 y/o girl that would love that green dress #2 is wearing as a coat.
If the definition of an intermediate cartridge changes upwards to a larger size on average then it can be considered an assault rifle "by technicality".
I remember watching the trailer for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (back then called Ghost Recon 3) and being so hyped. This was my favorite helmet in the game. Still waiting for the US to adopt an aesthetic full face helmet
>No doors
>No armor
Hello 2003, we didn't learn a thing did we?
Don't need doors or armor if the soldier of the future is wearing pawah'd armah.
One of the very neat moment in Children of men were HUDs on british soldiers - I guess at least something is better in this grim alternative future.
Future sailors > future soldiers
>elements of the past and the future combining to make something not quite as good as either
I can see a night vision SCOPE put on helmet. With plain simple red dot sight on rifle. (and some attachment in front of it).
I dont see advaned heads up display and integrated super sight.
Whats this OwO? An armored mandible that still allows you to aim down a weapons sights?
Those HUD's are a universal futuristic meme.
Let me say ((universal soldier)) meme
Those are some advanced night vision/thermal fusion devices that can project the rifle sights view on to the soldiers monocle.
The Army is also developing HUD for daytime use as well, it's already in limited service.
Hearing this since late 80s.
Six color desert powered armor. Yes.
>Hello 2003, we didn't learn a thing did we?
"All of our old giant trucks handle like shit. We should buy some fancy new ones without doors, my boys in tech keep telling me that future warfare is going to be extremely mobile."
>Invading a country
"Shit, we invaded a country and some of our guys died. We better put doors back on our trucks."
>Occupying a country
"Our guys keep getting shot by insurgents and it's making the situation look bad in the news. Put an inch of armor on every flat surface."
>Pulling out and returning to peacetime
"Wow, these giant trucks handle like shit. We should buy some fancy new ones without doors, my boys in tech keep telling me that future warfare is going to be extremely mobile."
In what phase are we now?
>that. FR FR2
Fuck that
JLTV's are the way to go. Big ass tonka truck that doesn't get stuck everywhere, flip over on small hills, stall out while driving uphill, armor, and AC that works
All of them.
Offtopic, but your pic...
Seems those can be added though I haven't seen them on the Dagor yet.
Try airlifting a JLTV in a Chinook internally, and even underslung it can barely take one currently.
warthog is an aircraft you stupid cunt
you dumb mother fucker
That's a jpg you retard
Lel, they even stole original britbong picture.
Dugan's star wars cosplay could use some work
does anybody have the Nigerian (i think it was or some other shithole) where their future soldier only had a flack jacket and a helmet
Someone explain to me the point of the thigh armor. Like I understand WHY thigh armor is necessary obviously, considering the fuckhuge artery that runs down the leg and makes it a pain to treat as a deadly wound, but I just don't understand how they expect to armor it using what appears to be some kind of soft armor. Unless I'm mistaken, that's PROBABLY level IIIA armor and won't stop any meaningful round on the battlefield.
So what's the point of level IIIA armor on the battlefield? Isn't likely to stop a direct hit from a rifle round, so why put protection if it's only going to be added weight? Or is level III armor now available in soft plates and I'm just a tard behind the times?
too realistic, not flashy enough
frag protection
11lbs of crap that can be replaced with ammo, food, or water
Gee-zus......How did I survive the Cold War in a gun jeep?
There's literally nothing wrong if we take that entire cycle into account and explicitly design a vehicle to have modular armor mounts. During peacetime, remove the armor so that it is more comfortable, more spacious and consumes less fuel. During exercises, high alerts or a proper war, put the armor back on in ~10 minutes.
A plate isn't usually just going to be hanging off there in the open. The soft pocket might hide the fact that it is hard, though it does look pretty thin if it were.
>(by the way guys we arent nazis)
Have you never heard of Kerberos? They look like Nazis because it's an alternate history fiction where Hitler was assassinated by the German resistance in Operation Valkyrie, made peace with the US, UK, and France, and ended up conquering Japan. That's why the Special Armed Garrison/Kerberos look like Wehrmacht super soldiers and why they use German weapons.
>How can america even try to top this.
Because it's Russian. It's either nonfunctional and just adds unnecessary weight to the soldier or they're going to activate it and it immediately snaps the Russian soldier's legs the wrong way and cripples him.
That's exactly what the Dagor and other UTV based vehicles can provide
They’re so dumb they don’t even know their own weapons. That says Insas rifle used for last “two decades”. That’s clearly a tavor. If India used the weapon depicted for the past two decades then they would have been a major world power by now due to weapons manufacturing alone since it would’ve meant they were the first to develop the weapon.
Is that Space Balls?
No, it’s a puma you daft cunt
You have to break a few legs to make an omelette
Kinda cool how that setup resembles a rig from dead space
Actually in service.
eye-piece is for corner shot
show me "futuristic" suits with a high chance of becoming a reality aka not vaporwave