Can we have a Jow Forums humour thread?
I just did something I'm really ashamed of and need something to take my mind off.
>I'd greentext it, but a). it's not much of a greentext; and b). it's not really Jow Forums-related.
Can we have a Jow Forums humour thread?
I just did something I'm really ashamed of and need something to take my mind off.
>I'd greentext it, but a). it's not much of a greentext; and b). it's not really Jow Forums-related.
Did you get fucked by a trap OP?
he's using reddit spacing and posted a tumblr pic for OP, he totally got fucked by a trap
Why would he be ashamed of that?
Sigh... basically:
>found the home movies mom and dad made of her giving birth to me
>fapped to it
Can we move on, now?
no we can't move on you fucking degenerate, let's talk about it
If you didn't want to talk about it then why did you mention it in the first place?
That would be Jow Forums as fuck tho
Trap waifu is best waifu.
Excuse me?
What's there to be ashamed of?
This is fake, but I'll take the bait and encourage you to continue with this faggotry. So, how did you find this video, why did your parents make it, and what trauma lead to you tapping to it?
Hahahaha kek
Don't know what else to tell you. That's kind of the long and short of it.
I'm still in a daze from what I've done. Like, I'm surprise I'm not wearing shoes on my hands kind of daze.
you should be ashamed, im not even that vain.
So what you're saying is you fapped to child porn of yourself.
I want to be in the screencap
He's just fapping to the last time he was inside a vagina
Why did you play a home movie made by your parents when there's a 99% chance that it'd be amateur pornography?
Why did you keep watching as soon as you saw it was your mother giving birth?
Why did you find that footage arousing?
Why did you feel compelled to masturbate to said footage?
Why did you feel the need to tell a bunch of anonymous faggots on the internet about it?
Yup, this is the Jow Forums I know and love.
put me in the screencap
Cant get arrested for pedophilia if youre perving on yourself
>look mom i finally made it into the screencap
You know how your brain makes you completely repulsed by whatever you were fapping to after you finish? Even if it's pretty vanilla? Well this is something you absolutely should be ashamed of fapping to.
>can we move on now?
No, no we cannot.
Degenerates like you get lined against the wall first thing
Jesus user what the fuck is wrong with you?
Jow Forums magical place
Was the audio on or off? Did you cum when you were crowning? Jesus what the fuck is wrong with you
You're the worst narcissist I've ever heard of.
>Imagine a time in the near future where you can travel back and fuck yourself before puberty
>Masturbate to own birth
>Ask for humor thread with story that will be capped for future humor threads
This is all to meta for me
What the actual fuck
>This whole thread
Please put me in the screencap. I beg you.
not even a Jow Forums bullshit story, just fuck off
That's gross, but no worse than regular porn
You should've just lied and said you got fucked by a trap, holy shit.
>When the dough just wont rise to the occasion, one man, one rifle, he is The Pizza Man.
What did I just read
There must have been a roundabout chain of events and poor decisions that lead you to this specific point in life and you need to know that you have fucked up hard on multiple levels.
>Incest via TV
>looks for humor
>is the humor
all this samefagging,screenshot begging and "oh I dont wanna talk about it" faggotry
this will be a cursed screenshot
user, did she rip from her vagina to her butt-hole when that big ass head of yours tried to pass?
>le epic Jow Forums story
user, i don't even know what to say to that
Holy shit
I was first amused then confused because this is completely unrelatable. The last time I watched a child birth video I couldn't have been older than ten and it made me cry for some reason. Just what age and condition do you have to be in to react like this? Was your mom really that hot?
>oooo boi look at lil'me making ma's vagina become the big vagina and my penis become the big penis
is it gay to fap to yourself?
No it means go fuck yourself.
I'm not op you dumbfuck
fuck you guys I made the screencap suck dick on purpose just so you faggots like it
Sorry laddie
YOU FORGOT TO INCLUDE ME!!!! ecckksss deeee
Holy shit, that is absolutely disgusting. Please ksg yourself before you move on from corrupting yourself to something innocent.
Also, congrats on the originality of the bait. 10/10
holy shit OP
This is truly a magical place
put me in screencap
all I can say is wow
Reminder that OP already tried this on /b/ today and you idiots are just giving him free (yous).
First Jow Forums humor thread that's ever given me a laugh, and it's not Jow Forums related
fake and gay kys
>using /b/
Nothing wrong here, my mother and father made a few sex tapes and I've fapped to a few of them
> not browsing Jow Forums to see idiots do idiotic things with guns
> not browsing /o/ to see idiots do idiotic things with cars
> not browsing /b/ to see full blown retards go full retard
Boy, summer came early this year
I did not expect this when going on Jow Forums today. Good fucking job user.
There is no reaction face suitable to describe how I feel about this post.
fuggg :DDDDD I hope u getz many upvot from screencap op fugggz so retardeddd excdeeeee
>self incest-pedophilia
guys when the frick are they going to add upvoting to this shitty web-sight?
OP please consider the following for humanities sake:
I'm proud of you, user.
I don't care if this is bait. Even as bait it's an amazing post.
I don't know if this post is real or not and I don't care. Posts like these are why I come on Jow Forums.
you hwat