Guns are horrible, and I don't care what any of you Jow Forums trolls have to say about it.
I'm never gonna stop standing up for good gun control laws and you can never stop me
Guns are horrible, and I don't care what any of you Jow Forums trolls have to say about it.
I'm never gonna stop standing up for good gun control laws and you can never stop me
You can't even stand Greg Abbott.
We know.
Stay mad kiddo
Threads about gun control belong on Jow Forums
>>>>>>>>>Jow Forums
wtf i hate guns now
>hate jews
fucking lol, why would they hate their best customer?
>inb4 gb2/pol/
A nigger with a gun can stop you.
>Trump should build the wall so that immigrants don't have to suffer the epidemic of violence in America
wew lad
>you can keep your gun, I just want some control
>government get rid of these (holding CAP-AND-BALL revolver)
not your personal army faggot
Ok, no one cares, we don't need rights to own guns.
Is that video a joke?
Reported for faggotry
>mentions Jow Forums in video
Nigga did you really just promote your shit here? Downvoted, unsubbed, reported
You realize that owning guns is an inalienable right either natural (Atheists) or divine mandated
He knows.He merely doesn't care.
i hope it is, nothing else on his channel is anti gun and the last few seconds of the video looks like
normie satire
You know what? No fuck you you piece of slimy shit. You made this EXACT thread on two separate boards simply to shitpost. Mods do your job.