so the cops took some guns from me. traffic stop, they claim i was intoxicated i claim i was not. but apparently when they arrest you for a supposed crime you may or may not have committed, they get to confiscate any guns in your immediate possession.
my lawyer assures me he can get this charge dropped and my guns returned but i was just wondering if you fags knew anything about this? because i have had cops steal shit from me before.
Why did you get stopped in the first place? Why did they think you were intoxicated? If you weren’t you should have asked them to give you a breathalyzer test to prove you weren’t. What was their probable cause for them to search your vehicle and find the firearms? How could you fuck up so bad?
Cooper Stewart
I'm not sure if there is some technicality or not that allows it, but if the charges are dropped I'm pretty sure you'll get your guns back. Also what game is this from? I really like mascara and black tears on girls.
Jace Miller
the inital stop was unwarranted. he lists 42 in a 40 but there is no listed radar to back it up. i don't want to go into the rest but the cop searched my car cause or not. but that isn't my fucking question. my question is, in dwi cases, do the cops actually return the guns? any one with experience would be appreciated.
my lawyer assures me i will get them back but after paying that asshole 5k i am starting to have my doubts about how truthful he was with me.
Jaxson Moore
You won't get it back immediately. The department will ignore it until you bother them enough and threaten legal action. Then you'll get it back rusted and scratched. Unless some cop really took a shine to it, in which case it will go "missing".
Ryan Anderson
>my lawyer assures me he can get this charge dropped and my guns returned but i was just wondering if you fags knew anything about this? Yeah, 4chans's the place to look for legal knowledge your lawyer doesn't have. No, really. Then again...
>. i don't want to go into the rest but the cop searched my car cause or not. but that isn't my fucking question. Someone's leaving out a few important details in the hopes of hiding how monumentally retarded he's been about something. Or everything. What are the odds he's also been stupid enough to not tell his lawyer everything?
you have no clue what you are talking about. shut up.
Brayden Jackson
I've heard stories of people having their optics stolen and shit like that when it comes to the cops unexpectedly confiscated, my advice would be to have pictures of everything taken handy.
Kayden Price
>assures me i will get them back File a lis pendens with the risk management desk. Technically they can claim under "good faith" that they did not know that you wanted them returned and then sell them or destroy them. The lis pendens is official notice that you want them returned and it prevents effective use of the "good faith" defense. If your lawyer has not already filed a lis pendens then he is incompetent.
Jace Reed
thank you i will ask my lawyer about that tomorrow.
Nolan Perez
>but there is no listed radar to back it up. In more than a few states, if a cop says you were doing 60 in a 30, that is considered as good as physical evidence or a radar gun. Their testimony is considered physical evidence.
Depends on state though. Where you from user?
Easton Gutierrez
A quick perusal on the web is showing that its use is only for real estate but I learned about this from a legal discussion group several years ago and have used it effectively. I had one party address the risk management desk and they returned his confiscated goods on the spot because they did not want to get tangled with the lis pendens. Since they returned the property, they did not have to accept his lis pendens.
Aaron James
Idk OP, I was arrested once and had a loaded shotgun confiscated from my car. Once the charges dropped I just went to their station and they handed it back to me out of their weapon locker.
Connor Murphy
i'd rather not give anything away but that literally doesn't matter. even if i am found guilty of my crime i would still assume the guns should be returned. i was just wanting to know if other people had ever gotten them returned, as the few other police interaction i have had resulted in the police stealing shit from me.
Jason Nguyen
...said the guy asking Jow Forums for legal advice.
Lincoln Jackson
>60 in a 30 >because I loves me some strawman cock Anyone with a decent grip on Socratic argumentation will shred a cop in court regarding a 40 vs. 42 estimation. Even if they want the word of a cop to be the word of a god, they may fear the court's support of such a ridiculous estimation going public - so they may strike it.
Camden Adams
I don't know where OP lives, but in Ohio, they don't need any proof that you were speeding, the cop's word is good enough.
Adrian Jones
yes but the state cannot confiscate and destroy your guns because you were speeding, right? it doesn't matter if OP was raping puppies, the guns were only confiscated because another crime was allegedly being committed. even if its true, doesn't OP deserve his guns back? unless of course its a felony.
I've gotten out of a ticket by arguing the margin of error in the guns and speedometers are too great to justify a 2 mph overage ticket. I used an example from a court case that said using the manufacturer-supplied tuning fork is equivalent to the gun testing itself. I also used car speedometer tests as an example to prove that no manufacturer's speedometer was 100% accurate. The data is out there for you to use, you just have to consolidate it. Local cops were doing a zero-tolerance week, which pissed me off. Zapped for a 32 in a 30
Levi Carter
Look man, you haven't once denied that you were intoxicated so I'm guessing you must have been. Why lie on the internet?
Nolan Reyes
go to the police department that stole your gun and spray their asses,use grenades. unleash beta uprising.
Benjamin Gomez
>Local cops were doing a zero-tolerance week, which pissed me off. Ah, the good ol' "We need to hit our quotas, and fast!" at the end of the month.
Jacob Lewis
as broke as i am, i am hoping 5k ish of sheckels to my kike attorney will fix it. and if i'm going to go full incel school shooter i got better targets than a county jail.
Jayden Stewart
>don't want to go into the rest but the cop searched my car cause or not. Stop being such a faggot holy shit
Parker Morgan
"It took four months for Beverly Greer to get her family’s money back, and then only after attorney Andy Williams agreed to take their case. “The family produced the ATM receipts proving that had recently withdrawn the money,” Williams says. “Beverly Greer had documentation for her disability check and her tax return. Even then, the police tried to keep their money.”"
Basically, unless you spent 8 years in lawyer school on this specific topic or rich, you're fucked. Even if you proved innocents, it would almost cost more than the guns are worth to get them back and that's even if the cops still have them at this point. God only knows where 80% of the shit cops steal ends up going, local gangs perhaps? Idk.
>stopped for doing 42 in a 40 haha what the fuck? honestly i wasn't even aware speed limits were even enforced? maybe its based on where you live in the US i guess? i do 60 down the 35 and 45 roads in town all the time. shit, in my first year of driving actually going the speed limit, a few times I had cops overtake me and go 10mph faster because i was too slow for them
Let me guess - you got your car impounded because you were drunk and they inventoried your car and found the guns and took them for safekeeping. Also. You are leaving out a bunch of stuff that no doubt makes you look like an idiot, which only makes you look like a bigger idiot.
Joshua Clark
Most states have 25+ as felony speeding or after multiple incidents. Iirc, for Virginia it's like 10 over is automatic felony speeding.
Nathaniel Hall
>not joining firearms and magic in one glorious union ISHYGDDT
Liam Smith
>i have had cops steal shit from me before. why do so many people on here seem to have run ins with the police? Do you guys not know how to act like normal people?
Henry Long
20 over the posted limit or going over 80 at all is a class 1 misdemeanor in VA, not a felony
Chase Price
>10 over
Stfu. That's just speeding. It's not even reckless. Go be a fag somewhere else.
Gavin Jenkins
user... You know the answer to that.
Connor Wood
Copfag here
Well skip to the main question here. If you're arrested I have legal authority to search you because 1. My safety - I'm not gonna put you in the back seat of my car with no idea what you have on you 2. If I bring you into the jail with contraband on you then it's on me. No warrant needed. When you're arrested on a traffic stop I can't just leave your car on the side of the road so it needs to be towed. For it to be towed there needs to be an inventory of the vehicle to ensure everything is in there when you get it out of impound. So therefore I'm going to conduct an inventory search of your vehicle and list down any property of value on the tow sheet, case law dictates this as a legal search, no warrant needed. If there's any particularly expensive items (guns, laptops, phones, etc) we take them and enter them into safe keeping at the department and you can pick them up there.
Hope that answers your question.
Ian Peterson
Cop becomes thief. Full circle.
Asher White
What state?
In TX you can get seized firearms back after acquittal or getting charges dropped.
The key phrase you mentioned is "crime you may or may not have committed" and it sounds an awful lot like you got caught with weed or open container.
That would, in tx, count as unlawful possession of a firearm and that will be a weapon seizure.
Brandon Reyes
Actually it stops someone from breaking into your car and stealing your valuables at the impound lot, you're welcome.
Carson Ross
you stop someone from breaking in and stealing shit by breaking in yourself and stealing the shit first.
>Actually it stops someone from breaking into your car and stealing your valuables at the impound lot
>you don't gotta worry about any breaking in
Are all cops retarded?
Adrian Hill
I'm pretty sure he's saying he's not breaking in, because he has your keys. dumdum just having a giggle, m8. not op
Zachary Flores
No, I'm saying it's not gonna be breaking in because I'll just unlock your car with your keys. Your reading comprehension isn't very good. You seem like the kind of person who thinks cops are always wrong because you took a criminal just course at your local community college.
Tyler Campbell
We had a tripfriend who had his guns "confiscated" in a traffic stop (dumb bimbo cop was completely ignorant of the law, so no unrelated made-up charges like in your case). He sued, won squarely and pretty much put the county in bankruptcy.
Daniel Martinez
>unrelated made-up charges like in your case I'm pretty sure there are no made up charges, and op is just a fucking retard that thinks not telling the full story will help him save face.
Owen Gray
>complains of reading comprehension >cant propelry type english
Parker Rodriguez
what he was saying was pretty clear though.
Dylan Jones
As usual you're leaving out a ton of details so you sound like a victim. I'm sure this is the one case that is going all the way up to the supreme court to be shot down because the trained officers clearly violated all of your rights and did not fulfill the standard of probable cause.
OR maybe your dumb ass was driving a deadly weapon with weed in your system endangering everyone around you like a selfish prick.
They put them in evidence for safe keeping, meaning you just go and fucking pick them up when there's an evidence tech on duty. We can't confiscate/hold anything unless it's contraband or related to the crime. I can't speak for commie states though.
Luis Flores
Not him, from VA Stop speeding in the fucking city centers and bridges dumbass, no one gives a shit on the back roads.
Aaron Reyes
>Cops never steal shit like goons or do illegal searches
Nah, I work in a city finance office and we payout for stolen shit or civil rights violations constantly. No one gets fired because "muh union."
>fuck tha po-lice fags can't into reading comprehension Pottery.
Thomas Williams
user no
Andrew Brown
>when they arrest you for a supposed crime you may or may not have committed If you were arrested for DWI then you either submitted to a breathilyzer, intoxilyzer, or submitted a blood test at some point which proved you were driving drunk like a dumb fuck. Other option is you refused all 3, which essentially proves your guilt to us because a sober person would do a breathalyzer and be done with the stop in under 10 minutes.
>stopped for 42 in a 40 The cop doesn’t give a fuck about you going 2 over, he stopped you under that pretext because he most likely saw you swerving around like the drunk retard you are and wanted additional evidence for his probable cause statement.
Also, they didn’t just seize your guns for shits and giggles. When they arrested you for driving drunk, and impounded your car, they do an inventory search of the vehicle. You having weapons in the car makes the prosecutors job even easier because the jury will now see you’re not just a retard, but an armed retard.
GG, OP. Nice work endangering everyones lives
Wyatt Watson
>Stop speeding in the fucking city centers and bridges dumbass, no one gives a shit on the back roads.
Pass a nazi law
Only enforce it when people piss you off
This is not good governance. Also, this thread belongs on Jow Forums