Difference between lightning link and 2nd sear

What's the difference? Which could go in which gun. Which is more "simple in design"?

Attached: 7408295B-83EB-4728-A848-CB04E8867BF8.jpg (322x157, 5K)

Fuck off BATFag nigger


Like A team needs advice from you plebs on how to do it






You still here? I have answers you seek for some yous



Can you repeat the question?


Lightning Link relies on a certain style of bolt carrier that was only used on the Colt SP1. Which make sense because when they came out in the late '70s/early '80s that was the only AR-15 on the market.

The lightning link would probably be the most simple as they were manufactured out of sheet metal.




There's probably like 5 people on Jow Forums who really know, most of the fags here don't really know shit about guns beyond lurking Jow Forums user. Wait awhile, you'll get a good answer.

Thus all the retards trying to be funny.

The LL is a simple design but it's actually harder to make due to the difficulties of working with thin sheet steel. It's also requires "tuning" to get it to work reliably in a given host.

Gib answers please?


It also requires an A2 FCG to enable select-fire. It is much more simple for a Class 2 SOT / Class 3 FFL to modify a Matrix Arms, stripped lower receiver and install an A1 fire control group available from Brownells, Luth-AR, etc.

Attached: tier-II safety.jpg (965x427, 23K)

Thank you so much user. Based af. What kind of BCG?


What receiver is pic relatd

His post clearly states an SP1 bolt carrier, you could either try your luck at Arms List or convert an M16 bolt carrier into one. Judging by your interest in the Lightening Link over a DIAS or slightly modified AR receiver and lack of reading comprehension, you are terribly out of your depth and unlikely to succeed. Here is an alternative you'll find within your scope and skill

Attached: 1521937427980.jpg (1200x1206, 152K)

I've seen this picture floating around for a while and I always wonder how the safety selector detent and spring get held in place if the pistol grip isn't secured to the receiver

People that like changing furniture, but hate chasing down or replacing springs, thread that hole and the rear take-down pin hole under the stock. They trim the spring slightly and install a plug. It's also possible to just leave the safety out since the picture seems to hint at not caring how the rifle looks.

