Thoughts on this shootout sequence/the film as a whole?
Wind River - Jow Forumsino or no?
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That foley was fucking terrible. Kill yourself.
It's a relatively slow paced Western by the writer of Sicario and Hell or High Water. If that's your thing, it's great.
And if it’s not, you’re a faggot.
The snowy, mountainous, pine forest, old trucks, carhartt and lever guns aesthetic is a whole new level of my shit
Im such a sucker for neo westerns. Which is why I also loved No Country for Old Men
>implying "Fuck you, let's go." isn't the greatest movie line of all time.
Rez cops were the real human beans
it was good. a well made film. mostly good acting all around. i just didn't like all those feels and that Indian-spirit-vision-mist-foggy-dreamy-memories stuff
underneath it all, it was just that sad, infuriating truth-based story though. i felt sad and disturbed afterwords
And they all got killed because Mr. FBI didn't trust her gut and Mr. Switched On enough to just come back later.
Which, honestly, is a giant plot hole. W the fuck did the contractors expect to have happen when the Rez cops, the local sheriff deputies, and a Fed all go missing in a logged trip to your compound?
Jow Forums related questions on the film:
Would an FBI vest stop 00 buck?
Did the guy shooting from the trailer window have a giggle switch?
Did the shootout scene make anyone else want to carry 33 round mags?
Well, I'm guessing the type of people who work as rentacops for an oil rig in the middle of nowhere probably aren't the sharpest crayons on the box.
Yes, yes, no it made me wonder why they didn't show up with patrol rifles to serve the warrant. (It was a warrant, wasn't it?)
>Would an FBI vest stop 00 buck?
current FBI issue body armor is NIJ level IIIA, so yes
>Did the guy shooting from the trailer window have a giggle switch?
>NIJ level IIIA
Can that stop slugs too?
Without any problem.
they didnt have a warrant, they just wanted to show up and maybe see if the security cameras caught anything
then the jackass rent a cops basically copped to it
Side question:
> NIJ 2: Rated for up to .357 from short barrel
> NIJ 3a: Rated for up to .357 Sig and .44 Mag out of a long barrel
So you're just fucked if they have a 5" .357 Mag unless you wear plate?
Neat, I didn't know that, shotgunfags BTFO yet again
Just hope the spread stays on the vest.
>slugs spreading
>More crayons in their stomachs than in the box more like it.
Semper fi!
I could see the contractors not giving a shit about making a couple reservation cops disappear but yeah the federal gov does not fuck around when FBI agents go missing.
Good film. Slow burn, then a big finish.
Missed that part, but all the old timers I knew used to keep buck shot for the windshield/door glass, followed by a slug for the 'perp'.
Hollywood doing a fine job of making me want qt lever gat.
> .45-70
> Popping yotes
He really did hate predators.
>large loop
Neo-Westerns are the best. Man, I love No Country for Old Men, its easily one of the best movies ever made.
Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada was pretty well written too.
>Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada
I've not seen it, but damn. It does look good! I'll definitely watch it soon.
I like when the Rez police says "hokahey whiteboy, let's go!"
Necessary Logan bump
I like it. Murder mystery neo-western. My kind of genre.
Also .45-70 goodness
Still the fact that they went anywhere without a single rifle other than a civilian's lever gun is very off. Especially considering the closest back up is likely hours away
Renner's character was a Fish and Wildlife officer, wasn't he?
Escape from LA.
Yeah he was, hence the culling guns (I think a Remington 700 and ofc his levergat, along with a .44 magnum super redhawk)
Jej, sounds like a civil servant to me.
yes and he was hunting the mountain lion when he found the trail that led to the oil site.
As much a civilian as an FBI agent.
blue liners, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I think he used a 700 in the opening scene, or else there wouldn't be much yote left.
Name a better way to die than in combat, facing your enemy, goading and putting one more round into him before he fills you with lead
3a stops .357 out of longer barrels. Thats pretty much what it was created for.
This will be my last words if I get into a lethal fight.
I got to shoot one of those not too long ago, an older guy had it in a bench setup. Would love to have one myself.
Has a hell of a kick. I shot one myself a year back and I think it harder than my friend's 50.
Wouldn’t it cause substantial trauma, Like “I can’t move cause my ribs are broke!” trauma?
>the federal gov does not fuck around when FBI agents go missing.
[citation needed]
Agent John L. Bailey got shot in a Las Vegas bank robbery gone wrong and they followed that fucker down to Mexico to extradite him.
Excellent movie.
That sounds like a great job.
That sort of pain never really sunk in for me until I broke a few ribs in a car accident. It fucking suck, and I'm sure it wasn't nearly as bad as getting shot with something like that. Breathing hurts, there is no way I could get up and fight someone like in other movies.
Great movie.
>mfw I realized exactly what was about to happen when one of the contractors shouted "C'mon man, come out! FBI agent is standing right in front of the door!"
>mfw hawkeye was right in the middle of the screen, but he was so well concealed I didn't see him until the muzzle flash
One of those rare movies on Netflix that are actually good.
I was thinking about this today, it's a great movie; Of course it had to have ebile whuite men/ Vets as well, as the rapists/murderers
Local res cops carry 14 rnd 1911s, M-4s and 12 Ga in their rigs. Lots of gangs on the res.
But they murdered their vet buddy who wasn't a racist and was an honestly decent guy
There was a case of a Res. Officer destroying ebile white man property on the Res; photographic proof et al. The res cops raided his home and found the personal possessions of 7 women that had disappeared on the Res. The solution to the problem was to ship the Perp across the state line into Oregon on the Warm Springs Res.
Also the white woman FBI agent was the dumbest and least prepared person in the show.
You might get a chance.
>one guy is a horny rapist
>everyone else backs him up because raisins
I find this hard to believe, but then also very easy to believe.
Weren't they all extremely drunk?
I can suspend my sense of disbelief for that, people have done far worse under the influence of alcohol and general boredom.
Took one of my companies LII vests out and hit with various 9mm, .40, and 12ga slug.
Took it all no problem although the .40 FMJ ate through a layer and was pulled out 6" from entry point.
it actually has one of the highest mortality rates of any law enforcement gig.
You're almost always alone, trying to track down either dangerous animals, or poachers. Lots of them "go missing" when they try to track down poachers and just get sniped, somewhere a thousand miles from anywhere. Poachers just leave the bodies to be scavanged, there's almost no way to catch em.
Would be a great job up until you catch a bullet out of the blue though. Literally get paid to go innawoods.
Which was real as fuck. Almost all FBI are clerks and not door kickers.
Sheltered white girl totally out of her element.
her being little prepared and out of her element was a major plot point and well explained in the movie so... yeah.
It would still kill you by pushing the vest six inches inside your body. Google "back face deformation".
>Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada
no seeders :(
She admitted she wasn't suited for the task and the FBI wasn't going to bother sending anyone else
>watch it because I'll see anything made by Lord Sheridan
>it's kino
>check out reviews
>crybabies triggered because he shoehorned in the native kidnapping message
>in reality he consulted the shit out of locals and natives, wanted it to be respectful as possible
He can do no wrong, and he cannot be stopped. Probably banged QT Liz on set too.
And that's what got all those men killed. The deputy saw what was going to happen and told her. Worthless bitch.
Which is turn, rests on the FBI not giving a shit about the rez' and sending someone who doesn't have her head on straight.
But that is not resolved at all. The ending just leaves you to believe she'll be back to work when heeled and nothing will be fixed. I mean, that's reality too. No justice at all. Maybe a transgender faggot will replace her. Those local cops will still be dead. The Feds won't pay their families anything for it.
>tragedy and injustice go largely unresolved
I enjoy realism in my films.
Isn't that sorta the appeal of these neo-westerns?
Sometimes bad shit happens and there isn't much you can fix.
Maybe watch some Walker Texas Ranger if you want a happy ending.
She cartwheeled through the South Pole, right through them penguins. Now thassa warrior.
1: She shouldn't have been standing in front of the door. It could have been flung open from the side.
2: I don't understand why she emptied into the guys legs to drop him to the ground before shooting him in the head. Could she not aim up?
3: There's a sniper and the dudes stand out in the open trying to figure out where he is rather than hoofing it for the nearest cover.
4: What the hell is the sniper shooting these guys with that it flings them across the room? Bullets don't do that.
5: The guy who jumps out the back of the trailer and uses it as cover between him and the sniper made a good decision.
6: Why does the chick fire center mass with her pistol at a guy who's obviously wearing body armor?
7/10, not bad for Hollywood.
>1: She shouldn't have been standing in front of the door. It could have been flung open from the side.
At that point she wasn't aware of any threat, despite the other cop sensing some serious bad vibes from the rentacops, which sorta fits in with her greenhorn rookie persona
>2: I don't understand why she emptied into the guys legs to drop him to the ground before shooting him in the head. Could she not aim up?
Maybe she was still stunned by the shotgun blast into her gut and took aim at the closest part of the target
>3: There's a sniper and the dudes stand out in the open trying to figure out where he is rather than hoofing it for the nearest cover.
They had just survived a mexican standoff and almost all of them had sustained gunshot wounds, which isn't helping towards cognitive awareness, plus they're portrayed as not being the smartest cookies in the universe
>6: Why does the chick fire center mass with her pistol at a guy who's obviously wearing body armor?
Military and LEO training emphasizes aiming for center mass, so presumably her character is just reverting to her training
Keeping in mind I haven't seen the film, just this scene.
>At that point she wasn't aware of any threat,
She had her gun drawn. The situation seemed sketchy enough to me that I wouldn't want to be standing in front of that door. The rest of the bad decisions in the scene can be attributed to the stress of things going FUBAR; but that one bugs me. As soon as I saw that ladder in front of the trailer I thought, no fucking way you should be standing there.
>Maybe she was still stunned by the shotgun blast into her gut and took aim at the closest part of the target
Maybe, Miller's crossing did it better though.
Taylor Sheridan has been trying to redpill people on now useless women are in law enforcement.
Emmy was a fine HRT house raider, terrible spook. That was the whole point of the movie.
She had "can't do shit" written all over her character. It's hilarious
>6: Why does the chick fire center mass with her pistol at a guy who's obviously wearing body armor?
you've clearly never seen combat, and was never taught how to shoot.
>Emmy was a fine HRT house raider, terrible spook
??? what movie are you talking about?
Jesus wept! You’re so fucking stupid; it makes me sick.
I loved this movie. Only part that bothered my Jow Forums autism is how when he would shoot them with what I’m assuming was a .45-70 rifle, they would go flying feet backwards. I know it’s a powerful round and all but physics determines that to be impossible.
>snowy, mountainous, pine forest, old trucks, carhartt
Well, I'm feeling comfy. Does it come with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich too?
That's the appeal of all westerns. Real westerns I mean. John Wayne westerns are all goodie shit. Fuck that.
Yeah every movie should have every character be John Wick.
> Nothing is resolved
I think that's the point. Lambert's daughter is never coming back nor is his marriage. All he really gets out of it is taking his anger out on the rapist.
Martin's daighter isn't coming back either, but he has some closure. Maybe his son might clean up and get the fuck off the rez.
Banner just got a crash course in just how bad field work can get. Maybe she learned something to go along with her new nightmares and having to clear her house everytime she hears a beam settle a bit.
They saw the bullet coming and tried to jump backwards to safety.
It had to be added in by some Hollywood mouthbreather. Sicario and the rest of Wind was careful when it came to realistic enough gunplay. Haven’t seen Hell or High Water yet though.
Bet the jewslug rapist himself wrote that in.
kind of wished they didn't exxagerate the guy in the trailer being pinned to the wall by .45-70, it really didn't need that.
was also cool to see him loading his own ammo.
I have reloaded .45-70 while listening to ‘Diamonds and Gasoline’. Went apeshit when it happened in the movie.
Alt- Country has some real gems these days, like always you have to stay outside of Nashville if you want to get shit done.
that's not how that shit works, but I did snicker.