/hg/ at the range edition
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/hg/ at the range edition
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what rapper has the best gun sound ad-libs?
With no context to my current collection, which hand-blaster should I get next?
>Hi Power, either used Browning or a new turkshit one
>1911, either Ruger or Para Ordnance
>Bulgarian Makarov
>5906 boat anchor
>CZ97 or Tanfoglio equivalent
>/hg/ at the range edition
Hi power. But get a Nazi marked one.
Ew gross
>/hg/ Challenge time
What is the best gun that Kahr makes?
>hard mode
best ever* made?
Uh, no.
makarov or 5906.
those won't ever have new production, so get them while you can.
5906, they'll only be getting more expensive. Personally id try to pick up a 4006 TSW police trade in though instead. Really cool quintessential 90s .40 cal duty weapon if you ask me, checks off a lot of boxes on the cheap.
Does anyone make hi powers now?
turk clone
> Your picture looks exactly like the range bench at my range
Just the roaches. It’s nice tho.
Gentlemen, how do we bring back interest in 7.62x25? Can we get Hornady to kick start some steel case production? How do we get new production pistols made in the caliber?
Some monkey's paw shit right here.
Are they properly in-spec and decently built?
>How do we get new production pistols made in the caliber?
.357 Sig
I wouldn't carry either, one's way too big and the other way too expensive.
They all look that way because they bake out in the sun and rain for 20 years neglected.
Posting some new revolverporn of my two wheelgats.
>one's way too big
Stop being fat
Start with PPCs.
I'd buy a sub2k in 7.62x25 in a heartbeat, but the question is what magazines would it use?
>cz model 25
the length of the cartridge will always be an issue.
How are the rhinos? Ive heard theyre really smooth shooters
just finished cleaning my newest pickup
Ice Cube, on Gangsta Gansta
Old, beat up Hi Power, as a summer project gun.
>unloaded mag
Thompson 1928
I'm here
You don't.
That is the ugliest gun I have seen in a while.
its the G11 of revolvers
Beat me to it.
Thanks for the slightly unusual wheelgat picks. Nice to see something other than a glock or H&K.
Grody grip, otherwise pretty nice though. Don't understand the Jihad against external extractors.
Meh maybe not I guess. Just wood that's been left out far too long.
> W PA
What am I looking at here?
It's got less total parts than a 686, although the major clockwork is admittedly a bit on the complicated side of things.
fuck off prick your picture of that trash AR made me laugh though
suck my 1873 Uberti fucko if you wanna post a pic of that wooden piece of shit bitch you got on the table
Its a Zastava M83. Serbian .357 Mag revolver made in the 90s
RIA 1911 A2
Remington R1 enhanced (doublestack)
I'm in Delaware friendo.
Who shit in your cereal?
I wonder if Ruger is currently hopped up enough on goofballs to try.
>Don't understand the Jihad against external extractors
me neither.
>Grody grip
got plain black and wood ones but these are suprisingly comfortable so I rock em
extractor is fine I don't care I have both
I returned the grips.
Pictures of a USP full size holstered under your pants and shirt immediately.
Also no.
No need for this attitude my lad, though it fits well in /arg/.
Now apologize to user and let's move on.
I don't wanna play airsoft with you but thanks
Can't talk from personal experience but I hear Remington Enhanced 1911s are pretty nice, and have a bit of Para blood in them.
>No need for this attitude my lad, though it fits well in /arg/.
>Now apologize to user and let's move on.
what are you on about? don't talk shit wont be shit
that'll make it's way to Delaware eventually
why didn't Remington make an RM9 along with the RM380? isn't it basically a rohrbaugh?
What is Jow Forums's opinion on Springfields Armory 1911 in 9mm?
why 9mm?
It's fun.
Big T easily. Honorable mention: Charlie Clips
Because they made the R51 instead. It was a pretty neat looking gun and I wanted to get one until I found out they're absolute shit.
>still buying Springfield
CLP or grease /hg/?
your preferred brand of oil on the delicate moving parts, and white lithium grease on the slide rails, and locking surfaces.
Can anybody offer any tips for building hand strength? My main issue is pulling the trigger on my glock without flinching, but I don't think it has to do with me anticipating the gun to shoot, on the glock you hit a wall as you pull the trigger, and as soon as I break through that wall and the striker releases, my hand jerks slightly, usually down and left or sometimes up.
awesome gun for the money
decent everything, pretty sure its a forged or MIM frame w internals.
it's CNC time and your appreciation for Craftsmanship that really set apart highet tier 1911 models
got myself an Ed Brown and it's for the love of the process really
I play airhard
Are you upset that I said that your gun is unattractive? Are you being that petty?
Slip 2000 EWL is my preferred lube.
WTF are you talking about?
Mineral oil, you fool! CLP is for cleaning and grease is for select circumstances such as Sig P series frame/slide rails.
Save up a bit more and get something really nice.
Grease us the superior choice for firearms imo. Cherry Balmz is great. Avoid red and tacky as it's literal poison. Food grade grease is also an option if you're a poorfag.
It really doesn't matter unlesss you shoot suppressed.
>It really doesn't matter unlesss you shoot suppressed
Then what do you use when shooting with a can?
Thanks, as much as I love my HK its nice to shoot some less than typical items now and then.
Do dry fire practice.
Do forearm exercises. Even if you can’t do much you can do the thing where you lift a weight on a rope by twisting a stick.
You can also do the finger strength squeezey deals. A good raw deadlift probably beats a hand strength springy-doo.
Pretty sure the mag is supposed to be empty when I'm dropping it.
Ex-Warpac countries don't make new Maks? They're all on the 9x19 train?
Why are you catching the magazine then?
>I wouldn't carry either, one's way too big and the other way too expensive.
Lol get gud niqqa
Why am i not surprised that's how you look.
Judge me not for my laundry day attire.
>but the lack of fitness and fucked up garage is fair gsme, I need to fix that shit
Oil. Doesn't cake up as fast as grease.
>sucking gun in to make room
>can't sit down
>can't bend
>very obvious printing even in this staged photo standing upright without movement and with perfectly adjusted clothing
I'd say you're with me in that you couldn't carry a USP full size either
Because I'm not an oper8or and there's no reason to not
*sucking gut in
Yeah I've been doing a lot of dryfire practice, have also been lifting when I have time. I even put a 3.5 connector in my glock, which dropped the weight by maybe a pound, which helped a bit. First pistol I shot was a CZ 75B Omega, which probably ruined it for me a bit. From what I remember on the omega there isn't really a wall you have to break for it to fire, it's just one nice consistently smooth pull then it goes bang.
>very obvious printing
Yes, it prints really bad with my fucking shirt tucked BEHIND the gun. You don't actually go places in only a Tshirt do you Burt? You know outer garments are s thing?
what the fuck is wrong with people buying compacts
trying to sell my 45c and im either getting lowballed the shit out of or getting the shittest trades imaginable. offered pps, those american mp40s, gi 1911s, and fucking glock 40s
As relaxed as I can get after talking to you
I found it
>[You died]
Also, you can see in the first photo that I carry it higher than that, I have to if I want to sit or bend comfortably.
what's wrong with springfield?
>Jow Forums keeps saying that CZfags are a bunch of poorfags
They use marketing to capitalize on an American icon while selling guns mostly made in other countries for a massive markup, they also donated tens of thousands of dollars to anti-gun politicians and supported gun control bills in an attempt to hurt competitors by getting special exemptions by supporting and funding gun control.
I think the main reason nowadays is their political shit.
Other issues include them not being the actual Springfield Armory anymore, and making a living off Brazilian and Croatian made stuff instead of making things stateside.
fair point. Their products have always worked very well for me.
i never understood that either... does anyone realize just how expensive onions is?
What's better, a CZ Shadow/Shadow 2, or a Tanfoglio Stock 2/3?
Is a 10mm Tanfoglio a good stand-in for a Bren Ten?
Fug I miss my CZ. But I gave in to the tacticool mall ninja shit and traded it for a G19.
>tfw one more month before I can buy my dream pistol
Just a matter of time...
i lold at this
What pistol is it, user?
well, fucking tell us what it is so we can tell you why you're retarded.
Well, at least someone got a chuckle
Do you even really carry that thing? if you did you'd know that the true test of AIWB concealability isn't how a gun conceals when you're standing still sucking your gut in and puffing your chest out, but rather how a gun conceals when you're walking about and natural air resistance presses your shirt slightly to your body. Not to mention the reasonable worst case scenario test of "time to walk from my car into that store with a slight to moderate headwind". Take a pic sitting in front of a fan on a medium setting with front or above lighting and get back to me on how concealable it is. Also:
> You don't actually go places in only a Tshirt do you
Trying actually wearing a fucking hoodie around town in a 110 degree 99% humidity day with zero cloud cover. I fucking dare you.
Yeah, I carry the fucker every day. You are being a whiny bitch and shouldn't live in such a crap place.
>What are Hawaiian shirts
I don’t believe .357sig compares to 10mm, even with slightly higher penetration. The expansion of a larger bullet is what makes it effective, despite what you claim about it’s penetration.