Why can't we all not shit on other people's choice of weapon. If someone likes to carry a glock, that's fine with me. If someone like a RIA 1911, fine by me. Majority of the community is cool, but there are a ton of assholes who make the community cancerous. Just my 2ยข
Why can't we all not shit on other people's choice of weapon. If someone likes to carry a glock, that's fine with me...
I only shit on the Chiappa Rhino. Because it's fucking garbage that newfags who don't know what they don't know shit spend their money on because MUH SPACE GUN.
Because take 2 people with different opinions about what they think is best and they will disagree
Take 2 assholes with different opinions and they will disagree like assholes.
That's all Jow Forums is, an asshole filled board on a Tibetan smoke signal trading website
honestly, who would come here if it wasn't vile. If i wanted intellectual conversations, well, that doesn't exist anywhere. But i would go to some tard board like akfiles/falfiles/ar15/hkpro for normie bullshit.
I come here precisely to shit on others poor choices.
I was pretty stoked to see it in Expanse.
what a sane well balanced opinion OP.
I reject it entirely.
I am just SEETHING reading the OP right now!
How dare you question the one thing that makes board exist?
The animosity, shitposting, racebaiting, and arrogant nonsense is all part of the local culture.
How dare you corrode this culture by saying:
>"ABLOOBLOO Durr hurr, why can't we Respec opinions ddooooddd?"
This is OUR BOARD!
You hear me Reddit boi?
Shit talking and shitposting is why I come here tho.
>Why can't we all not shit on other people's choice of weapon
Because some weapons are objectively better than others.
Because people who carry glocks are faggots.
Like you.
It's just bantz. Instead of this thread you should be working to undermine Jow Forums's credibility so newfags don't take it seriously. I would never follow advice from Jow Forums.
Some of it is forum sliding
some of it is memes
some of it is trolling
all of it is not to be taken seriously
it's just how the internet works. you can call someone's preferences dogshit without consequences.
Why would you come to this place and expect anything different, that's the beauty of it.
I've found the QTDDTOT has quality answers and advice, most shit in random threads is just common sense to not follow and if you go in specific places like the generals it's usually pretty tame.
T. Newfag
I would rather hear someone give me reasons why I shouldn't CC a Jericho than hear them jerk me off over what a good choice I made
Opinion on mateba?
>T. Newfag
>capital T
You didn't need to write the newfag part, we know.
The only time I actually get snobby on here is when someone talks about having or buying a Century or IO AK, or some other gun with overwhelming evidence to prove that it objectively sucks.
because this is edge lord town where everyone's a faggot and everything you like sucks that's why we love it here because we get to be devilish meme lords hehhehehehhahahah hooha!
Rate my CC faggots, I fucking dare you.
because, objectively speaking, glocks are gay
I own a CZ
It's literally just a novelty gun for people with money to throw away, that's the appeal.
>there are a ton of assholes who make the community cancerous
I have a theory that these asshats are no-gunz
Have you tried not being a bitch?
nigga don't bring them Galaxy feels round here. I'll get weepy in the presence of new/summerfags.
Nah fuck (((SIG))) cunts
Should we adopt her?
do you have trouble with people mistaking it for your humongous penis?
That's reasonable.