Finland lost the Winter War

Continuing from a previous thread where some delusional fags with extremely low expectations thought hat Finland won the Winter War.

A win would include cessation of territories, and/or the gaining of reparations from the loser, and/or other terms favorable to the winner such as military access of ports.

Did Finland get any of that? Did the Soviets ceded them Leningrad or Murmansk? or pay them reparations? Did the Finns get to dictate terms in Moscow? No.

Was it a white peace or a tie then? Did the borders go back to prewar with no money exchanging hands? No.

Finland ceded territory to the SU. Territory that was Finnish prewar became Soviet after the war. That's a loss fuck heads.

"b-but they preserved their independance unlike the Baltics". Yes the Baltics lost too, the Finns lost less badly than the Baltics but THEY STILL LOST.

I'm sick and tired of those apologists with low expectations. It's like that with niggers. "oh he didn't commit a crime today what an upstanding gentleman." "Oh wow he didn't rape her, what a nice guy."

Negative warscore. THEY. LOST.

Attached: Finnish_areas_ceded_in_1940.png (619x800, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>start war to ensure Leningrad is safe
>200k dead Russians later

They did lose, yes. Same as how we lost Vietnam. Body count doesn't equal victory if you fail to achieve your goals or hold on to your territory.

Fuck off vatniks even /his/ agrees it was a tie. Just get over it and let Finland be already.

As Finland in HoI3 I fucking took Leningrad in the Winter War by myself and once Barbarossa started I took Moscow. That's what you call a win. Low expectation cucks.

They got the buffer zone they wanted. Did they overpay for it? Yes. But they got it, and therefore won.

>it's okay to lose hundreds of thousands of men in what was supposed to be a steamroll of a war as long as i get some land out of it, that's a win in my book
whatever let's you sleep at night, ivan

Finland maintained its independence unlike the other baltic countries. I would consider that a victory

A cuck's victory, yes. No wonder the West became what it is today. "A-at least we still have west virginia being mostly white"

>Soviets try to take over Finland
>gets btfo by a country a 1/10 of its size so they have to settle for a small portion of what they originally wanted
Soviets totally won guys

And the kicker is, Finland STILL hasn't recovered those lost territories, after all these years. Not only a loss, but a permanent one.

>muh body count
Reminder that the body count was not so lopsided if you count the Continuation War.
>Finland maintained its independence
No, by the end of the war, the Soviet Union actually forced Finland to switch sides and fight against their former allies, the Germans.

nice moving of the goal post. The thread did not mention the contiation war, it mentioned the winter war. Russia's goal was the total conquest of Finland, a country a 1/10 of its size, and it failed to do that. Finland won the Winter war
They did lose the Continuation war though

>I only let a small portion of his dick into my boipucci tonight

>Finland gave him a handy after fucking the teeth out of Russia's mouth

Winning means gaining something. What did Finland gain after the war that they didn't have?

>Russia's goal was the total conquest of Finland
When you literally force the country to switch sides and fight against its allies, that's not a total conquest, but it's pretty damn close. The Soviets did not achieve a total victory--I'll give you that--but it was still a victory.
>did not mention the contiation war, it mentioned the winter war
>it's literally called the Continuation War because it was a CONTINUATION of the Winter War.

That would be paying SU a few million $ of reparations after annexing Leningrad and sacking Moscow. Did that happen?

Somali rapists.

a nice view of a Russian cemetery

forced to switch sides after the continuation war, a different conflict then the winter war

>Russia's goal was the total conquest of Finland
[Citation Needed]

>I'm sick and tired of those apologists with low expectations. It's like that with niggers. "oh he didn't commit a crime today what an upstanding gentleman." "Oh wow he didn't rape her, what a nice guy."
more like 10 niggers jump 1 guy and he beats the shit out of 9 of them

Russia got its ass handed to it by a much smaller nation in a pointless imperialist occupation. It manage to eventually defeat this much smaller nation and gained NOTHING expect make an enemy which sided with Germany in WW2.

A pattern Russia is repeating today.

next why stalin was a great lad and why Russians don't understand why all their neighbouring countries despise them and want to join NATO

spoken like a true boomer

russia's goal was the total control of the world you dumb faggot

>Literally named after the fact that it was a continuation of the Winter War
>totally separate conflict
Yeah, right.
Most like a pattern America is repeating today.
>want to join NATO
They don't. They are forced into it by political elites.

Finland did achieve it's goals though...?
Surviving the attack?

Russia lost the war. Taking over some land does mean victory over the entire situation.

It means that Russians had some victories but were beaten before they could win it all. And it makes Russia look pathetic to lose so many men against a tiny nation.

Russia boos and communists are butthurt because this shows what Russian soliders really were. Untrained drunken peasants

Molotov Ribbentrop pact helo

Daily reminder fin-...

...wait, you're correct, fingols fucking lost.

Whatever helps you sleep at night Sergei

>this shows what Russian soliders really were. Untrained drunken peasants
If anything, the large casualties were the fault of Russian officers, or rather lack thereof, as Stalin had purged many of them, not the fault of Russian soldiers.

Also, Finns drink just as much vodka as Russians, so enough with the nonsense about Russians being drunk.

Finland survived but they were lucky Germany was larger threat. The soviet union was preparing to zerg helsinki and ditch the autistic "invade the entire border and spread out all our troops" retardation that was insisted upon by pre war generals. The only reason Finland still exists is because Stalin was getting desperate with defending against the nazis and couldnt afford to spare the resources to make that happen without jeopardizing the motherland. both Finland and the soviet union were forced into peace as both countries faced potential total destruction if it continued, if Finland was actually a "winner" they would have taken their territory back by force but they were physically incapable. ending the war with a country at all no matter how bad the terms the soviets put down was something the Finnish government was absolutely going to as they saw collapse in their future. call it a tie if you want but no one really won.

A lot of the Russian soliders were actual peasants who were forced to fight. That was the case for many communist fighters during war especially the Partisan fighters.

My great grand father was under constant threat of being shot in the back by Partisans who forced him into war. One night he was taking a piss and they shot him because they thought he tried to run away

Russians lost and no excuses help your cause. Even accounting Germans the Soviets had a much larger force which has so decimated that they could not do much after war.

Ah, the famous HoI bot ruler of Russia, how could I forget him.

No, it's also regular Finns who want to join NATO, not only their elites. Before 2014 they didn't give a shit about NATO

I’m well aware that Finland did not win the war, however I will forever praise their bravery and determination in the face of communist aggression. The Soviets were ruthless animals, why would you want to side with them? They treated the Baltics like absolute shit and deported vast swathes of the population, I guarantee you they would have done the same if they had taken Finland.

but the soviet union were the group that determined the conditions of the cease fire Finland knew they couldnt continue so they happily obliged. The Soviet Union could not attack Finland after the defeat of Germany because they were exhausted from the march to berlin and were under intense political pressure from the western powers as the relationship between the allies and communist puppet states that had just been set up completely deteriorated. A new war against Finland would mean a war with finland's new allies which would be unwinnable for the tired country that didnt even have fancy new nuclear weapons that were just demonstrated by the US to be an instant war ender.

Finland won. Look up the war and see which side was declared victor.
Russians lost like they have lost the first Chechen war and like Americans lost in Vietnam

And Russians proposed cease fire because they won?

More communist delusions at 8 pm on CBS network.

>finland won
finland never won a war

well Finland certainly didnt win as they got absolutely shat on by the treaty they willingly signed

Finn here, it's a very split question. I think only about 40% of us want to join NATO and I frequently see weird NO NATO stickers in the same places I see the neonazi and antifa stickers in public. I don't see any pro-NATO stickers but I don't think anyone cares about that issue as passionately as those that oppose NATO.

Personally I oppose NATO heavily because Finnish neutrality has just been generally a pretty important thing and a goal to achieve, even though we haven't been that now and then it's something to strive towards.

Historians agree that Finland won. They accepted their losses like Russians did but they were victorious in war.

breaking news, Germany won ww1

>finland won
finland never won a war, they were never victorious

They won enough ground to bury their dead

They appear to have btfoed Russian forces and kicked them out of their land.

Deal with it communist American

>kick them out of their land
but thats literally the opposite of what happened

>kicked them out
Never happened.
>of their land
Is of Russian land ever since.

So Russians did not leave Finland?

Technically it wasn't finland anymore.

they are still there to this day

In entire Finland?

Technically there are very few Russians left in Russia today

>Finland survived but they were lucky Germany was larger threat
Which is why they proceeded to do nothing about Germany for year and a half? Absolute state of vatniks
"The Finns were shocked by the harsh peace terms. It seemed as if more territory was lost in the peace than in the war, and the loss was in many ways some of the highest valued parts of Finland:

Large parts of the most populated southern region of remaining Finland had been connected to the world via the Saimaa Canal system, that now was severed at Vyborg where it connects to the Gulf of Finland.
The southern part of the lost area was Finland's industrial heart.
Karelia is considered the heart and origin of the Finnish culture. Before the Winter War, the Soviet sovereignty over the main part of Karelia, and Stalinist atrocities there, had been a major source of grief for many Finns. Under the terms of the treaty, the rest of Karelia was also lost."


>proceeded to do nothing about Germany for year and a half
American history education: the post

>proceeded to do nothing
You're a fucking retard.

Attached: just an example of nothing.jpg (1200x530, 140K)

>invade neutral country to create buffer zone from Germany
>lose a shit ton of men despite having the advantage
>win the war but create a new enemy when the Germans finally invade
Asshurt vatniks trying to defend their hollow victory

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>No, by the end of the war, the Soviet Union actually forced Finland to switch sides and fight against their former allies, the Germans
But did Finland become part of the Soviet Union after the war? No. Therefore it maintained indepence. And thanks to YYA-agreement, Finland and Oviet Union became best buddies

beginning of thread
>finland won the war
midway through this thread
>they both accepted their losses
end of thread
>it was a hollow soviet victory


molotov-ribbentrop pact

Soviet Union made territorial gains but, just like the US in ‘Nam, it lost the memetic war. Reminder that the US lost in Khe Sanh, the Chosin Reservoir and Bunker Hill but they’re celebrated anyways because they just happened to kill a disproportionate amount of the enemy. Face it vatnik, you’re desperately trying to shill this shit because no matter what, people in general will still perceive the Winter War as that one time the Soviet Union tried to subjugate an entire Nation and got their shit pushed in spectacularly during the process. No one cares about the sliver of territory they lost, they care about Finns posing frozen dead commies to spook the soon to be dead commies, they care about that one crazy cunt who killed 50 commies with a Suomi, they care about Simo Hahya killing 700+ commies with a beat up Mosin and Suomi, they care about motti tactics and how the Finns practically invented the Molotov to fry commies in their shitty tanks. No one is going to celebrate the Soviet’s for fucking up what should’ve been an easy win and getting thousands of commies killed. This will continue to the end of days and there’s nothing you can do about it, how does that feel Vatnik?

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Nice memes.

stay cucked finnaboo
"On 6 March, a Finnish delegation led by Prime Minister Risto Ryti travelled to Moscow.[2] During the negotiations, the Red Army broke through the Finnish defence lines around Tali and were close to surrounding Viipuri.

Finnish concessions and territorial losses exceeded those demanded by the Soviets pre-war. Finland was forced to cede nearly all of Finnish Karelia (with Finland's industrial center, including Vyborg/Viipuri, Finland's second largest city, Käkisalmi, Sortavala, and Suojärvi and the whole of Viipuri bay with its islands; in total, nearly 10% of the territory), even though large parts were still held by Finland's army. Military troops and remaining civilians were hastily evacuated to inside the new border. 422,000 Karelians, 12% of Finland's population, lost their homes.

Finland also had to cede a part of the Salla area, the Finnish part of the Kalastajansaarento (Rybachi) peninsula in the Barents Sea, and in the Gulf of Finland the islands of Suursaari, Tytärsaari, Lavansaari (now Moshchny Island o. Moщный), Peninsaari (now Maly Island, o. Maлый) and Seiskari. Finally, the Hanko Peninsula was leased to the Soviet Union as a naval base for 30 years at an annual rent of 8 million marks.

Contrary to common belief, the Soviet troop transfer rights by railway to the Hanko base were not granted in the peace treaty, but they were demanded first on 9 July, after Sweden had acknowledged railway transit of Wehrmacht troops to occupied Norway."

Additional demands were that any equipment and installation on the ceded territories were to be handed over. Thus Finland had to hand over 75 locomotives, 2,000 railroad cars, a number of cars, trucks and ships. The Enso industrial area, which was clearly on the Finnish side of the border, as it was drawn in the peace treaty, was also soon added to the Finnish losses of territory and equipment.

The new border was not arbitrary from the Soviet viewpoint.

Before the war, Finland had been a leading producer of high quality pulp, which was an important raw material for explosives. Including the Enso factories, the Soviet Union captured 80% of Finland's production capacity.
Finland had to cede 1/3 of her built hydroelectric power, mainly in the form of hydroelectric power plants on the Vuoksi River, which was badly needed in Leningrad, where the industry suffered a 20% shortage of electricity.


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Finland did well, better than anyone could have ever hoped. but not acknowledging the fact that Finland suffered a major blow is bad. the karelian atrocities should not be covered up by Finland stronk memes

Never happened.

Fake news

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They probably could have gotten them back when the Soviet Union collapsed, but wisely they didn’t pursue it. The Russians destroyed anything worthwhile with poor maintenance and governance. The infrastructure is shit and there is no industries or resources worth having. Just a lot of poor Russians and as recent events have shown a large Russian minority is not a good thing for political stability.

Dumb frogposter.


Unrelated to autistic screeching that is this thread, but this movie on the Continuation War is a bretty good war movie. Some Finnish Jow Forumsommando made subs for it, but I also found subs where you normally find these things.

Attached: Tuntematon_sotilas_2017_poster.jpg (264x377, 17K)

Dumb dumb frogposter poster

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finns 25,904 dead or missing

vatniks 126,875–167,976 dead or missing

o well done moscow

total losses
70,000 total casualties
321,000–381,000 total casualties

round of applause for vaniks there

fins had...32 tanks...yes just 32 in the war
yet vatniks LOST
1,200–3,543 tanks

a big hand for the ivans...well done you fucking primitives the finns fought the shit out of you

Finland won a chance to kill a lot of commies.

Germany won WWII, everyone!

>Finland won a chance to kill a lot of commies.

And eternal respect for their ability to fight.
Vatniks? Won another shameful entry in the history books for being everliving cunts

Well it did against vatniks yeah

Germany now...Vs Russia now.

Which is the greater shithole which has more influence in Europe?

Stay delusional.

>t. commiecuck

Are all Russians ashamed of their history OP? Should be. That is what you represent. Shame. Failure. The last wet fart of the USSR

stay squatting and thinking that history will ever remember the winter war as anything other than the Russian military getting assraped. Which it was.

Just like the US, Russia does and did not mind sending soldiers into death. Thats the nice thing about having millions of men to waste.

>Winning means gaining something

That's a pretty big generalization.

They gained not losing their autonomy

Treaty of Versailles was a German victory, everyone!

But the Allies weren't trying to take the autonomy of the Central Powers like the SU was attempting to do in the Winter War. So that's a false equivalency

Pls go and stay go

Meanwhile in a totally different vidya game where Finland's wargoal was to remain independent republic they got positive warscore and they won. THEY. WON.

Warscore.. for fucks sake.

>A win would include cessation of territories, and/or the gaining of reparations from the loser, and/or other terms favorable to the winner such as military access of ports.
You're fucking retarded. If you're fighting a defensive war, status quo ante bellem is victory. I'm not saying the Winter War was won by Finland - it was a pyrrhic soviet tactical victory that ultimately failed to achieve its political goals - but to say that in order to win a war you need some arbitrary territorial gains you have to be either underage, a delusional vatnik or both.

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The Soviet debacle in Finland literally won them the war. It was so fucktarded and humiliating the purges stopped and the military was forced to go through a reformation process. The goal was to reach parity with German forces by 1943, and in reality they did this in early 1944. When Germany invaded the response was
>ok do what you're doing but faster thanks
and a system had already been put in place to analyze defeats and craft solutions. Germany did not have a comprehensive system to grapple with battlefield defeats, and so degraded from prolonged combat instead of growing from it.

I honestly believe that if the Soviets hadn't been mauled by literally who: the country they would have lost Moscow.

OP is clearly a butthurt Ivan, that does not understand the difference between "losses" and "losing a war".

You may wanna ask the occupied countries how sweet the life under USSR was after the war. Now THAT would have been a complete failure state for the Winland.

Sup onion thief? How is that motor oil bread?

Attached: finland_USSR_onion_thief.png (1500x671, 56K)