Whats are the weak points on China's new tank?
Whats are the weak points on China's new tank?
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Sides, top, rear, bottom
Its Chinese made and designed
It's county of origin and said country's populace
Basically it's weak points are on two sides.
The insides
And the outsides
Its made by Norinco, and not the "good" Norinco
frontal armor is very good, almost 1,5 meters of RHA equivalent armor thickness (without counting the heavy ERA - just LOS thickness).
The top as well is surprisingly well armored with its thicker plates and add-on ERA. Would make it resistant against most EFPs.
Side armor is maybe its only weak-point, but this is shared by literally all other tanks as well.
>it has armor
So does every tank built after the Trojan war, what makes it worth spending money on.
I noticed these, what do you think?
The MG port should be vulnerable. But it is a relatively small area. Turret-ring also, but this is also very small and modern APFSDS do not exploit "shot trap" features.
For the lower glacis, I dont know enough of its construction to say. Usually modern tanks have composite armor there. But I'm not sure.
>weak points
Came here to post this.
that its a weaker baseline 80's t-72bv with no side armor and a worse gun
you forgot to mention the lack of sinister PTSD inducing eyes
>52 caliber ZTP-98A 125mm gun worse than legendarily bad, inaccurate and low pressure 2A46M
Can Russia even into long rod penetrators these days?
Did the pin just snap when the wheel took that impact? Pretty catastrophic failure.
Seems to be the weakpoint of literally every other tank during rough driving and hitting hard obstacles.
>inaccurate and low pressure
Or rather, inferior munitions.
Red areas = turret throwing
Yellow = probably knock it out with top tier MBT guns.
so you came here to tell us you're 1) retarded and 2) have nothing of value to contribute.
Ok. You've said now piece. Now go and stay go.
>Side armor is maybe its only weak-point, but this is shared by literally all other tanks as well.
Speak for yaself, chink shill
rough terrain makes the wheels fall off
Definitely the sides and rear.
It's silly that the least armored areas are what's important to it's mobility.
you fucking retard.
You couldn't drive it anywhere though
So, how do you explain the T-72 losing that wheel?
viewports are unserviceable for western people, too small
the T-72 is loosing an "idler wheel", the Chink tank lost a road wheel
The Type 99A actually has pretty western crew ergonomics, as in it is actually quite large inside.
Which is even worse.
The Idler wheel is what is holding the treads tight. Losing a roadwheel isnt as catastrophic.
Inferior compared to what?
Why is Russki fire control and stabilization so bad? They are using their T-72s like WWII tanks, while China uses their Type 96A like a 21st century tank.
No, I came here to state the obvious fact that Chinese = shit.
>have nothing of value to contribute
I'm not a gook so this doesn't apply to me.
You can clearly see the part where the crew is ripped into 2 halves.
>China uses their Type 96A like a 21st century tank
Worse than Kazakhstan.
Hahaha oh wow. Stop and go and still miss ALL their shots?
lol nigga u dumb as fuck. Why didn't your mom abort you? I would have donated a coat hanger or two, and if you're game, I'll donate a 9mm slug.
Yeah, only ex-USSR cunts would use their tanks as race-cars. In all measures that are actually relevant for combat, China came out ahead (before the Russians made up dumb rule revisions).
watch the fucking game and read the rules. Look up when was the last time sabots were allowed and the score for that game.
It's ok to be stupid. It's ok to be ignorant. It's not ok to be stupid AND ignorant.
>stupid AND ignorant
this post gave me AIDs
>Impotent rage of a gook with tiny penis
Enjoy having shitty T-55 knockoff instead of a tank.
How does it feel needing a second wall against the mighty north Eurasian Turkic master race driving based Russian tanks?
don't worry, you got it a long time ago getting pounded in the ass.
oh look a shitskin. Enjoy your 18th century civilization, roach.
>Can't even handle copying T-55 properly, wheels fall off
Piss skin gook ape shill on suicide watch.
Chinks in armour
>western turret
>Russian hull
Chinks really do lack imagination.
So where are this side armor of ZTZ99? No, nada?
So shut da fuck up.
look up what it means, you illiterate skit monkey.
>western turret
Come back when you learn about explosive reactuve armor and ROMOR ERA on those Challenger-2, you dumbfuck.
holy fuck, did they really just weld a box onto a cast turret?
It's literally just an el-cheapo T-55 with some ERA slapped on it.
no u
Yes, user, yes they did.
is this the new Hunter 2-1 actual bullshit?
just running some test
Actually welding boxes like that onto older tanks as spaced armour, or shape the ERA like that isn't a bad idea. I would really help PID in a war between NATO and Russia as countries like Poland and Finland still use older Soviet equiptment.
Found it, now I just gotta fit as much profanity into that as possible.
Its 99 letters everybody
Its made of chinesium armor. strong as butter.
come back when you aren't a dumb fuck who completely missed the fucking point.
im back, it was me all along
This is clearly just a T-55 made up to look like an Abrams tank for training purposes.
I hoped you had died a long time ago
.50 yuan has been deposited into your bank account Little Brother Chen. The people's republic thanks you, but reminds you: Taiwan IS THE REAL CHINA!
Apr 15, 1989 – Jun 4, 1989
Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
enjoy your internet privileges being revoked.
you can just nigger rig it into the side like what Russian did with their new T-72
Old tanks with upgrades are cute.
the usual, that is to say pretty much anything that isnt the front. Probably has a weak gun mantlet and lover glacis too.
While you being retart, chinese tanks still lack any kind of side armor - ERA, slat armor. applique - NOTHING but rubber fagskirts.
You have great taste.
This, even T-90/T-72 have those small ERA panel in the side.
t-72 hit barrier or wall.
That tank is naked, put some ERA on for gods sake.
Now they cover most of the side.
but i like lewd
And more ERA can be trapped onto that new skirt
That's very lewd, I wanna see a lewd T-14.
I already have a bottom less T-14 pic. Do you have topless one?
That T-90 have a air conditioner on the side of the turret.
Forget pic
I am short on informative T-14 pictures sadly
>Whats are the weak points on China's new tank?
All of it,
I have some skirtless pic. I would kill someone for a naked turret pic.
>enjoy your internet privileges being revoked.
It's biggest weakpoint is the fact that it's chinese.
Seriously, didn't these things fall apart at some tank competition?
Chinese people are in it.
Made in China. Land of the almost-right.
For some reason this new wheel arrangement looks better and maybe more western than what they do usually on their T-XXs