>playing SWAT 4 Elite Force with three others >Convienence store mission,one of the others points out that none of the Suspects will have gas masks >initialize Auschwitz tactics >at least 12 tear gas cans for each of us >gas masks for everyone and begin operation >blitz the back of the store >apprehend the one suspect there normally >bathrooms in the back are empty >C3 the door and flood in >everyone throwing gas everywhere >so thick you can't even see 2 feet in front of you >entire store gets gassed so hard that we have to locate suspects and civs via their gagging >arrest them them all successfully >mfw it's not SWAT 4 if you don't kill all the hostages >squadmate initiates bullshittery by shooting them all in the back of the head with his deagle brand deagle >game ends with mass TK
Could tear gassing an entire house or building be a viable tactic?
Game has such a great, great concept but such terrible execution >see suspect, yell hands up >he starts running >he's too far to tase and you can't shoot him >""""""""""""""""run""""""""""""""""" after him as he clunkily and robotically enters each room and closes door behind him >wait till he finally gets into a dead end room, he tries to get out the way he came >you're blocking the door and he keeps trying to open it >suspect sounds confused but keeps trying to open door for another 30 seconds, giving you enough time to plant C2 >detonate it and incapacitate him
I remember in the old Playstation 2 SOCOM game smoke made the enemies blind but you could still see through it. Equip your entire team with max amount of smoke grenades and give everybody a M203 grenade launcher and equip max # of M203 smoke grenades as well.
Just spam smoke everywhere and melee attack, knock out, and restrain every bad guy. Get tons of bonus points for completing mission without being spotted, without firing a single shot, and without killing anybody.
John Sullivan
SWAT 4 Elite Force (6.4) adds 2 grenade launchers to the game, you can use gas nades in them. Really effective for distance.
Jace Thompson
I gave you a link with 123 sourced links. Read.
Chase Allen
Fucking learn to read vatnik.
Leo Rivera
>Could tear gassing an entire house or building be a viable tactic?
They do this all the time.
If they are a cop killer they will just burn down the house with incendiaries like they did to Dorner, among others.
Oliver Morgan
dats gay cuz game insanely easy
Parker Foster
>Could tear gassing an entire house or building be a viable tactic? Just watch out for the unintended consequences...
>The Russians never revealed that info. Just googled. Expert journal, Nov. 4 2002 According to minister of healthcare Shevchenko, they used Phentanylum-based gas, which had devastating effect on malnourished hostages
Michael Mitchell
If it ever comes out
Levi Miller
Asher Edwards
>Could tear gassing an entire house or building be a viable tactic?
No because that tends to kill people, especially children and the elderly.
You're just trying to get them to breathe some of in it/get it in their eyes, not replace their oxygen supply.