They'll buy up everything else out of Russia and these are clearly approaching combat readiness, so what's going on?
Why hasn't China shown interest in the SU-57?
Other urls found in this thread:
China makes all their own stuff now
They will have to buy it eventually, specially after everyone realizes that the J-20 and J-31 are just mockup paper tigers.
Also russia can't provide anything in the amounts that chinese are willing to procure. They would have no choice but to licence.
Why should China invests in inferior material?
nigga u dumb as fuck.
what's it like to be retarded?
You ever wondered what the real reason behind that purchase is?
Get real Bao Shu.
China only interest in core technology like engine, while Russia want to sell the whole fully build aircraft.
The Su-35 exist because Sukhoi thought China could buy hundred of aircraft. But China refuse to buy. Only after Russian airforce buy Su-35, China agree to buy Su-35.
Because poo in loos.
>China makes all their own stuff now
>has buy entire aircraft just to take a look at the engines alone
You see the contradiction here or Chinese brains can't process anything that isn't numbers? And do i have to remind you that this is an engine from 1980, if Chinese technology is this backwards then how can you believe that the J-20 is stealth?
A country that struggles to make 1980 engine technology probably can't even make cruise missiles properly.
Not that guy, but that was ordered ages ago.
Fuck off chink
They can't copy it, so they won't buy it
>China has already more J-20 than Russia will ever have Su-57
Makes you think
what's it like to live with your level of stupidity? Do people look at you differently?
Article says to receive your fucking retard. Order was placed 10 years ago
They both have like 10 of those thing.
But the engines are from 1980. China is 50 years behind the USA in engine technology.
>But the engines are from 1980
what the fuck are you talking about?
AL-41F is merely an upgraded engine from 1980. The designers of the original engine all left for the West in the '90s and never returned. That's why no one takes China seriously, it's just a paper tiger.
>says guy who get triggered by every China thread on Jow Forums
how many times did you get dropped on your head as a child to achieve this level of retardation?
Yes Jing, here are 50 cents, save them for better English lessons.
Because this is still overall superior.
>Why should China invests in inferior material?
Gloobal slupremay?
>combat readiness
Thanks for the laugh user
Do you know what the word Final means?
>China became the first foreign buyer of Russia’s advanced S-400 air-defence system in late 2014.
They do have interest. Just not in bulk orders.
Im sure they would like to field a sqaudron for OPFOR training and break it all down to pieces but thats about it.
See the latest SU-35 and S-400 orders Pajeets and Gooks where chimping out about.
Infact Russia isnt interest in that, but their economic sutation may end up forcing them to sell China another small batch.
most niggers are born that way
le 56% thinks his skin color is white
You aren't white even in your 100% state, you are fucking hairy pink
There are 40+ active J-20s and more in various stages of testing
oh fuck chink cyber warfare compromised the ausies trip. rip in peace dude
J-20 is inferior to Su-30MKM of Malaysia, which bested USAF F-22 during Cope TAUFAN exercise
Latest news indicate, another regiment of J-20 combat ready.
Previous one was that FTTC test regiment.
>"Also, it is possible that the Chinese are flying the J-20 with radar reflectors attached to enlarge and conceal its true radar cross section during peacetime operations — just as the USAF routinely does with the F-22 and F-35," said Bronk.
>For safety and training purposes, stealth aircraft often fly with markers that destroy their stealth during peacetime maneuvers.
>If this is the case with the J-20s, then India may be in for an unpleasant surprise next time it tries to track the supposedly stealth jets.
go back to ISTAR you fag
F-22 is inferior to the J-20.
J-20 has F-35 levels of avionics and sensor fusion, including high off boresight missiles and HMD. F-22 literally will get chewed in any dogfight due to its AIM-9M heatseekers that still need the plane to point the nose against the enemy target.
Not that the F-22 in a real fight would lose against any 4th gen plane that isnt supported by dedicated anti-stealt radars. Same as J-20 - just that the J-20 will be a monster in dogfight too due to its HMD and PL-10.
luneberg lenses have only ever appeared on the bottom of the j-20 it has no top mounts. Indians illuminated them from above.
checkm8 sorry not sorry for shattering your false world view
sorry kid f22 has had aim9x for 2 years now
lets not even get into the horrible frontal rcs of the j-20
additionally it's passive AN/ALR-94 is significantly, by 2 orders of magnitude, more complex than the f-35's barracuda
Indians illuminated nothing, since the J-20 never were deployed in Tibet to begin with.
Red Sword excercises are in inner mongolia.
They didn't.
Of course it's telling that you are posting articles which didn't update.
>F-22 Now Has AIM-9X But Still No Helmet Mounted Display To Use With It
>The Raptor will never reach its full potential without a helmet mounted display, something that was promised with the jet nearly 30 years ago.
functionally the same as the old AIM-9M then.
Without HMD, you wont get LOAL and HOBS.
>b-but muh luneberg lenses
>a-a-a-a-a-a-actually they were never there
way to move the goal posts aspie. gg ez
Wasnt me with the luneberg lense. Even though it is correct.
The J-20 was never deployed in Tibet, that Indian "news" is fake-news and China has detected the F-22 thousands of times across the Yellow Sea over Korea.
doesn't need it a hmd would have zero use on the raptor as it doesn't have das it uses it's pasives to feed off bore. no need for a helmet.
next time stop relying on alphafoxtyrot tier fake news lol :^)
Sorry Chinese disinfo agent but you have no proofs. epic fail lol
Why is India even a fucking topic? They are perhaps the most incompetent people on the globe. Cannot even make a shitty light fighter work, despite all the west helping them on it.
Hell, they cant even make a good AK copy that does not break down.
Pakistan with their Chinese toys that actually work can probably rekt them alone.
>chink buttmad that idia is more capable of power projecting then him
sorry but india is the superior ancient civilization. china has influenced no one. india has influenced every language that has ever existed. you ARE inferior. own it
Neither do the Indians.
oh my god there is nothing worse than a aboriginie from mumbai proclaiming his greatness. Dude your children are chasing cars in the streets for 1 rupee. ITs awful corrupt and disgusting. Everywhere dot heads go, misery follows. please stay in your hell hole you are not wanted on the rest of earth
Very good. India is an ancient civilization. But they still cant even make a low tech rifle like the Insas work acceptable to even its own soldiers.
Seriously. On top of their incompetence, India is also arrogant as well. Without any justification. If they admitted their third-world status and stopped blindly believing in Western lies of libertarian economy and politics, they could maybe stop sucking so bad and stop giving democracy such a bad name.
*makes knockoffs
Has been tested in Tibet, but long excericises were never done in Tibet.
Also, Tibet is large and the bases where they are tested are far from Indian border.
China has no destiny or history. India will be a super power to befit it's ancient destiny deal with it. the greatest nation currently on earth has already recognized our greatness. China's time is finished it's history will be that of balkenization not greatness
>m-muh luneberg lenses
>gets btfo
>i-i-it was never their
>gets btfo
>o-o-o-ok it was there but not for long
lol fail
Sorry kiddo but literally every other Jet is better than the J-20, a few Pak-Fa's could probably shoot down every existing J-20
See, that's what I mean.
A great civilization doesnt behave like this. Happy like some good dog who has been given recognition by its US masters.
A great civilization must stand against the West and the US, since they are the anti-thesis of ancient civilizations. The West and the US are literally cavemen with guns who ursurped the rightful place of all ancient civilizations, India and China included.
That India doesnt realize this and still tries to suck off the USA, is literally the evidence that India has no culture and no civilization anymore. Indians are nothing but Western slaves.
We do admit our 'arrogance'. A good part of the country fucking hates the nationalist swine who spew their shit on the internet. We elected the world's first democratically-chosen communist government and it remains the best-run state in India - with development indicators similar to Europe.
There is always a fight between the dumbfuck Hindu nationalists and the smarter secular master-race. Woke India will prevail.
I dont think so.
The Su-57 with its non-existing stealth would first be detected by the GaN AESA of the J-20 and shot down with PL-15s that far far outrange anything the Russians designed to have the Su-57 carry internally.
I swear going anti-US would be the most just move. You're spot on. But India isn't a US slave. Wait till the trade wars reach their shores - or till the US challenges Indian agricultural subsidies.
India's geopolitics is still neutral, with equal weightage to Russia as it is to USA.
>mus stand against the west
what like Chiang Kai-Shek who sowed distrust among the great powers of his time by way of his anti western ideals and caused china to fall
or Mao who sucked the dick of western powers whenever possible?
I kinda had this hunch for some time, especially since the polls in India showed that a lot of Indians have positive opinions about Iran, based on their shared values of ancient civilizations, and hence do not support US sanctions against them in the service of the Jews.
Their geopolitics has at least the potential to be more independent.
I kinda had this hunch for some time, especially since the polls in India showed that a lot of Indians have positive opinions about Iran, based on their shared values of ancient civilizations, and hence do not support US sanctions against them in the service of the Jews.
Their geopolitics has at least the potential to be more independent.
>Indians laugh their asses off at pathetic failing Chinese
>Chinese disinfo agents activate their propaganda bots
>it breaks because lol Chinese coding
Did you shit properly in one the designated street today, Pajeet?
>resorts to ad hominim that applies significantly more to him after getting btfo
Chinese intelligence
Isn't the J-20 not going to be available for foreign export? From what I've learned about it, it's also basically geared towards fighting ships from long distances. It seems to me that the Chinese want to be able to build their own fighters without having to rely on another nation that would then know their specs and capabilities. Obviously the Chinese figure their air and space manufacturing sector is up to the task, so now they're trying build their own stuff without the need for collaboration.
>The West and the US are literally cavemen with guns who ursurped the rightful place of all ancient civilizations, India and China included.
I can't tell if this is serious
Is this the reason why they always buy a handfull newer russian jets and then copy the engines and other stuff?
Because the SU-57 is dog shit. No one has shown interest in it, even the Russian government. It's going to be a parade/airshow queen like the T-14.
>only 12 aircraft on order
>evaluate purchasing more in 2025
Not even the Russians have shown interest in the Su-57
He's not wrong. There's a reason Russian jet engines aren't used in commercial airliners anymore. They can't make competitive engines vs the west. Period. Their shit all stems from the soviet days.
>buying a paper tiger to replace a paper tiger
Half a social credit point has been deposited into your account, 2000 more and they'll turn off the public shame alarm on your phone, 4000 more and you can buy a train ticket. Keep up the great work!
Not him, but actually does some really good defense reporting.
You should check them out.
>reddit spacing
looks cracked tier garbage
Yeah well you might want to stop spending money on nukes and start allocating funds to indoor plumbing.
sorry chang seestop being an world embarrassment
reddit spacing is not any sort of independent argument, it is a red herring to avoid any real effort in conveying a meaningful point.
When will you fags realize this?
>reddit spacing
nice spergout aspie, wtf?