How would Jow Forums school shooter proof a school without building a new school? armed guards in every school...

how would Jow Forums school shooter proof a school without building a new school? armed guards in every school? compartmentalized rooms and corridors with bulkheads?

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No virgins allowed.

arming the teachers like in Israel and force them to have training sessions with LEOs 1 afternoon every weeks


A stable ethnically homogenous white society with strong moral values and complete families.

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>increase non-teacher staff be 20%
>hire only former military/LEO
>mandatory monthly, 16 hour fun training

Best defense is an offense that cant be seen.

Segregated schools, students need a mother and father to be accepted

Damn, Julio's mad.

required firearms, martial arts, and small team tactics training for all students.
All of them are issued a rifle with no ammo. Ammo is locked behind protective metal container, in event of school shooting, alarm rings and ammo box opens up.

Limit access points and install metal detectors, enforced by armed security. Allow teachers, administrators, etc., to carry concealed if they wish.

This and segregation. Might take a good generation or two.

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>allow teachers who want to carry to carry, assuming they have a more stringent background check
>Seal off all entrances with metal detectors and armed guards
>Have the FBI and local police actually do their jobs
Parkland shooter was a complete failure of every form of elected government and beauracracy and you know it.

You can barely turn your back on school kids with some basic lab equipment. Tossing in a bunch of guns to be forgotten, misplaced, or just plain pulled out of the teacher's holster into that environment is a monumentally stupid idea.

All students have school-issued Hi-Points. An armed society is a polite society.

that'd require women to stay at home though, which would lead to a vacuum men would be unable to fill.

Yeah. Not shoving multiple criminal offenses under the rug to look better in crime stats is certainly a good start

Segregation as in black and whites? Aren't whites the ones that are shooting up schools though?

>two parent families require stay at home moms
>limit access points
Doesn't this also limit exits? What if somebody decides to release poison gas or set fire to the school and camp the exits?

>or just plain pulled out of the teacher's holster
that's why cops use level 3 holster for their duty weapons, or you could tell the teachers they are only allowed to conseal carry and honestly
>misplacing a gun you are supposed to carry all the time
how do you even do that ?

No, it actually happens more in black schools, the media just doesn't give a shit enough to report it.

Chinks, niggers and all manner of mystery meat participate in the fun too. There's also the simple fact that niggers are aggressive and violent which may contribute to creating the school shooters.

>bully and harass a loser endlessly
>eventually he has enough and the only answer he can think of to stop the torment is violence
>"wtf ban fucking white virgins they're all violent serial killers!"
Will they EVER open their eyes and address the root cause? Fuck, make special schools for losers but you can't keep putting them in an environment where they are pushed to their breaking point. My favorite part is that kids seem to take PRIDE in having bullied a school shooter, somehow oblivious to the fact they caused the dude to snap.

its y2k+18
seriously its time for metal detectors and clear backpacks

>Doh ho ho ho no!
I'm sure that's what CNN wants you to think though. The black communities actually want segregation the most.

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