why do snipers use bolt action rifles is it for any reasons why not use semi auto?
Why do snipers use bolt action rifles is it for any reasons why not use semi auto?
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more energy
They use both, but for long range bolt action has fewer parts moving that impacts the exit of the bullet out of the bore.
Because Their GREEAAATT!!!
I heard it stated by a couple different snipers, that they felt thatthe case flying out of a semi auto can draw attention to their position from a significant distance. Is it true? Idk.
>300 winmag semi auto
At the ranges that snipers are typically employed at (700-1100 meters) people are going to have a hard time figuring out where the shot even came from, let alone see a piece of brass flung a few feet by a semi auto action.
Summer man.
After a certain caliber size the weight of a semi auto gets kinda silly. .338 lapua, .50 BMG, .408 Cheytac, .300 win mag... the current sniper rounds of choice. I’d rather have a bolt gun. Also too, that the violent feeding of semi autos often slightly deforms the bullet tip, affecting accuracy. Also semi autos tend to have more play in the lockup than bolt actions, affecting accuracy.
what would be the benfits of having it semi auto?
god damn nogunsz faggot post.....
fuck summer
why is he putting arm and hammer in that pot?
Snipers don't need rapid follow up shots. A bolt action can handle more powerful rounds and tends to be more accurate. Without being too specific I know the bolt action Barrett rifles are about twice as precise as the semi auto ones. They're easier to swap rounds if you want a certain round for a specific shot. They're lighter and more compact aswell.
i dunno faster follow up shots?
but idk just guessing
Making that crack rock
The bullet will hit the target by the time you rack another round. If you missed your optic is probably off to begin with. No need for faster follow ups, just hit the first time or don't fire.
The action makes you jizz. Semis will never give you this
That was according to actual snipers that I saw interviewed. Jackass.
Yet they take steps to avoid glare from the front element of their scope, which only a trained counter sniper would probably ever notice. It wouldn't be surprising if they're concerned about shiny brass flying around.
This is one reason.
Just because your target is 1km+ away, does not mean all of the enemy is. Bolt actions let you slowly remove the case and not have it fly out of your hide.
Just because your target is at 1km out, does not mean all of the enemy is that far. Not having flying cases is one less thing to worry about.
Go read about Hathcock's duel. He'd be fucking dead if he decided that flying brass didn't matter.
bolt actions
>allow for larger bullets & longer cases
>allow the shooter to control when teh case leaves the chamber
>more accurate
>less moving parts
>less to go wrong with the gun
>lighter than semi auto counterparts
gee i wonder why someone who is alone or at most with a partner, dragging their gun while crawling to a hidden position. shooting long distances and being surrounded by potential enemies would want those characteristics...
on a related note, why do navy seals use scuba/rebreathers shouldn't they just hold their breath it would be quieter?
Real answer is that bolt guns have faster trigger lock times, tighter tolerances, and have less moving parts. All three of the aforementioned lead to objectively better consistent precision.
Two types of sniper. Short range (relatively speaking) is little more than an AR with a scope and the shooter will be within range for most of the enemy, so may have to fight. Long range shooter is not going to be in a hurry so why not go with the simpler and inherently more reliable design.
>Short range (relatively speaking) is little more than an AR with a scope
that is called a designated marksman
stir fry man
its called a sniper when theres a scope on the gun
here is your (you)
Why not use a revolver if brass is a problem??
>accuracy gained for price paid
Semi's ~~can~~ be every bit as accurate as a bolt, it just costs 4-6x more to get them there.
>larger calibers
Most relevant militaries are going to magnum and ultramagnum calibers for their snipers and are using semi-auto DMR's for closer engagements and organic precision.
While there exist a very select few .338 and .50 semi's, they weigh significantly more than bolt-action counterparts. When a sniper team has to carry secondaries on top of their primary and potentially a shitload of additional gear above and beyond their basic load due to mission length or location or lack of resupply weight is a very critical factor.
>reliability in austere conditions
A boltgun will continue to work in conditions even the most reliable semi's will choke, and do so with negligible or no reduction in mechanical accuracy. When teams can be out for weeks at a time with no physical contact with friendly forces and may be forced to crawl through or dig into the nastiest shit imaginable for concealment this becomes more important than it is to line units.
The sound of the bolt action cocking scares enemies away
>faster follow-up shots
>not having to break shooting position to cycle the action (this is the big one)
>widely available doublestack hi-cap mags
>assuming anything but roller-delayed action, reduced recoil
>cross compatibility with other weapons in the form of mags and accessories
Humies I swear...
.t guy who only plays sniper on Vidya (xXXCrisKylexXXx)
I believe a couple of the most successful assassins used revolvers for this reason. Quick in and out without having to hunt for ejected brass.
I've got nothing for the same concept in sniping except for the fact that snipers generally fire once and relocate. Relocation may be quicker/easier without having to search all around for spent brass that may be discovered by the enemy.
honestly, if brass was such a problem you'd thing they'd make some sort of baggy to attach to the ejection port to collect it.
Bolt guns are cheaper to accurize and maintain.
To cheapen cocain so it can be crack
He's making mac and cheese