Hello, fellow Jow Forumsommandos,
Can you help a brother find instruction to make a silencer?
Hello, fellow Jow Forumsommandos,
Can you help a brother find instruction to make a silencer?
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Its like the ATF is just throwing the whole rod into the water at this point.
Get a license for it.
Strictly speaking we don't know user is in the US.
Anyways, you'll probably go to prison wherever you are, but that's on you buddy.
Michigan gun ownership is 36%-38%, this chart is retarded. I bet because the state went blue between Regan and Trump some leftist faggot just smudged the numbers.
Where in the world is a license required? You mean the stamp? Or is there some country with gun laws I'm missing here?
Insert muzzle into cat rectum and secure with aluminium tape.
Put pillow in front of muzzle and secure with aluminium tape.
There is nothing illegal about making your own suppressors so long as you follow the proper channels. These "lel xddd le atf man shoot ur doggo" posters need to go and stay go.
Put hand over barrel to stop sound
You still need the tax stamp from the ATF regardless of whether you're buying one or making one. Same with SBR's, machine guns, etc.
>These "lel xddd le atf man shoot ur doggo" posters need to go and stay go
Nice try ATF
Do you need the stamp before you build/buy one or just to use it?
Make sure you file your Form 1 user! And wait for your approval before construction (probably best to wait to buy materials until you get your form back as well, you don't want to get hit with constructive intent)! It's really not too hard though, there are lots of guides out there.
Also remember that you still need to follow all the other suppressor requirements like minimum suppressor length & serial engraving that matches your approved form 1.
Before you build it.
You have to get the stamp first and then you can make it.
Go away alphabet man
I've been baited by a 3 letter agency on here into buying legal accessories. Then questionable sales we're being pitched to me and I declined. When they glow, they fucking glow.
Yeah no way North Carolina has such low ownership.
The principals are simple,
step 1 separate the gas directly behind the projectile from behind the projectile, slow it down in a uniform way that won't affect the flight of the projectile. Most first "blast baffle" cones won't have holes or features that cause turbulence for this reason.
Second part is "turbulence and chill" where the gas is made to funnel around a maze and cool down before exiting the end of the suppressor.
The specifics of the gas leaving the end of the suppressor without creating a fireball or a loud crack are something beyond my knowledge.
One other thing to note is that the gas slamming into the blast baffle most oftne makes a loud noise, one might wish to combine different metals into this surface for noise dampening, perhaps a sheet of steel with a sheet of copper or lead behind it.
That guide is retarded
There is literally nothing wrong with having the knowledge of how to build a silencer. If a person desires, they can get a tax stamp and legally create their own.
I've made a few of the freeze plug cans. I put a stainless steel one on my 308 and while heavy, it does work well. I put a c cell maglite can on my 22/45 and it works well too. At first, I used a wix fuel filter with an adapter to rifle threads and a freeze plug and spacer kit.
Gunthreadadapters.com has a lot of good stuff, and you can buy freeze plugs off jegs or summit racing.
There is no way that map is accurate.
Oh ya, this bullshit chart is full of "they voted for us that one time, therefore Democrat, therefore leftist, therefore anti-2a!"