Where my Washington posters at?
/WA/ - Washington thread
I don't have any change
I'll buy you a bottle of water, but I won't give you change
Anyone got a link to the Discord?
u racis I just need bus fare mayne!
INfag checking in, but getting ready to move to WA next year for work.
I have pretty much the ability to choose where I wanna live in state, as long as I'm west of the mountains. What places should a fellow Jow Forumsommando look at/avoid in particular when looking for housing/shooting/innawoods?
Generally just avoid Seattle. Things have been going to shit there in this last month.
I'm new to Washington and have to be in Seattle for work but downtown/Cap Hill seems worse than most other neighborhoods due to cost of living, density of homelessness, amount of crime, lack of parking, and extreme leftwing stuff (although it has the most nightlife)
Elaborate please?
They passed a head tax
Notatrap plz fuckoff
Thoughts on Bellingham? Seemed to me like a nice little place that's quite far from Seattle but not BFE farmland.
Also thoughts on Kirkland?
>west of the mountains
Well you just fucked yourself out of the Jow Forums side of the state. I guess you have the peninsula? Watch out for rabid commies, they're everywhere
Wow the absolute madmen... I have been on vacation and remember hearing about this but didn't think they would actually do it... RIP in peace Seattle industry
There's plenty of nice shooting spots in the forested area of the sound
Bellingham is way North, I know very little about it other than that but I remember some people that post are from there
Kirkland is supposed to be a more wealthy, nice, more conservative neighborhood of Seattle to the East
Privately owned, unmanaged and covered in hikers, heaven forbid one sees you with a rifle walking through the woods
Pls gib coordinates, I deleted the ones I have by accident...
I'm in Capitol Hill at the GUN CLUB
>Privately owned, unmanaged and covered in hikers, heaven forbid one sees you with a rifle walking through the woods
Is there any ways that WA hasn't become as bad as CA?
Who is this homosexual?
A total faggot
New to WA, link to discord please?
Can't your no in the Discord
Most expensive will be seattle, and the worst traffic from everett to olympia. Things are more expensive and less populated north and south of here.
Population density makes westside shooting difficult. Capitol forest is closest to tacoma/olympia but overrun with tards. Best bet is the peninsula. Few people, lots of wilderness/national forest.
Can’t go wrong anymore as far as get out goes, nearly endless options. Many trails areheavily trafficed, best bets are pastayen wilderness in north center of the state or olympic peninsula. Hope this helps. Unless youre moving from california, then kys
Kek dubs confirmed faggot
Bellingham here. What do you want to know?
Notatrap plz stahp we arent letting you back in
It's still not that bad user. Perhaps this new head tax will kill seattle's economy and the fags will flee to a new state and leave us alone.
What are the people like, politically and temperament wise, compared to Seattle? How acceptable are guns and general Jow Forums related activities? Are there any good ranges/gun shops in town or nearby? How are property prices? I visited Seattle in '16 and it was quite drenched in hipster liberals and other s()yish types, plus everything was wicked expensive despite being mostly mediocre quality. Honestly quite interested in Bellingham, going to be visiting WA in August and considering traveling up to Bellingham to scope out property and shizz.
Would a conservative gun owner from AZ with scary black rifles be welcome in your fine state?
yeah, just don't be a fag
Bellingham is like a smaller seattle. There’s still hipsters and libs there because of WWU. Its smaller though and easy to get out and escape it. I dont live there though, someone who does can probably answer in more detail
Are you white?
It's also the closest major city to Canada if that's your thing
I swear 50% of the state is california transplants or snowbirds that haven't completely fled yet. Never mind that Seattle might as well be a temperate LA
Yeah however if you move in next to yuppies or the typical lefty fuckers don't tell anyone that you own guns
Discord users pls
I'm not the Japanese trap
No your fucking worse your notafaggot
>Yeah however if you move in next to yuppies or the typical lefty fuckers don't tell anyone that you own guns
Wait... it's seriously gotten this bad? How was this allowed to happen?
Post hand and guns with timestamp faggot
Guess you got me there senpai
It hasn't gotten that bad yet. However with an increasing anti gun fervor around the country I wouldn't tell any non 2A supporter that I own guns. No need for people to know who don't need to know
This can be faked, you need better security.
Post bulge then
Seattle is a breeding site for the marxism virus. We've been telling everyone to nuke it for ages, but nooooooo
Post hand and guns with timestamp faggot AND a timestamp for right now, this date
>post gun next to bulge
>What are the people like, politically and temperament wise, compared to Seattle?
There's a few "groups" worth mentioning: College people (cali tier degenerates and marxists), Hippies (mix of boomer libs and dudeweed libertarians), normies (centrist normies, same as anywhere else), and the far right types, who are less numerous, but present.
It's a cold, dark city, and that reflects in the temperment. It's hard to make friends, people aren't exceptionally friendly or outgoing, but generally tend to mind their own business, (with the exception of the college people).
>How acceptable are guns and general Jow Forums related activities?
Most people have a positive view of hunting and hunters. Gun ownership is fairly common. Noguns generally either are completely fine with, if a little suspicious of guns, or are raging feinstein tier grabbers (once again, der ewige boomer and college student). Overall, while I wouldn't stand in red square with an NRA sign, it's fairly safe to be a gun owner.
>Are there any good ranges/gun shops in town or nearby?
Plantation range is good for pistol and shotgun, but only really decent for rifles if you're sighting in your durr gun. Custer sportsmen's club is great, but a membership range. There's the north fork gravel pit, which I haven't visited, but plan to soon. There are numerous pawn shops that sell guns with varying prices, and a few gunsmiths. Overall the gun market is average.
>How are property prices?
On the high side, but not atrocious.
Fuck yeah user, you're the best. Thanks for the comprehensive info!
No problem, friend.
One thing I forgot to mention: the pervading sense of strangeness. Washington hasn't been settled for very long, and there's still things out there. It makes some people sort of uncanny sometimes. It's hard to explain through text, but you'll know it when you see it. Twin Peaks wasn't entirely incorrect about this place.
Ted Bundy, Gary Ridgeway, Robert Yates, and the DC snipers all lived in Bellingham at one point.
I'm not trying to scare you off, but it's an interesting part of living here.
This isn't true in the slightest.
It's only true directly around seattle.
Who else is voting inslee for pres he's such a good gov that he's going to landslide #greenjobs
>pervading sense of strangeness
That's... actually really intriguing and makes me want to check it out even more.
Well yeah dick nobody's gonna try and go shooting at sculpture park or Discovery park. 30 minutes outside of the city has good spots.
>>heroin lmao
Arguably more far left and more homeless than Seattle
Great scenery though
A lot of it out there too, huh? Indianapolis is getting pretty fucking bad about heroin lately. Lots of ODs and gang battles in the city.
In the big cities, yeah. Everywhere else is all about dat meth life
>sultan reporting in lmao
Welcome to 2018 America
And to think there are people out there that want to legalize it
The crows and frogs are friendlies, coyotes are not.
The morons are a smaller portion of the population but more visible in Bellingham than Seattle. The homeless problem in seattle is literally the worst in the country.
>just this last month
mate, SEA has been going to shit for the last 30 years.
White liberal NIMBYs are trying to turn the city into SF and drive all the middle-class whites out in favor of drug addicts, homeless, gays, and illegal aliens. The rest of the state can no longer counterbalance the Seattle commie voting bloc, and soon firearms will be banned, a "progressive" income tax will be installed, and the city will pretty much have free reign to do whatever it wants.
Anyone know which forestry companies will sell you a permit for target shooting? All of the undeveloped land that isn't sheer mountains around the Sound is owned by forestry concerns, and while I respect their private property, I see an ungodly number of people shooting on their land every time I go up. If I had a permit, I wouldn't be tempted to trespass like every other hick in the woods thinks is okay.
jesus christ that debate for governor was such a fucking gongshow
inslee managed to look like a retard for an hour but it doesn't matter because of seattle
>believing in cascadia
>not believing in the northwest front
obligatory "minorities don't believe in civil liberties" statistic repost
>north fork pit
Fuuuck this place. Two hours out of town just to find there's ALWAYS someone else there. It's way easier to just find a smaller pit above the shooting closures on Tinkham and not worry about driving 25 miles out of cell service. Also there are always fucktards shooting on private land out there.
>good spots
>30 minutes out of Seattle proper
On public land? Bull fucking shit. Closest non-closure NFS land is ~15 mins out of North Bend.
Avoid King County, Pierce County, Whatcom County.
Basically anywhere that Democrats (i.e. neo Californians) hold sway
Opinions on Everett?
Giant shithole, lotta heroin
Seattle passed an "extreme risk protection order" law that allows cops to seize guns for no reason and to completely circumvent due process. Even better, they established a team of the most politically motivated cops (and the most useless in actual police work) that have the full time job of finding legal guns to seize.
So basically you're saying everywhere with a population of more than 1k is a shithole?
Fucking shithole. Traditionally lots of drugs and crime thanks to the Navy base, but property is going up FAST cause people will commute 4 hrs a day to Seattle just to have a 1000 sq ft house that isn't $400k.
If you are looking to work in Seattle I'd honestly either suggest North Bend and drive or Kitsap County and ferry ride.
Honestly King County really is ground zero. Pierce and Snoho aren't great, but outside of the closer suburbs, they're pretty okay.
Around Pierce, the minority transplants from JBLM aren't great, and most of the whites outside of Steilacoom are "Walmart-shopper" tier, but they're not raging socialists. Thurston is only bad because of the state government and Evergreen college (i.e. too dumb for literally anything useful). Snohomish is full of the "I make 40k a year and spend 20k on vehicle repayments" crowd, especially around Marysville. There are also the idiots who want to live in McMansions with good schools and low crime and then complain that they have a 1.5 hour commute and it's all Seattle's fault for the traffic. Most of these people vote heavily for social-democrat causes even though they subliminally hate poors and brown people.
I shouldn't need to cover "we wuz kangz" county because pic related
No like drug use is fucking insane, almost Seattle tier and the homeless issue is bad as well. Bad enough that the CO of NB Everett restricts personnel from going downtown at night.
Basically Lil Kim or Putin need to carpet bomb Olympia to Everett with nukes and add a few more on Bellingham for good measure.
Either that or hope our projections for a 8.0+ quake for Seattle are on the higher end.
Not entirely, Everett specifically is a huge shithole. It's crime is pretty bad. I had an ex that used to live on casino road (one of the worst streets) and even though she was right across from a police station there were regularly stabbings, fights, rapes, cars getting stolen, etc. One day we were trying to fuck but there was this horrible sound coming from her neighbors apartment - sounded like someone whacking a body full force with a baseball bat. Eventually we went and knocked, asked if everything is alright, and the guy (looked normal enough) just laughed and closed the door.
The normal thing to do in live in a small town and work in the big cities, or live way out and work from home.
>Kitsap County and ferry ride.
I've lived in WA all my life. Grew up in Thurston and Pierce. Always loved Western WA, the nature, the outdoors, the diversity of food and etc. People were socially liberal as in weed and gay marriage, but generally minded their own business.
Became a state LEO in 2008 and was assigned to Spokane (3 yrs) and then Walla Walla (2 yes). Dreaded it, but fell in love with Eastern WA. People were friendly, outdoors was good, and most of all there was a sense of community and neighborhood I never saw in Western WA. Buddies were telling me Western WA was going super leftist but I wrote it off as exaggerations.
Moved to Seattle PD in 2013 cause I could make $100k+ easy and have (then) cheap property in Kitsap. And holy shit my buddies were right.
Its like Obama being elected combined with Amazon attracting H1Bs and tons of Californian tech yuppies galavanized every authoritarian progressive in the city, and then county. And then as Amazon grew bigger and bigger more and more came, and the people who came attracted those who wanted in on the new "progressive utopia". These aren't the old legit hippies or Boomer Democrats, they're honest to God socialists and extreme lefties who are convinced they're on the right side of history and the end justifies any means.
I finally left last year after SPD started their gun seizure unit, because I was vocal about my opposition and was told by my superiors (all political fucks who spent as little time on the road as possible) that I was harming my career and needed to "get with the program". Told them to get fucked and went back to the state, and I'm going back to Spokane here in a few months.
Seattle, and King Co, is fucked beyond measure. The progressive rot is so institutionalized in every department at every level that really the only thing that will change it is either a mega diaster or a Detriot level financial collapse (which might come soon).
I'd think hard about moving here.
Already here my man and trying to GTFO. This county is next.
Too add, think of cost of living. I moved to Seattle cause I could increase my earnings by about $40k/yr. But even living in Kitsap, with commuting, I wasn't really making that much more.
Even in Kitsap Co, a fucking hour ferry ride away from Seattle, home prices are now $300k for tiny ass crack houses on a 1400 sq fr lot.
In 3 years my house and property in South Kitsap went from $210k to almost $500k. And my taxes went up as well.
Skagit standing by
Kitsap/thurston here
When are we building a konpound in eastern Wa?
I see Discord kids are still shitting up WA threads with their image macros.
Would you expect anything else from "people" who voluntarily give their information to a honeypot policed by communist furries and feds?
Just trash men doing trash things
Atf please go