what are some good ones
Gun related youtube channels
Other urls found in this thread:
Forgotten Weapons
I personally enjoy Yankee Marshall and prison life
>Byron Childers
>Do it Rite
>Funker Tactical
>Garand Thumb
>James Yeager
>John Lovell
>jonathan piccone
>Last Line Of Defense
>Military Arms Channel
>Paul Harrell
>Polenar Tactical
>Practically Tactical
>Regular Guy Training LOC
>Reid Henrichs
>Thunder Ranch
>Tremis Dynamics
That's my list of channels that are at least somewhat active
Clyde n bundy is back. Best boi.
Why has everyone forgotten about Dugan? Nobody mentions him or posts any pictures of him anymore except for the shouldered brace thing. He's still alive and kicking, and has even been showing up in some videos from other YouTubers, so what the hell?
Paul "The absolute madman" Harrell
How does one man get involved in so many civilian shootings?
MAC is a fucking retard when it comes to politics though. He seems as if he's gonna shoot up the Capitol everytime he talks about it.
Taofladermaus if you like slowmo stuff
The Chopping Block and Brass Fetcher for gel tests
bfgmovies (Flandre's channel, tons of builds but sporadic uploads)
Waffenschmiedin x
The Ammo Channel (also updating sporadically)
I'm randomly watching one of his videos about home defense and he casually says
>I was in a situation like this once before
>I had to kill someone
>Oh well
>ywn be this nonchalantly Chad
hickok's OK but maybe a bit shady.
too left 4 me
biggest asshole on YT
so many $hill$ on that list. some of these channels run infomercials that put QVC to shame.
mental illness.... psychopathy I presume. probably has a death wish.
Demolition Ranch because he helps the animals and annoys his wife
Jerry Miculek, he's back now
Gramps hickock45
Forgotten weapons
Avnil gunsmithing videos from C&Rsenal
Because his new shit sucks. Karl fucking ruined it, just like he does everything else.
Does a lot of old west shit and is extremely fucking knowledgeable on both the guns and the history of the West. I don't know why he's not more popular tbqh
I unironically like *most* (far from all) of Yankee Marshall's videos.
fucking fight me, you sperg lords.
>h-he's an asshole though!!
whats a gun channel with a vast selection of guns like hickok45 with way less video time that shows the gun alittle bit about it and shoots and doesnt have an intro or outro screen or gay commentary
Incredible faggot
Or go fuck your mother
It's part of the share blue demoralization campaign.
by being a Good Guy with a Gun
Hall Peril.
>Omaha Outdoors
>I'm not typing all the damn things, we do this every day
>least political gun youtuber
>too left 4 me
is this just a meme to annoying forgotten weapons fans or did people actually get peer pressured into thinking ian is some kind of communist
>Karl fucking ruined it
He really did. Watching that one video they did with him was like watching a broken Dugan Ashley of a man. A shell of his former self. Just go away Karl no one likes you.
Antifa get out
>This isn't reasonable
The fuck is wrong with you?
We have this thread every fucking day.
Karl “I’m responsible for Multiple Sclerosis” Kasarda
probably started as a joke but since retards can't judge satire on the internet and takes everything they read or see on taiwanese sweatshop blogs seriously people are sooner or later bound to take it seriously
It's doing the opposite
Why you hatin on Hickok45
Forgot to ask what you mean by shady
not him, but the only thing shady about hickok45 i've seen was the youtube captioning.
picture related.
I'm totally gonna shill out here for Brent0331 here, he's not the most Jow Forums guy ever but fuck he's got waterfalls of knowledge in some videos with his camouflage videos being the absolute best IMO,
The video where he shows how effective Rhodesian brushstroke is
>single handedly got a company to start making actual high quality Rhodesian brushstroke repro's.
I miss Mr Lock&Load
Thanks. Might have to check that one out!
Not that one
Not that one either
Solid recommendations
Also good
Ian and karl are fucking regressives and will be on the other side if American Civil war 2: electric boogaloo kicks off.
Please do not give regular guy training views
Its faggotry from retards
dickheas like these. Apparently because karl did not bother to reply to bullshit trolling about race war in south Africa he is now a 'communist' and 'antifa' even though he is not. There is some uncertainlty a to whether the hate hickock45 because bump stocks hate ian for not answering irrelevant questions about 'race war in south Africa' are in fact leftypol anti-gunz trying to discredit the alt right by acting like compete faggots and inciting hate against much liked gun youtubers or actual alt right retards.
The only real consensus is that they must be identified and eliminate with extreme prejudice whether communists or obsessive jew haters. /k agents are currently working to infiltrate several /pol an leftypol groups to identify. Once identified they will be eliminated in sacrifice to the murderkube. This exercise is referred to as opcastrate
Blood for the blood god. The pol/leftypol anti youtube gun channels must be sacrificed to feed the murdercube. Let them be de balled and their blood flow out for the cube
>Antifa get out
>too left 4 me
your blood must flow in tribute to the /kube blood for the blood god.
your blood must flow in tribute to the /kube blood for the blood god.
>implying their cucks When they most likely have a black wife.
Also paul nevee said that was his son in the video.
>Ian and karl are fucking regressives
your blood must flow in tribute to the /kube blood for the blood god.
Thoe who attack our well liked youtube gun content must be fed to the /kube eballed and made into brownies whether leftypol antigunners or pol
your blood must flow in tribute to the /kube blood for the blood god.
We must build an altar and nap a dagger made out of meteorite and appoint a Jow Forums shaman to sacrifice the non-believers correctly. I hope to get an ear necklace out of the ordeal.
Man these threads sure get retarded quick
To be fair a lot of the early InRange stuff was really good and interesting.
A good metric as to if a video will be good or not is how fat Karl is. The fatter he is the better the video.
Nutnfancy is great because my deflector shields can't repel autism of that magnitude.
You know that shits auto-generated right? I wouldn't be surprised with his accent it fucks up alot of words...
Dont tell me you're thinking this is some conspiracy to get people to become muslim or some shit cause the Quran is "mentioned".
Paul "murder was the case that they gave me" Harrell
give me some backstory on that paul pic
does he really have a black kid
I like the lucky gunner channel, even if I never buy ammo from them
Mixup98 is smaller channel but he makes decent videos when he does upload.
Paul Harrell takes care of his bull's offspring.
>does he really have a black kid
Its either his friend or his wife is black i doubt he is a cuck.
how many old white dudes do you know who walk around with black teens and give them guns and shoot videos with them?
fucking deal with the reality, fool.
Comfy skits and vast knowledge.
johnny‘s reloading bench
polenar tactical
paul harrel
what car is that
Paul‘s car.
You can‘t have it.
He‘ll shoot you.
Tactical Rifleman. Most underrated gun channel
what low budget buddy cop action films is this?
but i wants it
mah nigga
capandball has made me a fan of blackpowder weapons single-handedly. He has also made me think Hungarians aren't just awesome porn stars only
Post yfw you will never bed this wonderful hunk of a man
yankee martial is the biggest cunt
Sootch is unironically better than most
damn i thought paul was one of the only good ones left
seems like every gun yt is either anti 2a (hickok) or a genocide denier (ian) or a cuck
Maybe he married a black woman and that's his son?
The mailroom videos make it worth it.
He's a doctor.
even worse
I love it how he gives the finger to suckers.. I mean, his viewers.
patreon beggars are the fucking worst.
>dat jew face
Forgotten Weapons is my favourite
I like Colion Noir but often find him too hyperbolic for my tastes
I do like MAC
Not strictly firearms but I also enjoy watching the Active Self Protection videos, I like the way he analyses self defence scenarios.
"I think that's one of the reasons the *Garand* was so loved"
Youtube NWO autocorrected him obviously
>my favourite
are you also anti-white?
I do not care what their politics are, only their context
good goy.
Content goddammit
>samefagging this hard
you seem retarded. that's called conversation. you're just buttblasted because I pointed out that you're supporting an anti-white SJW hipster faggot.
>Every person I pay attention to must have the same opinions as me or I cannot appreciate anything they make
I haven’t even heard anything about his political views outside these Jow Forums shitposts, but I honestly could not give less of a fuck either way.
>Jow Forums shitposts
They're screenshots from his videos and comments. It has nothing to do with Jow Forums you massive retard.
Same guy again lol
Wow it’s fucking nothing
>An e-celeb has beliefs that aren’t the same as mine, how will I ever continue to enjoy his content that isn’t even relevant to it!
Not technically guns, but it's definitely more.... Nice.
mah nigga
That could be some gump he met how do u know its his son?
I don't care about Ian's political leanings. The forgotten weapons videos are informative and interesting and get people into guns. How can anyone disagree with that?