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Golf and desert target practice season opens tomorrow.
Is there an AZ discord?
I'm new to the area, I heard the desert gets closed during the dry season.
Friends used to laugh when I worked for Enterprise as a lot attendant wearing shooting gloves. Until they got tired of burning their hands on basic rental car steering wheels.
West valley reporting in
who's lackin let me find out
Yeah, fire restrictions fuck up all the good spots, so its ben avery if you want to shoot, basically.
Yes there is.
Come and join the fun yet sheer stupidity
Tucson reporting in
Can I play if I self Identify as an Arizonan?
Sierra Vista
North Phoenix
Gloves and boonie hat season is just starting. Hopefully I won't almost get bitten by snake this year.
Vail here. Just got back from wheeling and shooting at rabbits.
>tfw I don't live in Arizona
It hurts bro, it really does
I don't own a gun and i think the government should ban semi-autos but i was browsing this forum and i wanted to drop in and say hi from tucson!!!
California get out
Scottsdale master race here
Oh go back to California.
We will sell you back to Mexico if you dont stop with that ban shit.
how do you like tucson, buddy? Im thinking about going there for law school.
Yuma reporting in
I like Tucson, but campus is a liberal shirthole
Are those star clusters?
Phoenixfag who realized this thread even existed, hello all. We need more people in the discord and hopefully more people show up for the meet.
26.5mm orange smoke. Although I did just get some 26.5mm parachute flares in.
That was meant for you.
Prescott reporting in
Just get a sun visor lmao
So what do you guys think about the Governor saying he is going to Let John McCain's wife take his place?
Nope. Some OAP ran out of fuel over prescott. Am collegefag tho
We apparently will in an Oligarchy now. There "should" be a special election.
I just moved to Arizona from the East Coast. This shit isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be, "its a dry heat" isn't a meme. 90°F with 80% humidity is fucking brutal. I walk upward of 12 miles a day for work in Sierra Vista, Tucson, Phoenix and I haven't once said "this is fucking terrible" yet
>I haven't once said "this is fucking terrible" yet
Well yeah it's not even June yet.
You'll be boohooing in no time, Guido. They always do. We haven't even hit into the one-teens yet. Get back to us when you actually pop your sun cherry and mow your lawn in 118 weather.
And stay the fuck out of the left lane unless you're planning on passing or going 90+ consistently.
But I want to be free.
Why don't you try and get through your first summer there buddy.
I just left the east coast. Fucking sucks there.
Yuma Bro here, too
Anyone have any good recommendations for hot weather boots?
What boots are those?
I spent a week straight last summer on the ground in Phoenix during a heat wave. Working in the middle of the day when it was 120. I'd take that over a Georgia or Mid Atlantic summer every day of the week. Y'all take no humidity for granted
Seriously, stay the fuck out of the left lane.
Does the phoenix area have any BLM land to shoot on, or will the BLM employees run you off if you shoot out there during fire season/when it's "close"? Here in El Paso I haven't really heard of the BLM shooting areas in new mexico ever being closed for fire shit.
>working in the mid day sun
fucking gringo cause I know all the messicans were sleeping
The weather right now? We consider it nice out. As others have said, wait for it...
Get out of my state cocksucker
>He doesn't know
Ayyyyy yuma fag here too
Avondale checking in
South Phoenix reporting in.
North Phoenix reporting.
North Phoenix checking in
A tweaker stole a pistol from me today
I found her and she gave it back
Anybody in Tuscon want to go shooting this Sat?
>june 1st and its been gorgeous so far this year
"Oh yeah, it's not that bad"
Just wait guidobro, just wait.
North central phoenix here.
I like it a lot.
Tucson reporting in, again. Giving this thread a much needed bump.
Same. I'm in NM
Doing it right, we should all be dressed as Cowboys/Cattle Fuckers.
Where can I buy a nice pair of rattler snakeskin boots? The ones at cowtown feel like cheap shit.
Yuma, the land of mexicans and old leafs.
at least we still red unlike T*cson
>Hopefully I won't almost get bitten by snake this year.
Here's hoping you get bit then, friend. Each to his own.
>Does the phoenix area have any BLM land to shoot on
I am unsure about this issue. I suspect that the people complaining about area closures are just skirting the city. We go a little ways out from the city and have not really seen any issues. I say "really" because one time, when we were trying to get out of an area, we came upon a fence that separated us from the urban area we were trying to enter. The other side of the fence had signs saying "no entry". To the best of my knowledge, if you just keep driving, you will find open areas. I have no shit seen just the one little spot that was covered in brass and hulls posted as off limits. The irony is that people chose that spot because of the natural safety backstop that it provided. It is perfectly legal to shoot in the unsafe area surrounding the spot.
>South Phoenix
That hardly counts if you are up on South Mountain.
I reckon.
Still on the shit side of the mountain. Close enough that I could hear the cops yelling at those bank robbers held up in the nearby trailer park last week. Still It's nice being a two minute drive away from the South Mountain Gun Club.
Beats living in All White Tukee
I fucking hate Yuma but I find myself there often because my mom owns one of the bars down there.
Just free yourself from life.
Arizona belongs to Mexico
>tfw live in Michigan
>wanna live in Arizona
>no employable skills
>no employable skills
you'll fit right in, stay out of the left lane
>Arizona belongs to tweaker zombies
Where can a fella go to get into some atelope jacks and javelinas? Any Jow Forumsommandos out there hunt?
i spend all my time hunting cock down at the gay cowboy bar
I moved to Houston from Phoenix in January.
I miss the dry heat...
Yo are there any good ranges that rent near goodyear? Visiting family for a few days on Saturday
aw oops that was the shitty pic
expired link
join the ariz/o/na discord
South Phoenix here. Fuck niggers and spics
Which bar?
Old Town Scottsdale, reporting in.
is there a lot to do around tucson?
fuck yeah scottsdale bro
We all going to the gun show this weekend?
Yuma has gun shows? Does it coincide with your shrimp festival?