This is the most Jow Forums game ever. You cannot prove me wrong

This is the most Jow Forums game ever. You cannot prove me wrong

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shut up sweetwater

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You're absolutely right, but its also a pretty shit, especially with the hard life mod. Constant random encounters with 10+ guys in the same random encounter map made it such a slog, even when I was equipped to handle such stuff and had ammo to spare.

I have it but I have no idea how to play it. Game just starts and says "pick your squadmates and set their skills" but I have no idea what the meta is and everything is in fucking Russian.

Why don't you have the English Version?

>Game crashes everytime I travel to another town.
>Save game...Also crashes
>Can only play Ivanov
>"This is the most Jow Forums game ever..."

The most Jow Forums game ever belongs in the garbage bin.

>Inb4 you need to play it with the Blue sun mod.
Yes. I was playing it with the community patch and Blue sun mod

7,62 is just a shit game. Yeah it has lots of guns, yeah you can use duct tape to tape mags together, it's a shit game. JA2 is actually playable and fun, and 1.13+mods adds even more autistic mechanics. Yeah the guns don't have 3D models, yeah everyone's sprite is just wearing a tank top. It's still superior.

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Oi mate, ya got ya video game permit?

which town defense is this?

the hard life version is better but still

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Not my screenshot, it's clearly multiple sectors though. It's funny, L6 is actually just an empty sector on the approach to Meduna and C5 is San Mona, clearly the Mafia was well armed.


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>t. Kirelinko

He probably pirated it

>overthrowing a nation for the oil
>gta but in a war zone
>can literally call in nukes

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It really was too fucking bad what they did with Mercs 2. Mercs 1 is such a superior fucking game in everything but graphics, it's incredible.

yeah 2 was so hamfisted with the political message. the story was weaker imo. One didn't take itself too seriously and had more entertaining characters I still remember the Russian Mafia guys

Ever seen the American Dream? Pretty sure with the tone it's actually anti-fun but doing literally everything in your life with guns is a pretty Jow Forums concept.

What kind of name is Sweetwater? Is it a nickname he got from drinking sugar water with lemon it habitually before he goes to bed?


You play as a Muslim russian citizen that is trying to protect bis block and his wife Form the fangs of US UN Intervention AS the nation goes to shit. It is the spiritiual successor to 7.62 hard life. It is less trying to be a jagged clone and more of that, that went right in 7.62. the gameplay is the same just More rounded and straightforeward. Realtime combat and stoppable any time. You start with akhmet and may lead up to a squad of four. Many different movement options leave you a variety of options how you want to approach your goal. This game is tactical af boiiiiiiiiiii. You won't believe it. The Charakters are likeable in the story but the same sentences in the field can get on nerves but I like the russian voice acting. Also some crashes and some glitches but tolerable.
TL;Dr 7.62 = jagged clone much done wrong much done right.

Marauder aka man of prey = silent storm except less comicky and absolute gem if you habe the patience

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another bump for marauder and for eacape from tarkov

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Last bump because you don't know what you are missing. Also please give 7.62 a try if you have the time

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proven wrong

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This game needs a remaster. It's good, but it's not perfect.
Also, how to master the team play? Because I preferred to play alone, but at some moment it became important to hire several shooters.
You start alone and pick your character, then you're being spawned in the town with a task to go to the city of Artriga

this truly is Jow Forums: the game

>literally never works
Yes, that's Jow Forums alright.

I've been playing doorkickers again recently, fun game and endless playability. Can be quite annoying though, it doesn't control well but hopefully the sequel fixes it.

I had to cheat to get passed the convoy ambush mission because it was so broken. It's an awesome concept with possiblity the worst implimentation I've seen in a full release game

Marauder was great but suffered from the same dogshit stability as 7.62. I've played alphas less buggy than those games

fuck off back to /v/

>that one level in the snowy area where the FPS tanked big time because all of the NPCs moving at once

Fucking loved Marauder but god damn the stability went off the deep end and I couldn't finish.

one of my favorites