Jow Forums
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Weapons #381
I finally came up with a way to explain to normal fags why silkies aren't gay. They're just kilts, but for marines
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
BAOR 1973 Report
I'm a dumb french faggot. Can you explain this to me?
Why do shotguns attract the worst shooters
Thinking of joining the National Guard
The balls on these guys
Handgun Generals /hg/
/arg/ AR General
What would you do?
Post atrocities
Small Caliber Carry Thread
AR-10 thread
Nephew is getting fucked by liberal school principal for spent casings
Nigger question
How are you holding up? Feels thread
Daily reminder that 9mm has been proven as the best caliber
Best AK Chest Rig
Best tank of ww2
9 mm vs 10 millimeme
Australian SASR Warcrimes
WMDs General
Ok, can we take a second to talk about STALKER MOTHERFUCKING 2?? Seriously, as soon as it was announced...
I would like opinions
A little off topic but
Shot a firearm for the first time the other day. 20ga. shotgun. Clays
So lets say i can get a really good deal on a first gen one with a trigger job
Where to get Smoke grenades in the us
Getting a lever gun
Mac 10s for home defense? Cool move? Or fool move?
Can you kill a skinwalker?
NFA Timeline
User will protect us!
FINAL 10 Competitor's for U.S. Army Compact Weapon
Is cancer? Moreso than the chans?
Where are all the mosins?
Army Fags of Jow Forums, What Retarded MOPP Training is Your Unit Doing?
Meanwhile in 1944 Jow Forums
Family Photo Thread
China the best
Improvised Weapons Thread
Brownell's youtube channel got nuked
The only reason this gun exists is to make poorfags salty. Prove me wrong
AR thread AR General /arg/ Trip Containment Development Group
The off position of the safety is colored red
What's JROTC like?
Rap song talks about "cocking Glocks"
Recent acquisitions thread
Semi auto rifles were really a fools errand
Meanwhile, on 1928 Jow Forums
Why haven't you got a gun yet, user?
CSA Official discord
What's the best conceal carry gun for a girl?
Vz61 Skorpion weld rail to top?
Give me more Jow Forums GFs
It's 2022, Hillary has been elected for office. A federal ban on high capacity MAGAZINES has been passed into law...
Conceal Carry
Spice filled shotgun shells?
Does a burst fire mode on a fully automatic weapon have practical value?
Helmet Writing
First Conceled Carry
/arg/ AR thread
Threads we remember
Are Trijicon Tritium Night Sight Worth The Expense
Vat grown muscle suits are a radical concept but are a more realistic powered armor concept than atomic backpacks
Should I get it?
What kinds of guns would realistically be most common in a setting like Fallout: New Vegas...
What is the point of a 308 platform with less accuracy and similar reach to a 16 inch SR-15?
/brg/ - Battle Rifle General: LARPer Rising
It's 1 September 1939. WW2 has begun. You are transported to this time by space aliens and implanted into Hitler's body...
Single Action Revolver Thread
BMP-1 "Basurmanin" (Mongol)
Best Sport for Modern Combat?
6mm Creedmoor vs. 6.5mm Creedmoor
I can't take it anymore guys. Everyone I know is retarded
InRangeTv Mud Test: Scar 17 "Heavy"
Why is multicam the 56% Amerimutt meme of the industry of camouflage?
Kind of an obscure request...
Most military parades have loads of equipment and show off a country's power
Anyone have the new Ruger PC9?
Is .357 magnum good for anything in le current year?
Chinese hackers stole US sea warfare data, including on supersonic missile
AR-15 modifications
Can modern SAM systems shoot down a cruising altitude commercial jet?
Is the adaptiv even worth it
Can I kill myself with a 410 shotgun?
US Army Requests a New Submachine Gun
Meanwhile... in bizarro Jow Forums
>Taurus (((Curve)))
/ktg/ Knife Thread General /ktg/
How do we fix it?
Post good F-14 pics
Drone CAS
What's the ultimate Jow Forums game?
Do you guys think this gun is a good investment or should I get a different hand gun? This is for the range
Makarov trigger
I really want to build an M16a1 clone...
Can we get a thread going about AESTHETIAC officers and generals. my choice is pic related
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
Have you ever shot someone?
Have you seen this mouth breather playing with guns...
Is this chart accurate?
Browsing Jow Forums
Is a DMR an assault rifle?
Jow Forums humor thread
/akg/ AK General
The Gospel according to OP
What are Jow Forumsommandos like in Eurabia?
Chinese Dark Sword is already flying
Canada General
Meanwhile, on 2218 Jow Forums
So what do you guys think of this gun?
I know you read Jow Forums mike
Hey user, you own a gas mask right?
So, is there any way for the US to actually win in Afghanistan?
Hey, Jow Forums. Ignorant bigot here. What's the best way to put down these innocent nanny dogs who dindu nuffin?
Last one hit bump limit edition
Fuckin Idubbz
F-35 Thread
Armalite Rifle General /arg/ AR Thread Tripfag Containment
/ARG/ AR General
I thought Jow Forums was a fairly Jow Forums board
I'm drunk. S.T.A.L.K.E.R./innawoods thread
/ak/ - Girls Best Tour Edition
Su-57 Thread
The cheese stands alone
Did the French ever express any remorse for causing the clusterfuck of Vietnam?
Alright, Jow Forums. The F-16 has a long and stellar combat record...
Whats a cheap gun for suicide?
Daily reminder
I'll be travelling from the US to Europe soon and was planning to bring a BB gun (cheap zinc alloy spring powered BB...
Looking for tips to improve my one-handed shooting and one-handed draw from concealment. What have you Jow Forums?
Is this true?
ITT: large guns you want to conceal carry
US Space Force
/arg/ AR thread
Left Handed Gun Owners General
How do the French feel about China taking their helicopter and making a far better version of it than France is capable...
Jow Forums under $700
Unironicly going to buy a hi point and turn it into a nice pistol as a project
BREAKING: US Special Forces attacked in Somalia by Al-Shabbab
Your ammunition of choice is directly related to the woman you must spend the rest of your life with
Who else here has been shot before? Share your stories
Dumb question
Goofyass faggot gets YEETED on. Any other "POS cops/agents/zogbots get their comeuppance" feelgood stories out there...
China hacked a Navy contractor and secured a trove of highly sensitive data on submarine warfare
It's never going to happen, is it?
Jow Forums in the UK
Could Robocop work in Real Life
Variable-sweep wing
Have any of you had any experience with gas pistols?
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
The 2018 #StrongEurope #TankChallenge winners are:
Post cringeworthy/autist weapons
Blocks your path
Why did the japs use katanas during WW2? What do they say? Don't bring a knife to a gunfight
Jow Forums Image thread
I'm building an m4 style AR (Hiperfire 24c trigger...
I'm 29 years old and I hate my job/career path. Have a bachelors' degree, wife, and young kid
Who had the best aircraft during the cold war?
Hail to the King
These crafty motherfuckers
Will the gun shop still card you if you look old enough?
How would Jow Forums militarize Sealand?
Turning 21 tomorrow
I've inherited the tail of a german made SC250 WW2 bomb from my grandpa
Would canards negatively effect radar cross section or could you build a low observable/steath fighter with canards?
I never understood why people lionise the German army in WW2...
Milsurp vehicles
IIT post machines built for war that just happen to look good
What is the purpose of the tree trunk? Is it improvised bumper armor?
Mad jack, Simo Häyhä, Neal Ellis, Carlos Hathcock, Michael Wittmann, Manfred von Richtofen
Gun room layout help
Is the Tiny House Movement actually a boon for prepping? It might be hard to fortify a 2000 sq ft...
InRangeTv's Karl Kasarda: "we need authoritarian rule"
Tl;dr: I got back at my liberal bitch of a neighbor
Private Security Contractor Life Overseas
How practical are precision bolt guns for civilians for anything outside of sport?
Do they do this at night?
Last September...
/arg/ - AR General/Tripfag Containment
You get to take one gun that you can buy right now in a gun store back in time to 1933 to impress people with
Anyone carry a mak?
Henry AR-7
Girls Frontline
Do you own a .22 user?
/MSG/ Military Surplus General
/rg/ Reloading General
/meg/ Military Enlistment General
How would you Jow Forums the fuck out of this?
Latest news
CC newbie here. I just got a ruger SP101 revolver with a in-the-pants holster
This is Sochi, Russia in the upcoming World Cup...
Does dual firing pistols work in real life defense scenarios? Like Max Payne with dual Berettas
When to use deadly force?
What happens if you both pointing guns at eachothet?
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
Handgun General - /hg/ - #124
Glock be jammin like a bitch
Gee maybe i should have stored it better
CZ 75 compact vs PCR
Here's your gun, bro
Tactical archery for home defense?
Do you need to be physically fit to be a police officer?
Patch Thread!
Hand over the AR-7 peon
Anyone have experience making the Mini-14 more accurate?
Is a rating of up to 14.5mm AP enough protection for a combat recon vehicle?
HTA MBA 95 Bullpup
90's Gangsters vs Spartans
Why can’t mechs like Metal Gear Rex exist in real life? Metal Gear can go where tanks can’t reach...
/arg/ AR general
How can I turn this into a weapon?
You've just been sent back to medieval times
Bolt guns are obsolete. Change my mind
What's some subtle clothing I can wear to show my appreciation for firearms?
Gran Torino
What flamethrower does Jow Forums own?
Can we take a few moments here to have a thread that appreciates how stupid humanity has been with weapons development
Jow Forums, as an old man
Innawoods r8 thread
Switchblades or batons
Welp Jow Forums im in a shitty mood so i'll try starting a Jow Forums humor thread to see if that solves the problem
Jow Forums Vehicle thread
Why Don't They Make Left Handed Glocks?
Should the Coast Guard have ships like Aircraft carriers or Light Carriers/LHD's?
Aesthetically pleasing weapons
Who makes a quality M81 Woodland chest rig that isnt airshit?
Overthrowing The Government of The United States
Pls advice
AR 15 general -/arg/
Gift for Gramps
What does Jow Forums smoke? I love a good cigar, usually milds like romeos
Premier Firearms manufacture
What is a good stun-gun? Looking for particular brands and models people have experience with
Best .45 ACP for target practice for the price? Is Federal really the best quality for the best price?
/akg/ AK General
Why is Canadian military history fake and gay?
ITT: we be as fudd as possible. I’ll start
This is what a police officer should look like
Texan Jow Forumsommandos
Serious question. Do I look intimidating?
What's this shit you see on top of the army's M4s?
Click on gun vid on youtube
Arizona Thread
Operator aesthetics thread?
AA12 Civilian Release
Worthwhile meme gun?
$10,000 USD to change a barrel?!
Why is the US Coast guard considered a seperate military branch
So I heard that in order to become a US marine you need to eat a baby
Manual safeties are dangerous
Is the Russian aviation industry destined for obscurity...
What do you guys think about joining NRA or other similar organization...
/wfg/ Writefag General- pets edition
AR thread AR General /arg/ Trip Containment Development Group
Is it a meme?
What are the main differences between the gen 2, gen 3 and gen 4 glocks?
I inherited a STG-44. How much is it worth?
G3 Magazines
Amerimutts claim they have better planes than russia
I went to a shooting range and the instructor kept being really rude and putting me down because he could tell I don't...
What games are Jow Forums approved?
Why do Antifa & communist larper accounts always defend Islamist groups like boko haram in Youtube comments...
Why MiGs was so sucks vs Phantoms in 6 day war?
Whats your nations equivalent of the National Guard
This was gifted to me by a Finnish lad from work
Battle of the Bullpups
How would you do it Jow Forumsommando's?
Freindly reminder: Underfolders are for commies and anybody who uses them deserves to be thrown from an in-flight...
What are some Jow Forums approved free to play games
What is Jow Forums's opinion on shot shells?
Memphis homeowner grabs his AK-47, kills two burglars
Strong Europe Tank Challenge 2018
Meanwhile, on 2218 Jow Forums
Those WWI rifles things arent cheap
What's the best 9mm 1911?
I want a P226, but I also know that modern day Sig is practically ruined by the jews
Gun ship etiquette
You take a walk into the jungle and you stumble across this. What do you do?
South Africa
Positivity Thread
Slightly obscure shit
Whats a good gun for a 12 year old? >asking for my son
Have you ever been attacked or been in a situation that warrants you drawing your gun/knife?
The fuck? Is the legit or a honeypot?
Talk me out of buying a century arms FAL
R8 my piece
Jow Forumsonfession Thread
Whats the most obscure pistol cartridge you can think of?
Glock alternative?
Be honest Jow Forums. How long have you been watching cutlerylover?
Post sexy 80s mil-tech
Darth Vader in real life
Beretta .40 90 two
Does this work?
Gun cleaning thread? Gun cleaning thread
"WHAT did you say about Nippon steel, filthy gaijin?"
Gas mask protection
VSS Vintorez is literally the best weapon ever created
How important is case trimming?
Why is Western Europe starkly behind the rest of the world in SAM design...
I'm back, motherfucker!!!
High school senior here
Little sis expressed an interest in guns
Do these things scare the living fuck out of anyone else? I cant be the only one here
Jow Forums, we need to talk. On this board, misuse of the word fudd has become completely out of hand...
What's the deal with carrying antique weapons? they're all less dangerous than modern ones
Scared American?
Help me fill this in guys
What do you think about my new bullet design, Jow Forums?
Why is she unable to defeat an army of roman LARPers?
Theoretically if someone used a ar500 target as makeshift body armor...
**adds arm brace**
New fag here...
Buy/Sell/Trade BST General
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Why do people shoot 5.56 out of short barrels? The entire point of 5.56 is that it's a high velocity low mass bullet...
Stray cats
Shooting at public range
Can we get a soccermom bread? Ik they are mostly fake but I enjoy autistic pieces if fiction il start with a recent one
Cops shooting dogs
Revolver shotguns, would it be a good idea?
Real Mythical Weapons
Grail Guns
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
Another logistics thread
Your first gun
Okay, which one of you degenerate fucks did this?
Be US Marine on patrol in WW2 Japan
Hey Jow Forums, crossboarder here
You get to make a 1 sentence change to the US constitution (or your country’s highest body of written law)...
Why do so many 3rd world police and special forces think that eating live chickens and doing srupid disgusting shit...
Friendly reminder that the VZ58 is the better SKS [spoiler]and still superior to the AK[/spoiler]
So now that Germany agreed on France's plan for a European Army, how would you organize it...
Suppressor and all things suppressor related
What's the point?
How scary was it to be on the d-day landing crafts? Do we have any anecdotes or diaries from soldiers surviving this?
North Carolina "California" pistol ban
What’s a cheap rifle that has enough power to engage potential threats out to at least 300yards...
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
No annihilation without communication
President Donald Trump has recruited a team of skilled tailors to alter his old military academy dress uniform for use...
Pepperball Gun?
Is a CNC receiver the same or just as good as a milled receiver?
Why are new pistols so yuck
Dad, are you sure the AS50 is necessary? They're just possums
Do you shoot with both eyes open? Why or why not?
Whats this called
This man is crashing at your place
Do these even work?
If Germany knew for sure where the landings would be, what would be different?
Jow Forums movies and tv shows
Australian F-35s
Have you started your training path, or do you just collect firearms?
Hi I called in about the CZ Pistol
/akg/ AK General
What's the soulotion (gun wise) to the skinwalker problem
Wars where the good guys lost
Handgun General - /hg/ - #133
Talk me out of buying this my dudes
In a SHTF scenario, how hard would the production of ammo actually be, considering that the production of neither case...
I turned 18 today, going to buy a WASR 10 I've my eye on for awhile tomorrow. I'm elated...
Be me
Stolen APC
Pistol debate
What's the most /vigilante/ thing you've done?
Been getting into swords lately, more for recreation than anything. I'm curious though...
Why don't they make bullet proof holsters so that if somebody accidently shoots in the holster they won't accidently...
Press F to pay some motherfucking's June 6
Good centerfire non-AR semi auto rifles
Now that Gunny is gone we are down to only two, what do Jow Forums?
Cast bullets for the first time
Should a SBR vz61 with a silencer be my first NFA?
Meanwhile, on 2218 Jow Forums
QTDDTOT-Late night edition
What gun would Jesus own?
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
How would Jow Forums take down the iron giant?
Found this while metal detecting
Is 5.45x39 too weak? People constantly give 5.56 shit and it has about 23% less energy than that
Would you trust your life more to 556 or 7.62x39 in SHTF?
Never a truer word spoken
Literally name a single flaw
Name my band Jow Forums
What kind of offense/defense does the us military have against modern enemy submarines?
Fort picket
Knifemaking user here
They're opening up a new indoor range and there's a contest to pick the name...
Have you played Frontline Girls yet Jow Forums? Who is your raifu?
So how good's the M1?
I just went shooting yesterday at my favorite spot. No range officers. No people. No bullshit. Until now
Sitting at table
Fellow hunters! What drugs do you use to stay awake?
Tfw it's illegal to distribute "bomb making info" in Commifornia
How get sword?
Sub MOA at 500 yards
So /k
Which one of you sick bastards did this?
Should a self defense focused shooter train with and/or practice like a competitive shooter, or even compete themselves...
/wrk/ thread #3
There are people on Jow Forums RIGHT NOW who have never disassembled their guns and have never cleaned them
Why do some light armor or recce vehicles mount autocannons and others a larger cannon?
Proper neck ghaiter useage
It's happening!
Every Day Carry Thread
Do you recommend the SIG Sauer Mosquito for noobs?
How obsolete is the sks?
Loadout thread: Business casual edition
Alright Jow Forums, hold it right there!
SHTF equiptment
Molot Vepr???
Red Pill Me On The New .450 Scout
Time for the daily Forgotten Weapons/InRangeTV thread
You’re in Moss Pawn looking at the M&P 2.0 when this man tells you to buy a Glock
Useless people in the armed forces
Why do so many WWII tank buffs hate this book?
Remember when RCN operated aircraft carriers?
Recommend me a deer rifle for this year
Call Marjorie stoneman Douglas highschool
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
Well Jow Forums? What's the verdict?
Can we have an oopsie thread?
I just got my hunting license in Germany and are allowed 2 handguns (unlimited shotguns/rifles) for self defense and...
Is anyone else tired of hearing these faggot "iraq/afghan veterans" talk about literally any subject as if their...
Will it get me out of a speeding ticket?
308 in 16"
Help me not get jew'd
Under 21s in california can't buy guns anymore
Are scout rifles actually any good for SHTF and apocalyptic collapse of civilization scenarios?
Jow Forums I need your help
So what's the real deal with Sig? I'm doing some research and looking into buying my first gun...
Hello! My girlfriend just gave me this for my birthday. I love the knife, it feels very sturdy and is very sharp...
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
But we ain't got shit
How many felonies can you fit on one rifle?
Ruger Mini Thirty vs Mini 14 in 300 Blackout
Sorry, Jow Forumsomrades
The Parkland officer finally gave a statement to the media after 3 months
Scrap weapons thread
Gun noises in movies
Rpg drone
Abomination thread
What was the most horrible war to fight in? WW1 in the trenches or tunnel rat in Vietnam?
Hey Jow Forums
Are they still the worst firearms manufacturer?
What media do you consume to fulfill your cultural Jow Forums needs?
The gun laws in the US are actually pretty shit
Is the AR-15 really a different gun from the M4?
An army of medics. Yay or nay?
China's Dark Sword air-combat drone
Why is Jow Forums so anti-Foreign Legion?
What is the flagship/most iconic pistol from every major manufacturer?
Bowie Knives
Glock Perfection™
This might sound retarded Jow Forumsommandos, but why do I have this sad yearning for battle, for war. I want to fight...
Arsenal / Collection Thread
If you got free entry to one of these, which one would you go to?
Is the Saar-6 Corvette the most heavily armed ship pound for pound?
Guns and Ammo
Most recent Jow Forums purchase
Guns that you will never use for self defense
There are people on Jow Forums who aren't old enough to remember the collapse of the soviet union
"use more gun" - engineer tf2
Can't get this picture anymore
Estate sale acquisitions and frequently asked questions
New poster, please no bully. However, how gay is my junk?
Could Shotguns Work on Armored Vehicles?
Im a faggot. Spend my monies
/arg/ AR General
Give soldiers self repairing full body suits, similar to wetsuits (the technology exists now, not sure on cost)
What is your preferred 9mm carry ammo? And what is the best grain in your opinion?
What would you carry to hunt a Tyrannosaurus rex? Consider that you have to hoof it innawoods in the Cretaceous
New revolvers
DAG Training Ammo
Wartime field-modified weapons thread
Choose your home defence weapon
Where does Jow Forums get their reactive targets from...
Daily reminder that PSA stuff is for poorfags and is one of the worst AR15 manufacturers ever
Is buying a 24" ar15 upper worth it for maximum fragmentation using xm193, or would a 20" suffice?
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
Canada General
/ak/ thread - Upotte!! #89
This thread is for all Florida anons to discuss (amongst other things), oranges, hurricanes, Floridaman stories...
What happened?
Jews are very sneaky
New Israeli-made Lightweight Tactical Combat Vehicle
Jow Forums related quotes/ general aesthetic thread
Looking to buy a coroner's kit and a trench shovel
Be Me
Jow Forums Feels Thread
What does Jow Forums think about the Coast Guards Newer Ships?
Should full auto be more accessible?
What is the worst possible place to be posted in the entire US military, and why?
/akg/ AK General
Survival weapons
Georgia Jow Forumsommandos
Business idea to make money of CA gun laws
Lord and savior rob ski said ak74 brakes are no gud:
Is there any other examples of Black operators beside the Chadians' and wakandans?
/arg/ - AR General/Tripfag Containment
.44 Magnum or .357
Reminder that a swordsman can draw and cut you in half before you even rack the slide
Backpack general
ITT Cringeworthy shit other gun owners do:
Thoughts on Karl Kasarda? why does Jow Forums hate him so?
How the fuck are the Russian backed militias outperforming the Ukrainian military? Especially when NATO back ukraine...
Why did early fighter jets have barrel looking fronts?
Easiest Police Academy in California
/BRG/ Battle Rifle General Phone posting ar work edition
Gun ceremony
Serious question...
Music for your defensive shooting scenario
I was wanting to buy my first sniper rifle in either 30-06 or 308 which is better?
What are actually the advantages of all-moving rudders?
Jow Forums vidya
How far could the reds have pushed into Germany if they never stopped at Berlin?
SS <<<<< Wehrmacht, prove me wrong
Strong Europe Tank Challenge 2018
10/22 Glass Bedding / Mods
Want a peak behind the curtain of USPSA?
So /k, what do you have to say about this?
You know autistic savants? Those people that can master a single skill and become fucking professors and shit on it...
Notice the baby, who will have permanent hearing damage if this strong...
5th gen aircraft are to expensive for a small single nation
Are bolt rifles obsolete just like shotguns?
Stupid shit people say online
The answer is "yes" by the way
Australian military
ITT: We guess cartridges
Military switching from .556 to
What should be done about 3d printed guns?
Don't chamber a round while breakdancing?
Future soldier #2
New Cold War thread
Meanwhile in 2552 Jow Forums
Fucking with people who break into your homes on CIA torture levels
Gas masks
Giant of Kandahar
Is there a more beautiful weapon?
Those that CC .380, do you load FMJ rounds for penetration or hollow points?
Should Airbus and it's affiliates be tariff'd to death for attempts to sabotage the F-35
Girls and guns thread? Share what you got
What is the most gun friendly place in the world? Idaho? Utah?
Be honest, you've tried the gangsta hold at least once
Why don't you carry pepper spray, Jow Forums?
Forgotten Weapons
Planning on going camping in the Ozarks in Arkansas
Post autistic shooting targets
Armalite Rifle General /arg/ AR Thread Tripfag Containment
What does Jow Forums think of Paul “I’m What You Call a Professional” Harrell?
The most absurd military experiments
Fuck plastic
First time poster on Jow Forums, and I need help. I have a developing rat problem in my back yard...
Has any general ever been praised more for just throwing men into a meatgrinder?
Could you defeat Elmer "the Magnum Maniac" Keith
/meg/ Military Enlistment General
Why were these countries so hard to beat.. compare them to our enemies now eg. ISIS IRAQ etc
Gear Queer - /gq/
Could the military just use semi-auto rifles? Is full auto really necessary for a rifleman...
What's preventing the adoption of self-driving tank drones...
Is 7.62x39mm effective on skinwalkers ?
What does Jow Forums think about gun skeletonization
Long Range Shooting
How do I fix an AR 15 front sight block that rotates slightly when pressure is applied?
Wtf Jow Forums i fired a gun for the first time and it was a pistol, sig .45...
Why don't they make bulletproof vests out of diamond if it's the hardest metal?
Knowing what we know now...
Where can i buy industrial 8 gauge loads? im assembling an 8 gauge slam-fire shotgun
Mounting a fake M2 for a parade is literally ISIS-tier
What would be a good rifle for a person who would probably have no backup should shtf...
/MSG/ Military Surplus General
It's another dream where your gun won't fire or the trigger weighs 900lbs
Other than the cost of ammo, what other advantages do pistol caliber carbines have over regular carbines?
We been infiltrated
Why does Israel have so many special forces units? Like in comparison bongland has 4
618 more days until ETS date
Sup Jow Forums, I have a source inside the ATF giving me some insider info. (btw...
So after years of being called noguns, I bought one. What now
Neutralize Dragon's Threat
Hey dudes on Jow Forums i found this gun on the side of the road...
Terrorist attacks on information centers
you don't reload your own ammon? sorry user, but I can't be your range gf
So Jow Forums, how do you feel about the blind owning guns?
If you've been on worldstarhiphop you know niggroids like to attack people at random and outnumbering...
Post pics of weapons, vehicles, gear, uniforms, etc...
Bushposting time? Bushposting time
Your favorite raifu or handgun in your collection. Let's see them
What are some fun things you can do with a square formed shawl aside from putting it on your head and pretending to be...
Does Jow Forums know if any shoestrings were registered as machine guns before 1986...
The fbi ladies and ladies
Axis allies on the Eastern Front
Manlets in professions of arms
Poo Missile
Why isn't caseless ammo a thing?
Can a 7.65×21mm Parabellum pistol effectively penetrate a fursuit and cause lethal injuries?
Takedown .22lr
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
Jow Forumsansas thread
Gun Show Stories
Top 3 most based countries in Europe -
Could a modernized .22 Spitfire be an ideal military cartridge?
Jow Forums, how do you deal with a spouse who wants you to sell some if not all of your guns?
My cousin lost his wife and child in a car accident...
You may not like it, but this is what peak compact handgun looks like
If the US armed forces were to replace the 5...
Applied to work at a FFL
What will be the primary side arm of the white ethnostate?
You got something to say about French small arms, punk?
If you could propel one bodily fluid or body part at lethal speed, what would it be?
Why does Jow Forums prefer the kar98 and Mosin to this beauty?
Why aren't heel releases more popular? I really like them after getting a makarov
Why can't the p90 be made without the rubber pad and called a pistol?
Common murder weapons
Drop any good ATF memes you got-I know there’s a lot out there
2.7mm Kolibri
Glock. Perfection
10mm and beyond PCC/PDW
Would this work?
If you could only own 2 pistols, which ones would you choose and why?
Revolver General
Guns & the people who own them
Eye dominance and scopes
For instance, the American airman Sergeant Daniel L...
Excuse me Jow Forums how heavy does the bolt for a 9mm blowback closed bolt gun need to be?
Ukrainian Civil War
You all shoot your guns, right? Prove it
Can any veterans tell me how useful fully automatic rifle fire is?
I want to watch a good war movie, preferably from the Vietnam era...
This is the most Jow Forums game ever. You cannot prove me wrong
Is late 20s too old to join the military or get a law enforcement job?
I was arrested for vandalism at the age of 17. Now I’m 18 and my court date is in about a month
Why is this gun so big? It seems like there's a lot of useless space being taken up...
Okay, Jow Forums I plan to hunt and kill the NA's biggest natural predator, the grizzly bear. Here's my plan to do it:
So how many of you would actually trust an ar15 in SHTF?
/arg/AR thread/Tripfag thread/
Is the Draco a good buy for first gun?
Saturday Gaturday Image Dump
9mm is shit
Most Jow Forums way to invade a planet
Desert Wear Thread
Alright Jow Forums, it's midnight and you're getting a craving for cosmic brownies...
What do all ya'll Jow Forumsommandos think of this airsoft gun
How Jow Forums is Bond?
Moist Nugget Get?
Alright the zombie apocalypse has finally happened and the world you know it is absolutely fucked but you managed to...
Is it possible to make a weapon more powerful than the tsar bomb?
Tfw Tiger Stripe being sold in UK Primark
Handgun General - /hg/ - #123
Saw an AR-10 chambered in .45-70
/akg/ AK General
ITT: we post our fictional raifu/gunfu
Super Jow Forums
Anti-German bias is killing the truth
What is the best first handgun?
Best Michigan Camo
Can we have a battle scars thread?
What’s the best weaponry for bringing down “very” large game?
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
Gun exploded pls help
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
What vidya games are Jow Forums approved?
How Jow Forums is Maine?
Uh oh, internet tough guy is coming to take away your guns. What do you do?
This guy is sitting in your hallway outside your room. What do?
Reloading General
Is this true? Any fl/ga anons know of such a law?
Oh, shit
Jow Forums builds a mobile fortress
I want a Shotgun, which one should I get?
What are you're opinions on the model 1897?
Hey Jow Forums, i'm looking for movies in the essence of Taken...
Looking for some good wallpapers related to russian arms/arms plants, like pic related but without watermarks n shiet
Help me think of a good custom dust cover
Army discovers 10% of M4s are death traps
.38 special
Ww2 germany vs usa vs soviet union
Wis/k/onsin -/cht/
Most Jow Forums related career out there
Recent Acquisitions
Meanwhile, on 2218 Jow Forums
Headgear thread?
Air Force History 2001
Russian company Almaz Antey making that dough
Carry appendix
So seeing the announcement for the live action Wolf Brigade movie made me wonder what German soldiers would have looked...
Canada General
Parkland High Cops kept EMTs from responding to victims
Gun Lore
Could the US military realistically eliminate the mexican/south american cartels?
ITT: Jow Forums related documentaries in drawn format
Favorite bolt action from ww2. Go
ITT: Weapons That Truly Terrify You
So is this the base for generic sci-fi weapon now?
I took my GF to the range for the first time. She did quite good for the first time, especially safety-wise
Knife general
How can i get an industrial 8 gauge? i want to shoot 3 ounce slugs at 2000 fps
NSM wins OTH weapons contract for LCS
My dad wants to make his next AR in a different caliber besides .300memeout and 5.56
/k games
Gentlemen, my friends and I have decided to embark on a fool's errand to drive a 1 L, 2WD car from England, to Iran...
When did you graduate to gun status? What was your first?
/bst/ - buy sell trade
Your guns magically turn into cute girls
How exactly are you preparing for an ayy lmao invasion, Jow Forums?
Let's play a little game
Anyone have experience with the C308?
Holster thread
Mememoor no longer
Airguns- the big bore kind
80s Florida loadout
Weekend Waifu Edition
Cold war gone hot
686 vs GP100
Which special forces units are overrated memes?
/MSG/ Military Surplus General
Jow Forums Boots
Stupid Arguments
Your proudest shooting accomplishments
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship