What will be the primary side arm of the white ethnostate?

Is it pic related or something more like a Glock 19? To qualify it has to be a simple design, relaible and accurate

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Glock 17, Cz85, Colt .45

Best options

CZ 75

First post nigger post.

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Stop replying to yourself, CZoyboi

How about you make your own and design it your way stormnigger

>colt fuddy fhav
nogunz spotted

>allowing a gun designed by inferior slavs to be the handgun of the state


Can't use glocks since they're plastic fag guns. 1911s are also out because no white inventor would be named (brown)ing. No HK since those are expensive elitist guns not meant for everyday white Americans. Obviously no CZ since those are only used by latte sipping soibois. Can't go with taurus because they're brown. No (((IWI))) obviously. Can't go with walther because Germany is cucked. No Sig Sauer because the name sounds foreign. Kahr is owned by east asian cultists so that's clearly anti-white. Beretta would be good except Italians are Arabs so you can't trust them.

That leaves only Hi-point. Cheap, elegant, high quality. There you go.


>allowing a gun designed by inferior slavs

i all ready have my p08 ready

kystec kill self gun

Except they have overtaken the Teutonic gnomes.

IWI guns like Jericho. Scratch out and deface Stars of David like Israel did to K98s given to them by USSR.

Please post more about the white ethnostate's equipment, I need to know what I'm up against as a spy for whatever nation gets to keep the cute black girls.


Why would you want to resist, a white ethnostate would just be your competition isolating themselves.


>Why would you want to resist, a white ethnostate would just be your competition isolating themselves.
This. I'm skeptical of the idea of an ethnostate, but I don't see what stops others from just being separate. Thinking that they're going to change minds through violence is ludicrous.

Also, my battery is at 88. Seig heil, Amerimutts.

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>that alert bar
>he lets google maps track his every move

>Thinking Google won’t track you if you don’t “allow” them to

>google maps track his every move
Oh no, they might discover you being at your home or place of employment, information otherwise impossible to obtain.

Are Korth PRS good, or just another overengineered kraut memegun?

You make a good point, but "white ethnostates" have a poor track record when it comes to keeping to themselves.

>That leaves only Hi-point. Cheap, elegant, high quality. There you go.
How about S&W or RUger you dumb nigger.

John Browning and Paul Mauser will resurrect as divine ghosts and co-design a purpose built pistol before passing it to the vengeful spirit of Georg Luger to distribute across the new unified Aryan nation.

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Post your styles, that way I'll know IRL stormniggers during SHTF because you'll be the first on my watch list.

A new design, as we need to make our own everything and stop relying on other countries altogether.

Some kind of Glock 17 clone, but with better ergos and aethetics, and if possible that isn't full of defects like the Sig 320

mad nigger spotted

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>haha take that racists!!! based blacks and based jews!!! israel is the best u dumb racists!!!!

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>links to r/incels
You newfagging reddiors need to all simultaneously take a gulp of bleach.

CZ75's have a nice feel to them. People are gonna hate me for this, but I'd have to say Glock. Utilitarian as fuck, designed by an Austrian, modern, etc. G19 for day-to-day, G20 for the battlefield.

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Expensive, overweight and poor quality control

Like all the parents of literal Nazis

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>those quads
So be it

Someone who has seething rage for anyone that's not white is going to fuck up a whole group fast. Same goes to the far left. I'd take your guns away until you learned basic first grade shit and get along with people when SHTF. There is no such thing as "based" anything. They say there is no going back from being red pilled, but there is.

>except Italians are Arabs and you can't trust them.
I haven't laughed so hard since that thread about Halloween violating the NAP and Santa Claus being a jew

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Actually, I take it back. You are far left not far right. In any case, extremisms causes people to drop, fast.

The US was a white ethnostate when it fought in WW2. You're just a cuck or you're anti-white. End of story.

Are you actually mentally disabled or just pretending? Niggers aren't people, neither are spics or kikes. There's no anger in that, that's just reality kiddo. I think you should wait a few years before coming back here

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This is just false-flagging or naivety. Defending your people != irrational hatred.

Now name a sidearm.

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Kike detected, go make your own thread.


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You're young and lonely. I get it. Get out some time and talk to people. I work multiple businesses and I can assure you dumb comes in every color and bad habits come in every color. Yes I understand statistics and there's nothing inheritably wrong about going tribal when you feel "threatened". No one is threatening you in the micro level of your life except your own irrational fears. Man up already. And as for your "weapon" of choice. I already made it clear.
If you're so adamant about the survival of "white" people and the competence thereof, then make it yourself like your ancestors did. But you can't do that anymore can you? No? Then fuck off. You'd might get more respect if you decided to get into gunsmithing to prove the point instead of posting what is aesthetics to your make believe fantasy land.
>t.literal 56% not accepted by full whites and not accepted by full mexishits
Also stop fantasizing about race, it's literally low tier shit way of seeing things.

While those guns are boner material, none of them are modern enough to be seriously considered as the sidearm of a contemporary military force.

That being said, I would issue some tricked-out Lugers to some lawmakers and such for the memes/aesthetic.

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Are you actually schizophrenic? Fucking christ seek help dude. Also niggers still aren't people and never will be, you're a retard.