This might sound retarded Jow Forumsommandos, but why do I have this sad yearning for battle, for war. I want to fight...

This might sound retarded Jow Forumsommandos, but why do I have this sad yearning for battle, for war. I want to fight, I want to shoot, I want to come near death.

I know war is hell, it can be fucked up, but part of my aches to fire a weapon in anger at another human being firing a weapon at me.

What the fuck is this called? How can I get it to stop?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Its called being an angsty faggot, you don't want any of that and you'll be the first to cry for mommy in a battle

>What the fuck is this called?
It's called wrath, and it is a sickness of the soul. Seek God, and align your heart with his. I'm not advocating for pacifism, but you ought to seek peace when possible. Violence and warfare is okay under certain circumstances, although you should never enjoy killing people (but when done righteously, it's a chore like any other).

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Welcome to the human condition.

When was the last time you got your ass kicked? No, really, please answer that question

It's called being a male. It's biological.


I've been physically fucked up before, from accidents and what not.

You want your likely-empty-feeling life to be given purpose through struggle.
You are romanticizing war, thinking it will satisfy your existential self-loathing.
However, being thrust into a perilous situation is not some kind of enlightenment.
Even the most terrifying things become mundane if you experience them enough.

TL;DR get a job doing something stimulating, you tit.

Well, then get into a fight or something. After that you can tell us again, how you feel about this topic

Why do you say that?

My life doesn't feel empty, I just feel like i'm missing out on something. I understand wars can end up being sitting around jerking your dick until that 15 minutes of SHTF and then jerking dick again.

What is stopping you from enlisting?

>I know war is hell
No you don't

i dont know user but its incredibly hard to get rid of. even after the army, i still feel it.

best i can say is join the military, or conscript into a fighting force out in the east. if youre young and have no wife or child, fucking do it before you have something to lose... i miss the rush, the wind in my hair, running wild and free, not even the fear of death stopping me... now i have responsibilities..

maybe its time daddy goes back to stack bodies.

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Because you want to die
and because you want to do something meaningful for once, something to be remembered for.

>implying Iraq and Afghanistan veterans will be remembered

Just another footnote in history like the Korean/Vietnam War.

The last war worth fighting for was WW2. No one gives a shit after that.

A good man wrote this.

Trial by fire is a male rite of passage. It is why we exist. It is normal to want to fight but lusting after it while having never done it is like a virgin saying he knows all about sex. Once violence like that happens to you there are a lot of ways your mind and body can respond. I haven't been to war but I have been shot at. All I can really say is that once you're safe again and your heart falls out of your throat and back in to your chest you are going to be one happy man. Find God and if you want to fight fight to keep his will on earth.

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>implying I said they will
Killing someone is at least more impactful than kys at home

Literally no one cares that you killed some third worlder.

Most people have there own lives that don't revolve around playing cowboy in some desert nowadays

Better yourself as a man, learn to farm, hunt, live off the land, practice marksmanship, archery, tanning, hone all your survival skills, then stack ammo, and stack supplies.

Stack it deep, stack it cheap, and may you be ready for a collapse of society.

Farming? Really, a man of your talents?

this desu. read Bhagavad gita as well as the bible user. violence is something you should not yearn for, when you need to fight, it must be done dispassionately.

Because the saying war is hell exists for a reason. It's not fun it's not glorious. Think about that saying real hard for a minute


>My life doesn't feel empty, it just feels like there this big EMPTY hole

>t. guy whos never served in war

I wouldnt jump to conclusions you know nothing about. Plenty of guys flat out loved Afghanistan and Iraq. As did plenty of Vietnam vets I spoke to who said it was the best time of their life. I think alot of guys think that war is gay because they are taught to fee; that way by the media and movies because its more romantic. I think alot would flat out admit they enjoyed killing people.

Because weekend guard is shit.

>What the fuck is this called? How can I get it to stop?
It's called sociopath and is a form of psychosis.
No, I'm not joking.
If you are actively wanting to kill other humans then you are looking for an excuse to rid yourself of the moral responsibility for taking lives, the military does not want you, seek psychological help.

Sociopathy, fucking auto correct

fly onto Chicago for an evening and fulfill your fantasy

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And just as many come back with an inability to relate to people in the same way ever again as they have been forced to learn that lives may need to be taken so don't get close

>the military does not want you

I did 8 years and I'm now certifiable. Took a civvy psych 1hr to do what the Army couldn't in 8. Crazy cunts make the best warriors.

Ive got a feeling like OP doesnt give a shit about relating to people. I sure as shit dont, never did. Aslong as he can do his job, pass his PT and shooting tests, stand up for himself when he needs too and operate within a section without bothering anyone then the military is his oyster.

Right up until you take it too far, that's why our militaries name keeps getting dragged through the mud

I don't guys are taught war is gay, if anything movies and media makes them think its a glorious fun time. Any of the guys you're talking about are adrenaline junkies, they wouldn't enjoy being killed or watching people they know blown to bits/killed and the ones who enjoyed killing people are just sociopaths.

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It is the human condition Jow Forumsomrade. Particularly for men. We would put ourselves to the test, prove we might hurl ourselves into a hell of mud and blood and empty brass without fear, whatever end may come, as those who have gone before us have done.
No matter how soft and weak we may know ourselves to be, we love to think we are strong, that push come to shove, we would act with honour and courage in the face of death, and there is a part of a man that howls to prove it.

"The dweller in the quiet and fertile plains may hear of the tormented hills and the unharvested sea and long for them in his heart. For the heart is hard though the body be soft." - J. R. R. Tolkien

If the military is getting dragged through the dirt its because they let women into combat arms, not because of one slightly unhinged but high functioning head case. Believe me.
Welp sociopaths and psychopaths make good soldiers. Read about it. If you took all of them off the street and put them in the military theyde be called heroes. But when they act it out on civilians they are murderers. Does that not seem like a paradox to you?

Maybe they do, but it's not a paradox to me because I think joining up to kill people just to be free of the moral responsibility is wrong just like it's wrong to murder someone on the street.

gamers rise up

>Welp sociopaths and psychopaths make good soldiers. Read about it. If you took all of them off the street and put them in the military theyde be called heroes. But when they act it out on civilians they are murderers. Does that not seem like a paradox to you?

Any sources you can link? Good Soldiers aren't just psychos, they are professionals. That is the difference between western military's and the rest of the world.

>be physically fit and strong
>can't find a good workplace for myself, never satisfied
I feel like I'd be a perfect fit for some medieval army. Just another chump with a spear. What's that? Pack up and travel a thousand miles, probably to die? Sign me up, m'lod.

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I never felt more alive then when someone was shooting at me.

>The last war worth fighting for was WW2

Maybe for the Germans.

>It's not fun it's not glorious
>it’s not fun
Clearly user, you have never met Robert.

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>struggled with wrath my entire life
>reading Dantes Inferno in college
>get to the place in hell for those with the sin of wrath
>described as an arena like mud pit where it is always pouring rain
>thousands of men fighting and killing each other in the mud with their bare hands
>when they die, they just respawn and keep going

That honestly sounds amazing to me. As edgy as it comes off

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I think this is what youre looking for...

Go join a boxing/jiu jitsu school and get your ass kicked by someone half your size. Your true pussy colors will come out when someone who actually wants and knows how to hurt you is doing so. You have no idea what you're talking about.

You want to fight because you're most likely a white, out of shape wannabe like most of this board/Jow Forums that has never really done anything that exciting in your life and so you think you'd do well in combat despite the fact you'd get killed asap in reality considering you are most likely out of shape and have absolutely 0 fighting mentality since you've never been in a serious physical confrontation in your life. Seriously, go to a martial arts school and you'll realize how absolutely unprepared you are in reality.

It's called a fantasy btw.

i feel you user,been called a beast for my whole life for being wrathfag and now i want figh in every battle so i can get all the glory also for extra anger/wrath feel go listen to Fury soundtrack "april1945" almost went on a rage as soon i heard it.

you should consider an hero

>free of moral responsibility
Why do you keep repeating this and what does it mean?
If you accept the prospect of death, then arguably, there IS NO moral responsibility for anything EVER. The “moral responsibility” is imposed on you by someone, and it assumes you fear death. If you don’t fear death, you’re already free from “moral responsibility.” And war is able to teach a kind of fearlessness that scares flabby devolved faggots who strive toward a “utopia” for parasites, which confers them with their own freedom of moral responsibility; without the risk.

“Freedom from moral responsibility”...
Of course religion attempts to resolve this, by placing moral responsibility for something AFTER death. Therefore, humans themselves (who attempt to enforce morality through violence) can absolve themselves of responsibility to this violence.

Of course, the people who are more likely to believe religion may be themselves the ones who already conquered fear of death and so forth. The ones who are still the problem, are passive aggressive parasites that want a society where they feel “safe” to rob and swindle, but they don’t actually believe in being punished in the afterlife... they are free of moral responsibility in one sense, but in order for society to reach an equilibrium these flabby cunts need to be put down by the people that seek enlightenment through warfare.
Of course this isn’t happening. We’re killing sandniggers instead. The problem has nothing to do with “free from responsibility.” It has to do with who is being killed. And there are people that need to be warred against in this country. I shouldn’t need to name them.

I should add to the last part that warfare helps keep people like OP from solving the parasite problem at home. If you can keep their sights fixed on some foreign land, then domestic terrorist orgs (like the CIA for instance) can pretty much operate without any concerted domestic challenges. The regular sheep are too afraid of death to fight for themselves, so they put up with a lot. A person like OP, for whom fear of death isn’t a factor in day to day life, is precisely the kind of person domestic terrorist orgs DON’T want hanging around.

Otherwise, you get bankers/etc. filleted on telephone poles.

Isnt there a term for this? Thanatos drive or something?

Men are made to fight, it’s natural.

>Seek god
Can we please stop with this shit?

Jow Forums is a Christian board, user

I think you missed the >bare hands part. It means people will be gouging eachothers eyes out and ripping eachothers throats out.

why have you given me this feel user

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It's longing for a purpose and somewhere to belong.
It means that you miss these things in your life as of now. Go catch up with your friends in real life more often, spend less time on Jow Forums and get better at doing things that makes you happy.

This, this so much

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>once you get in 1 fight you'll become a pacifist faggot! trust me, I did!

Holy shit kiddo. LMFAO.

Oh I know what bare hands meant. You get your eyes gouged out, but you also get to gouge eyes out.

Because the only people who say this kind of thing are sheltered beta males. After being exposed to violence your view of the world changes. Stop watching anime and go get punched in the mouth at some martial arts gym a couple of times, or pick a fight with some feral niggers. Better yet, enlist and get your foot blown off by an IED in goatfuckerstan.

See what happens.

>feral niggers

>conscript into a fighting force out in the east

Ha wow, that sounds like an awful idea.

He could literally join a charity organization like Burma Free Rangers instead and do some good.

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I read that article since it was posted on hackernews like a month ago.

It's a semi-liberal shallow take on the phenomenon of men loving war, illustrated by poor anecdotes. It doesn't try to meaningfully explore why men love war, or any of the good aspects of it in the slightest (desire to prove oneself, reach physical perfection, defend one's country, feel comradery, etc, etc), but just reads like a semi-educated Vietnam veteran's poor attempt at finally picking up pen and paper to his experiences.

Don't let this article inform you on how the world works or even how Vietnam went down.

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>Why Men Love War
Correct anwser: Those men who didn't shake the world around them got filtered out of the genepool hundreds of thousands of years ago

Life is one long continuous conflict until you lose

It's called being a faggot. Go to the gym to some contact sport, say what you want and get your ass kicked and beaten. I bet you wont come back.

But you didnt even try that, because you're a faggot.

>What the fuck is this called? How can I get it to stop?

You need a hobby. War is also defined usually by boredom and sheer terror, so I'd suggest something outdoors like camping instead.

Stop same fagging

seriously, all you boners who think you have a 'warrior spirit' are just experiencing what almost all male animals on this planet feel.



user, anyone with a brain knows that getting your eyes gouged out does not suddenly become "worth it" just because you also get to gouge somebody else's eyes out.

I feel you OP. There isn't a day that passes that I don't wish to be back at my remote Patrol Base in the middle of Helmand's poppy fields shortly after the harvest finishes and it's game on. Civilian life has nothing to offer that's even close to as satisfying. If I were you, and you wanted the best possible chance of seeing combat with a uniformed force, I would try to join the French Foreign Legion. There is always some 90 lb skinnies in France's former colonies that need to be shot. I tried myself in 2016 and made it to the final cut at Aubagne, but wasn't selected unfortunately.

good article here:

tl:dr Half of the killing done in direct combat is done by less than 4% of the infantryman participating in it. The troops assigned to crew served weapons like machineguns and rocket launchers have a higher chance of being psychopathic killers than the regular riflemen, and such psychopaths usually seek out those positions on their own accord. They tend to come from upper-middle class families(because lower class psychopaths typically end up with serious criminal records before they are able to enlist), played contact team sports like American Football, Rugby, or Ice Hockey as adolescents, are around 30-40 IQ points smarter than the average grunt, and have a history of instinctively reacting to threats with aggression.

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I've never gotten why people christfag this hard on fucking Jow Forums, the place that used to have /l/ and Jow Forums, and shit on /b/ that would make you microwave your hard drive because you weren't sure zero filling it a dozen times would be enough.

Jow Forums is a place free of censorship, where Christianity can be openly embraced without bans or downvotes.

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I was like you once, op. And I recently snapped myself out of it.

>be me
>overweight loser
>kicked around all the time by everyone
>treated like shit
>one day, and I still couldn’t really tell you what it was, something in me snapped, and things changed
>lost hella weight
>things I wanted started to work out more and more often
>stared getting respect
>stopped watching tv, and using the net as much
>read books
>found “with the old breed”
>decide to become a marine and do cool shit, be a bad ass
>wanted to be an infantryman so I can see what it felt like to go through things like the guys on Peleliu and Okinawa
>really sit down and think about it for a while
>ya know.... it wouldn’t matter. No one is going to care about these stories aside from a select few people that study this shit
>I’m going to give myself ptsd, night terrors, flashbacks, and all that just to “impress people” that won’t think of me, or my stories ever again other than “this one time in a bar, a marine told me X!”
>decide to become a pog instead and set myself up for the future.

You don’t have to impress anyone, because trully, they don’t care.

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Go spend some time with vets who have been in the shit. As a kid my Dad's reserve unit was filled with Vietnam vets who had spent their 20's in Vietnam. They would speak of Vietnam fondly at times, and so does my Dad. They mostly speak of the comradery that comes from serving with others during tough times. The rush you feel storming into a room shooting at people, is going to be balanced, by watching your friends getting blown away and receiving a serious injury that fucks you up for the rest of your life. Lots of my Dad's friends had serious Burns and knee injuries. They didn't seem to happy about it walking with a limp and waking up with nightmares.

It's a natural part of human thinking. The aggressive warrior archetype is built into the human psyche. It's why as little boys we played with toy soldiers and toy guns.
It's sort of like the hunting instinct in animals, why a dog will eagerly chase a tossed stick and why a cat will ferociously attack a string dangled in its face. There's that innate instinctual tendency for violence and aggression.

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The article mentions studies done but doesn't link them.

It's called sadism.
You enjoy hurting other people.
You also probably have some unresolved complexes.
If you want it to stop, seek out psychological help.
If you want to indulge this feeling, seek out nearest BDSM club.

Christcuck get out.

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sure is summer

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t. edgy middle school fag

>fighting for israel
l o l

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Pretty sure 95% of it is le deus wult maymays and 5% is on some level actually serious, most probably couldn't even recite the Commandments by heart.

When you got something to lose and the enemy threatens it, you'll be running with fervor and purpose. When I was a teenager I wanted to feel the same rush you describe, but after finding out what my body was capable of in ROTC now I want to preserve it for when it will matter truly most.

The way I see it, who wants to be a reservist when the big one comes because you blew your knees out rucking in Afghanistan?

anons calling you crazy etc saying your dangerous are only half right.

A desire to fight is normal in some % of the population. A desire to do so in a morally correct way is a sign that you are not morally bereft. You want to do something but also do it in the right way. That desire is what keeps you from being crazy and keeps you from being a threat that needs to be put down. It's not incompatible with religion (see Psalm 144 and John the Baptist's orders to his soldiers).

If you don't go and find an outlet for this desire and instead just keep yourself under control it will go down as you age. Young men yearn for war, old ones not so much, fathers only rarely.

Some serious thinking is in order for you user. Why do you think this is good or bad? What is your philosophical/religious answer? What is the good life? What does it matter to you as a person if you don't go to war? And if you go? How can you be the man you ought to be?

A desire to fight for the right reason is good. Even taking joy in it is not bad. Take an analogy, liking rough sex isn't bad. Raping is. Finding a moral way to do what you like is at least morally neutral.

John The Baptists exhortation to the soldiers that came to him*

I just don't think its right to go into war hoping to kill someone for enjoyment or pleasure or whatever. Obviously two people in a battle are consenting to the fact that they may be killed by each other because they are there to engage and fight, so I see what you mean how the possibility of death is known to both parties and doesn't exactly count as murder but that should be a consequence of the objective not your end goal to just kill for enjoyment

Sounds like a cool videogame level but you have to be retarded wanting to go there because you'll be the little faggot getting spawn killed over and over

>moral responsibility
>what does it mean?
you psychos are unnerving.

The real sickos are the people who can look at the world and not be angry.

You can can shoot you in the head for free.

Consider it, because you're a delusional cunt that could get people hurt.

The world is tainted with sin and will continue to be that way until Christ and the Kingdom of God returns and purges the world of evil. Until then all we can do is spread the faith and welcome new people as brothers and sisters under God.

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t.couldn't make it through MEPS

>t. Probably hasn't even been in a fight

It never stops.

And how did you come to this conclusion, had any weapons and/or army training?