Why is Jow Forums so anti-Foreign Legion?

Why is Jow Forums so anti-Foreign Legion?

Attached: Legionnaire.jpg (249x502, 21K)

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Enjoy melanoma.

Because they do not want to compete with real desperate degenerates willing to be buttfucked hard for 5 years for French citizenship and the acumulated wages of those 5 years(that they couldn't spent between all the cocksucking)

I mostly dislike it because it's a means of letting immigrants into France. Fuck them.

How is that? A Legionnaire shot a guy in a train station last year. I dont see muzzies lining up to join their ranks.

>I dont see muzzies lining up to join their ranks.
ISIS had a lot of Foreign Legionaires, and Arma 2 dayz mod players.

It's mostly slavs so I have no problem with that

I think it has alot to do with the many accounts written by guys who served in it during the 80s and 90s, when it was shit. Examples being Marching with the Devil by David Mason, Making of a Legionnaire by Bill Parris and Mouth of Cocks *ahem* Rocks by Christian Jennings who apparently deserted after a year. The Legion almost ceased to exist during this period, there were no deployments, no funding and nothing meaningful for the Legion to do.

These days it doesn't seem to be the case. With the abundance of footage of the Legion in action in Mali and Afghanistan and training videos on social media and the fact they are equipped with the newest and best equipment I'de say its come a long way. Pic related.

Attached: 13dble-2017-hk416f-legionnaires.jpg (1200x800, 161K)

Probably because no one on Jow Forums would put up with a 5 year contract, shitty pay, 13 creases per dress shirt, no leave, limited freedom just for the sake of the units reputation and the chance of a deployment. Might aswell stay in their own militaries and put up with the PC bullshit, at least you can still own a play station and a car.

Because we all know the pathetic faggots making "hey guiz shud i join the legion because being a McWagie sucks xDDD" won't ever actually get the stones to do so.

Does anyone remember that Aussie Legionnaire from the REP who posted his pics here during the Mali campaign?

Is it? Most of Jow Forums is pretty reasonable about it, they warn you not to go there, that it isn't fun and that as a westerner you almost certainly have better options. It sucks a lot and only slavs or africans desperate for a western passport enlist.

Besides, the days anyone could join are long gone, they get to be super picky nowadays and you probably wouldn't pass selection.

think he flunked out of the legion?

Attached: 1527103173770.jpg (300x297, 31K)

>they get to be super picky
This. When I joined the regular army in 2003 it was short on manpower, there was 1 candidate for 1,7 jobs so the selection process only weeded out the most absolute retards and criminals. The same document said the Legion had 11 candidate per 1 opening so they could go nuts with the selection

They do have great PR, the whole romantic escape to the FFL really appeals to anglos for some reason.

Anglos have never been a major portion of the legion. It's historically been mostly krauts, swiss, spanish, italians and now slavs and niggers.

When he says anglos he means white people

But not even most white burgers are true anglos. Anglos is a very specific term.

>They do have great PR
Yeah and it's self-maintaining. They have a strong history so they get sent first when there's a hot spot, which adds to said strong history. They also get better funding then the regular army

They require you to have a certain amount of teeth to join.

>They also get better funding then the regular army
That must be new, they used to be badly underfunded. It probably changed with all the action they've seen since the late 90s.

>Why is Jow Forums so anti-Foreign Legion?
Not homoerotic enough

Attached: spanish-soldiers-5345.jpg (578x800, 271K)

They might have been underfunded but still better than the rest of the army. For example they had regular training in Guyana, meanwhile my unit that used to train in Norway once a year had that shit canceled forever because muh budget. Also these guys in the video are lucky, I was in Ivory Coast in 2004 and it was boring as fuck.

Sad but not uncommon. I knew this ALAT pilot that ended up grounded for most of his career because there was never any budget to make them fly.

>What is SPF 15, the post

One of my cousins was an ALAT pilot, they had fairly new Gazelles in their unit but they didn't fly them to preserve them. They trained with older models and one fine day his engine died and he had to crashland. Got away unharmed thankfully, but it shows how stupid things are. The army puts money into equipment to show off to foreign countries but then they don't let the men use it.

>Jow Forums
>anti-Foreign Legion
Oh god what year is it?