
i've been lurking here for a few months, (newfag i know) and i posted my dog a few times here, pic related.
he's been poisoned by one of my neighbors, all the vets in my area are closed, and i think it's too late.
what do i do, i'm a fucking mess right now, i've had him since he was a puppy, and he's just turned 1 a month ago.

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how'd they poison him? get that good boy to a doc ASAP OP

Well stop letting your fucking dogs roam around wherever the fuck they please.

I hate when my nigger mutt neighbors get in my yard and shit on my lawn, thats what happens.

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take him to a human doctor or a hospital. Leave now

Have you searched for animal hospitals instead of vets?
Is there a wildlife rescue place nearby?
Have you tried making your dog drink hydrogen peroxide?

Kill your neighbors.

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This too
Burn their house down and shoot anybody who leaves, then tell the cops you're a super undercover ATF agent to make it legal.

These, leave.

Force feed it charcoal man. Fuck. Get off 4chins and google your fucking ass off. That's your charge. You're responsibility. Did your dog wander off? Or did a neighbor drop something in your property. Don't be a pussy pull it together.


Charcoal and get the fuck to an animal hospital

op here, sorry for waiting i've just been laying with him, it's too late for that shit, he's been gone for two days now and just turned up on the edge of the woods
i was spending my last few moments with him, he turned over and started kicking, biting the air, now he's just crawled up into the driveway laying on his side, he's looking around and it's making me nervous

This isnt the board for this.

Go post this dumb shit somewhere else.

Hope your mutt dies faggot

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You are either a troll or a moron

What kind of poison did your neighbor use?

i live in a small town, there aren't any animal hospitals now, and the only vet closed 4 hours ago, before i got out of work.

/An/ buddy

don't think this is real

I think you're my hero

Prolly lookin around waiting for mr skeltal

i think rat poison, i honestly can't fucking tell because i have multiple neighbors around, all have dogs though, so i'm assuming it was further up the road about half a mile out of the property

Live stream How you kill the neighbors, make sure to shoot their corpses multiple times and splatter their brains and organs all over the place. Kill their friends too. Kill the cops when they arrive. Kill the swat team. Kill everyone in the military. Kill everyone in the country. Kill everyone in the world. Kill everything in existence. Then get killed by an angel, hehehehehe.

Also talking about the sick cunt ending in >192

Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot.

God youre a cringe tard

post zip code I'll find you emergency vets

Its probably dead now guessing from the lack of op responses

Are you a fucking retard? Honestly let it die, you're too stupid of an owner to know to take the fucking mutt to a 24 hr animal hospital. Btw how the fuck is this Jow Forums related? all you homos with your
>muh doggo

>be OP
>have one month old dog
>gay neighbors changed it into a cat
>gay neighbors changed me into a dog
>halp! how fix dog?
>barking no work and I'll get shot for my shoe string I left on my ak 47

Call the vets.

if this isn't a troll thread, you need to kill the dog, it's dying slow a painful death because you didn't take any actual action

Clearly the neighbors are the fucking atf. They're the ones killing dogs

Your on Jow Forums user. Do the right thing he’s suffered enough.

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Vets do emergencies OP...

Drive to the nearest emergency clinic even if its a state away you moronic cockbite. You became responsible for that fucker once you took him into your home. Follow that up with acquiring just recompense from your neighbor in whatever shape that happens to take. Nah mean?

OP here sorry that took so long. Hes doing a little better still kinda lethargic but im hoping he’ll pull threw till tomorrow so i can take him to the vet. Hes still not drinking anything or eating at all.

OP is a piece of shit. Don't get another animal you incompetent fuck.

give him hydrogen peroxide (the kind you get from the drug store near the rubbing alcohol, should only be 3% solution max) and force him to drink a spoonful. it will force him to throw up. after that, feed him activated charcoal (also from the drug store)

hurry up there is no time to waste. i really recommend getting to a vet ASAP but having been in this situation before, i can tell you there is no antidote, all they do is the same shit i just posted above. they force them to vomit, then give charcoal to help absorb the poison. then they put the dog on IV for hydration


It might not be a neighbor. where I'm from tweekers will poison or stab your dog them come back in a day or tow to rob your place! Keep an eye open regardless of it your puppers live!

You are a worthless faggot and you don't care. Sage

this. but save your dog first, then get your revenge

in my old neighborhood dogs were getting poisoned by a fucker who would put rat poison pellets in meatballs or hotdog slices and throw them over fences into peoples yards. i dont think they ever caught the fucker but after the news started reporting it he stopped

is your dog vomiting blood? (rat poison is common as the smell of it attracts dogs)

Well, the dog is only one year old. So you didn’t had him for that long. Just mercy kill him. For this type of dog, a 9mm will be enough.

is there foam around his mouth? did he vomit blood? is he bleeding from the mouth or the nose or eyes? if not, he might not be poisoned, maybe hes sick or suffering from internal infection. is his stomach distended? sometimes dogs have a problem where the stomach rolls inside their body and cuts off circulation and digestion

>reading comprehension doesnt allow me to do math

enjoy the ban newfag
eat shit nigger

No hes just pooping a lot and acting really lethargic.
He seems more ill than anything and his behavior is really odd/aggressive

I saged too.

Fuck you faggot

Can he walk properly?

Not really hes kinda stumbling around and niping at his paws and other things like The furniture around the house

Nigger, are you sure he doesn't have fucking Lyme disease? Take your dog to a professional. Get the fuck off 4chins and go before I tap your IP and report your ass to your local animal control. Stupid nigger.

Kind of sounds like it ate wild mushrooms. One would assume that chemical poisonings would start to produce at the very least renal or hepatic failure and in turn quite a noticeable amount of blood in the stool and distension in the abdomen.

So in 7 hours NO vet in within one hour of your locality has opened? The time youve spent sitting here for the last seven fucking hours could have been spent driving to a fuckin clinic? How are you this stupid?
You haven't even acknowledged the people here actually giving advice. Wtf is wrong with you mate?

Why the fuck is this shit still up? Some dumb faggots dog has an upset stomach and this is Jow Forums related? Fuck you mods you fucking stupid retards.

Dude are you fucking retarded? Did you miss read the part about being out in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. At 1am the nearest vet is a hour an a half away and won’t be open until 9am.

You are being a complete ass this entire time Jesus christ. What part of you thinks im not doing everything i can right now an have been sence i found him.

I haven’t adressed the rude people asshole. Read the thread.

Tap dat IP, homie.
If OP is trolling, he deserves the hassle
If OP is legit, he deserves to get fukt

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>What part of you thinks im not doing everything i can right now an have been sence i found him
In the past 7 hours since you started this thread, you could have driven well over 300 miles. Are you telling me that there isn't a SINGLE 24 hour vet within 300 miles of you? If this isn't a troll thread, it's certainly a thread started by an idiot that is worse than a hysterical woman in an emergency situation.

>What part of you thinks im not doing everything i can right now an have been sence i found him.

Because you have been posting on a Mongolian throat singing forum for (you)s for hours. You are a failure as a dog owner.

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An hero buckaroo, /out/, /an/ and Jow Forums have had a relationship way before you came along

No. Git.

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Goddamn fucking edgy summerfag pieces of shit stealing the fucking quads kill yourself

I WAS TOO DRUNK TO DRIVE! There i said it. Your right guys i am a bad pet owner. I feel terrible, and if he doesn’t make it I’m probably gunna end it all.

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You're a gigantic faggot who doesn't deserve a dog if you come to Jow Forums and ignore anybody who hurts your feelings. The wrong animal got poisoned.

>Facebook filename
>Wojak poster
>Can't deal with those mean Jow Forums people
>Bad pet owner


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Cool. Have fun. Use a KSG. Or, you know, eat your dog so you suffer the same fate.

Aaaaaaaand here's where we get to the point that OP reveals how fake the whole thread is.
>I was too drunk over a 7 hour period to drive, but I could find my way to Jow Forums, hold down multiple conversations in perfectly legible english, and describe situations unfolding with perfect clarity of observation
Fun while it lasted, but anybody that takes this shit even halfway seriously after this point is a fucking retard.

>uses proper punctuation. Minimal errors

Hmmm. Smells like bait.

this guy has to be canadian. 100% OP is a maplefag

he sounds pretty normal, you seem like the weird one faggot

weirdos get out eeeeeeee