I just went shooting yesterday at my favorite spot. No range officers. No people. No bullshit. Until now

I just went shooting yesterday at my favorite spot. No range officers. No people. No bullshit. Until now.

After I started unloading with my bumpstock. A man and his wife on a 4 wheeler rode up and asked us to stop shooting. Apparently they just bought the farm next door.

They told me that we were on goverment land and I was allowed to shoot legally. But they would appreciate if I didnt shoot anything supersonic or fully automatic.

Should I comply, or play hard headed? Its the best spot for 100s of miles and I really like it

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Do you care about their opinion of you? If they dislike you, can they do anything about it legally? If the answer to both of these questions is "no", fire away.

Try coming to an agreement. Maybe they like to shoot as well, you could schedule shooting dates there with them.

I'd be the good neighbor. They asked politely so I'd be polite back. Maybe work out an arrangement that can satisfy both of you. Maybe a certain day or time they're always out of the house.

invite them to shoot

Buy silencers.

Stop shooting supersonic. And buy suppressors. Itll be more expensive but way funner.

It depends, were these the kind of people that just don't want to suddenly hear automatic fire at 3pm on Sunday, or the kind of people that buy a house near an airport and demand they move the airport because the planes are too loud?

Maybe they're willing to buy or chip in for a suppressor? You can be the most gun rights guy in the world, doesn't make loud shooting near your home not annoying, so let them know you understand that, and try to get them to understand your side of it- tell them what you just told us, best spot for 100s of miles, been coming here for x years, however often (i.e. you're not about to give up your favorite shooting spot), and say you'd happily help them out by shooting suppressed but as it's really for their benefit, you'd appreciate some help with the cost.

to add: they just presumably dropped many thousands of dollars on the property, what's 800 bucks on top for the "quiet" feature package?

they specifically mentioned supersonic and aren't ignorant of full auto being legal, so they clearly have a moderate knowledge of guns

>They told me that we were on goverment land and I was allowed to shoot legally. But they would appreciate if I didnt shoot anything supersonic or fully automatic.
Tell them to mind their business. If you live outside city limits, expect to hear guns. If you don't like it, move back to the suburbs.

Whats wrong with shooting guns at 3pm on a Sunday?

If you're answer is anything other than be polite and come to an agreement you're underage. The guy asked politely, and you don't want to fuck up the best shooting spot in 100miles do you, OP?

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If someone told me that they just bought the parcel next to one of mine and that they don't want me to shoot anything loud then they could get bent. I would be considerate and not shoot before reasonable people would be awake or whatever, but no supersonic is a pretty big limitation for someone to expect you to abide by, and I have several suppressor and do shoot a lot of subsonics.

You can be neighborly and considerate, but if you are obeying the law, they need to respect your right to use public or your property as well.

Hardly the best spot to shoot at if someone is complaining about noise. If it's government land, it's time to get the government involved.

Fuck 'em.
Neighbors called the cops on me one night. Cop repeatedly said "but its OK, its your property"
I do the tracers/glow sticks/tannerite party at least twice a month now.

If they don't like it, they can buy 5,000 acres in Alaska.

If it is your property like you own it and they are just the neighbors TELL THEM TO GET FUCK AND GTFO YOUR PROPERTY THIS IS AMERICA BITCH!!! If it's not your property then don't do that

How far away is their farm?
I can hear people shooting on the next door mountain, but I never bother them about it. They don’t even shoot that often.
I feel like these people need to just get over or get used to someone shooting occasionally. It’s not a big deal. Welcome to rural America. Please assimilate.

300-400 yards. Across a creek. The tree line. And an extra field. I dont even have LOS

Are they boomers? They’re probably the same kind of people who move to the country and cut down all the trees on their property and make it look like the same dead suburb they came from.

If they buy any property in Alaska that’s even remotely close to a city they can expect random shooter and hunters.

>they just bought the farm next door
They can get fucked. You were there first. Don't like it? Tell them to fucking do something or stfu before you have to do it for them....if you get my drift.

You could act like a nigger and tell them to shove it and fuck off, or you could come to a civil agreement like a good human being.

I don't really see how shooting nearby is annoying, but then I've lived about 500yd away from a private club/range for pretty much my whole life. Best part of the whole deal is people's reactions when they don't know at first or I forget to tell them.

If they asked you nicely, then don't be a douchebag user.

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Without LOS and across a treeline at that distance it's probably not very noisy outside and I doubt it can be heard over a television or radio inside.

Invite them over for dinner and talk it over.

This is a good post. I like this post.

>I don't really see how shooting nearby is annoying
Yeah, I can't imagine how people would think loud noises in their home is bothersome!


bring them on a hunting trip. you know what to do

the best post even

I shoot on singe land with a few nearby houses. Constantly shooting at these. Every now and then someone pulls up and i assume they're going to complain, which is understandable, but they strays introduce themselves, see what's up and run to their house and grab their funs.
Last guy i met there was an iraq vet with hardcore ptsd. Thought i was going to die that day. He's cool, just really emotional while shooting

>some land*
Phone posting like some faggot

tears of joy?

>go shooting
>some guy comes up to complain with his buddy
>none of them have guns on
>he seems really slow and his buddy doesnt talk at all
>my buddy, after introductions, says sorry for fidgeting with his carry while the guy was walking up like a spaz
>slow brain damaged guy says "I couldve disarmed you and paralyzed you before I announced myself"
>laugh it off. Guy shows us better shooting spot on the land
>gets back to us all together
>starts talking again how he could disarm us and how he knew these woods
>hes 5'6 and 300 lbs
>I only know because he kept talking about how he lost 80
>tells me about best pulled pork in town
>it actually is

Oh the souls you meet in the woods

Tears of 'if i was slightly more tan id probably get killed'

you should have let him disarm you. might have enjoyed it, teehee

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>5'6" 300 lbs
Yeah you wouldn't hear him stomping through the trees and breathing heavily from a mile away.
>pulls pork
Did you let him pull yours?

You're on government land. You don't need to follow anything they say. Are you more than 500 feet from their house? If so then it's not your problem

So if I asked if I could fuck your wife, you should politely come to an agreement with me or you're underage

mhmm sure kiddo

this. make it beneficial to both parties

Legally you can tell them to get bent, but it's best not to be a ass, they can make your life difficult if they're petty enough. Maybe just arrange that you shoot them a text beforehand so they don't get surprised by random "automatic" gunfire. As for shooting subsonics, that's extra work for you having to find subsonic ammo/change out your reloading to have subsonics, so that's probably not gonna happen. Just establish some time that you want to use the land and don't go out shooting around certain times. For example, some people don't like to hear gunfire when they're eating dinner.

I'd say abide by their wishes. They seemed polite by your telling. You don't want to be that menace to them.

Not a bad idea.

I’d just like to say this whole thread is very wholesome. Bunch of law abiding people discussing how they’re going to keep good relations with their neighbors while having fun with guns. Stay wholesome Jow Forums.