It's been 10 years.
Was it Jow Forumsino?
It's been 10 years.
Was it Jow Forumsino?
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Ending was shit
Pretty meh movie. Meh car too.
rip selfless man :(
It was too good of an ending. I would have been dissapointrd if it ended any other way . It's the ending I deserve not the one I want.
>muh racist old man
Wow that movie with an old white man saying the word g**k a lot is REALLY kino. I bet you think Death wish is kino too, you gun virgins.
pleb filter
gook detected
considering the high level of completely unnecessary racism?
Yeah I am sure Jow Forumsfags would love it
>racist loser main character with no friends and no future
>family dodges him due to racism and garbage personality
>pussy shit that pulls a gun every time he is about to get his ass beat
>no legacy except his guns and possessions which will all be sold for cash
Yep, Jow Forumsincarnate
same fag
GetOffMyLawn: The Movie
I haven't unironically said this in years, but go back to tumblr
thanks for the (you)
>some white dude sacrifices himself for some gooks
you get the fuck back to Jow Forums
Jow Forums is a progressive board fuckstick
>completely unnecessary racism
Wasn't that kind of the point the movie? He was a racist because of his life experiences, not because he was a mean old white devil, and he grew past that as a person without being steeped in some PC bullshit.
They were still gooks, but he learned to like gooks.
So old white guys should be commiting suicide to save gooks that move into their neighborhoods and start killing each other? I'll pass
Did you watch the movie? Part of Walt's character development is becoming more tolerant.
Hey can you leave this board please?
And literally gets murdered by them while the "good" gooks inherit his valuables. Beautiful story to show why we should all be more inclusive
>any film with guns in it is automatically Jow Forumsino
Are you intentionally missing the point or has Jow Forums really rotted your brain this bad?
Let me guess, you think that something as trashy as 9 Rota was Jow Forumsino?
>put the pleb filter at the end of the movie
what did they mean by this?
It's an example of the "final exam" technique also known as the reverse pleb filter.
>I can only take things at face value, and have no ability to consider a bigger picture unless it's literally spoonfed to me
As long as it's only a squirrel on the lawn. Otherwise she'll need something bigger.
^ underrated post. Muh niggah.
so was the holocaust.
>not watching movies backwards
You know the answer
>>pussy shit that pulls a gun every time he is about to get his ass beat
>legitimately expecting a 70 year old man to hold his own against three 20-something dindus
Whites are physically inferior I know
This just made Walt all the more pathetic and dishonorable when he pulled the gun every fucking time
White men do routinely get their asses kicked by all other men but thats not the point and you know it
Fuck I hate summer
shut fuck up summerfag
>thinking chick lean is acceptable because of the ass
user pls
It's more Jow Forumsino than Gran Torino, not many films about that war.
It tries to be Russian "Full Metal Jacket" but it degenerates into Michael Bay-tier crap
Den of thieves > heat
If you're at any level intimate than the chick lean is an invitation to come up from behind her and put a hand on her lower back while you correct her posture.
>thinking chick lean isn't a perfectly reasonable technique for anything other than """DYNAMIC GUN RUNNING"""
What is the tacticool mall ninja equivalent of fuddlore
Also made by someone who really believes in ww1 war strategy.
The only time either side starts taking ground and killing the enemy is when they get out of their positions and stay slowly walking towards the enemy in a line
the holocaust was a lie, the car is cool
The wigger is Scott Eastwood
>forever having a record of calling your son a pussy
Truly an alpha
>Calls em spooks
>They dont quite realize what he means
I love it.
We used to stack fucks like you five feet high in Korea... use you for sandbags.
pretty shit honestly. only good part was when he pulled the gun on the niggers.
Jow Forums is pol with guns
Deal with it
yet the big bad white man sacrificed himself for the gooks.
god you pathetic pansy-ass "racism is real and hurtful" pussies are part of the problem
Your fedora's showing.
Even if this is bait, this is a complete garbage opinion.
>progressive board
you fagets are worse than the stormniggers.
shove your forced meme up your ass, then go use an exit bag.
The ending song is nice
>FixYourFuckingPosture,Slut: The post
>not using a real gun
I didn't notice this while watching the movie.
Did we watch the same movie? Did you literally not see how it ended?
Jow Forums is Jow Forums, both of you fuck off
I used to stack anons like you 5 feet tall and use them as sandbags in Korea!
Get bent faggot
The chubb gook was a qt.
His grandchildren are garbage-tier.
It's not about what he does at the end, it's about turning his neighbor into a man.
It's saying as long as we have live men, and dead thugs, things can still be turned around.
It's Clint's "Shootist"
Shame he went to do crap like American Sniper
He realized he is not rambo enough to kill 'em all by him self. He also realized that if gook junior helps he will spend a life in prison at best, and wont be much help cuz he cant shoot anyway. He was also gonna die within a month from his illness anyway.
You cant even type out the word....what an absolute homosexual pussy.
No faggot, Jow Forums is about guns, and the best thing anyone can ever do with a gun is kill a non-white person, so its only natural and efficient that Jow Forumsomandos are racist as fuck.
>When you have no children your government betrayed you and the closest thing you have to family is a QT gook girl and her retard brother and you're dying of cancer
No a beautiful story about how non of those problems would ever occur in a 100% white country.
>commiting suicide
He was terminal
Your pulling that out of your ass
Whites get beat up by groups a lot cause nigs will always jump into a fight to attack a white guy
>White guys only lose fights because fights happen
Yes, I'd say the days of the roadside duel have come and gone...