Do you need to be physically fit to be a police officer?

Do you need to be physically fit to be a police officer?

Attached: copnapping.webm (480x480, 2.13M)

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You have to be able to climb a flight of stairs without dropping dead to get through the academy but after that... No, no you do not.

being heavier probably makes you more imposing too

Where in western Europe was this filmed?

No, they just need to be too heavy to pick up
T. Burger

Attached: 1523070332710.jpg (614x464, 73K)

IMO only 6'> tallbois should be allowed to own firearms

You don't have to be fit, Sane, Have a grip on emotional/anger issues, or even have hardly any training.... As long as you will follow ANY order because well"Just doing my job" and will never question the morality or legality of wtf you do on the daily your cool....Also you must be completely ignorant to laws, as its "not their job to know the laws"

Attached: police training.jpg (960x960, 99K)

>under 6'

>I failed 2nd grade math

the gators are hard, I getcha

I think we can agree that 5 foot manlets cant own firearms, but I'm sure we can expand it so that if the floor of your height is less than or equal to 5, you cant own guns. Is that ok?

come and take them lanklet

No. you just have to be a mouth breather with delusions of grandeur.

whoa, settle down there Napoleon

Obviously not.

Attached: 1522810113956.jpg (640x360, 63K)

he cute!

agreed fellow tallboi
a masterful use of concealment by truly the best of our policing officials

>Napoleon was 5'7"
>Avg height in France in 1800 was 5'2"
>Napoleon was above average

I'm sorry, 5'7" is still manlet-tier. The numbers don't lie.

Attached: manletchart.jpg (915x678, 216K)

In 1800 France it was Amazonian.

No one cares about 1800's France, we're talking about now. Napoleon now would be a turbo manlet, and if you are 5'7" (Napoleon tier) then so are you.

>tfw 6'7"

The worst thing is it's hard to find clothes.

Attached: epe_.jpg (421x421, 302K)

Peak perfect
Now if only I could get the superior level of muscle mass

>not counting people who don't have the shoulders of a trout
>mfw 6'6 broad-shoulder masterrace

Not everyone over 6'5 is lanky, faggot. Different body types exist. Saged.

>making fun of someone for being short
They should have maced that faggot and then shot him for "assaulting a police officer".

Found the OshKosh B'gosh shopper.

Depends on department. Some will demand you be fit like the nypd, some don't even have physical fitness beyond "a doctor said you don't drop dead from lifting 15lbs"
Honestly if you want lower standards go rural. Rural Tennessee basically only wants no felony or drugs and then you are golden
If that doesn't work, try corrections they are even more desperate

Attached: Screenshot_20180520-171455.png (1920x1080, 1.48M)

This meme is a lie and depends on state. Alabama doesn't require any licensing of barbers.
Additionally more hours of training doesn't mean "more" I doubt your interior designer has been maced

You're way too angsty at this point in your young life, or you're a terrible troll. You're supposed to say contrarian shit that has at least a hint of truth to it. Otherwise nobody gets upset.

Holy shit, you get shot for that in NYC. Where the fuck was this and what happened to that dude? Looks like some airport in Europe

>TFW 5' 8" fireplug manlet
Feels good. I'm pretty happy down here.

It's the same training the marines have.

Do you think by 2030 manlets will learn?

Cops are still winning the war on manletism.

Attached: unlawfulmanletism.webm (432x766, 1.51M)

Not that user, but hes right

t. know a few cops who are semi-fit physically and DEFINITELY not mentally, but they follow orders blindly so heres your gun