Glock be jammin like a bitch

glock be jammin like a bitch

357 revolver better?

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It's okay user, we're all friends here. Now show everybody what you did to your Glock.

shill whore
glocks suck

plastic shit

Yes. 100%. After I saw that video I'm turning in my glocks to the police station to be melted down into a holocaust memorial statue

Yes, actually. Some shooters just have weak wrists which cause glocks to jam and stovepipe. Rolling your wrists back when firing a revolver is totally ok. Go for it OP.

Nothing beats a good revolver.

how do i fucking fix this

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You buy something that isn't sperg plastic

it's advance polymer blend you fudd

Polymer is just a description of the way the molecules align you dipshit, it's still plastic.

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Dunno, it's not Glock OEM but you probably still went tard tantrum on it when you fucked up the milling.

Advance polymer blend for that extra-smooth, double rich flavor.

Why does Jow Forums have such a diamond dick for Gluck? They are the biggest meme when it comes to firearms. Just get a Springfield.

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lol are you joking?

Not in the slightest. Fight me

yea thanks for admitting I'm right you stupiid idiot

That cream smk smk smk that vanilila

Who? I've never heard of that company

The gun with a logo that literally laughs at you for having bought it.

when my wrists get weak i jam it in my pussy and point my hips downrange

Goes bang when its dirty as fuck, eats up all ammo, only problem is if you get a squib load.


My Glock 21 has never had a malfunction but I've seen revolvers jam

if your glock is jamming a lot, clean it.

you'll never feel under-armed with a .357

amen to that. they're a man's gun

>I've seen revolvers jam

>Cylinder out of alignment because too many faggot flips open and shut
>Bullet creep
>Spontaneous hillary hole activation
>Some faggot fucked with the springs or trigger and it took a shit
>Shit got under ejector star and refuses to lie flat enough to let the cylinder shut

>Bent moonclip
>Ammo takes a shit requiring beating the ejector rod on a hard surface/with tool and hopefully not tearing the rim off the casing (And potentially fucking the cylinder out of alignment)

Why not both?

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